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The Hedgehop Concept is interesting in that Collin compares the simplicity of the hedgehog to the beautiful fox (Wexler, Wycoff, & Fischer, 2007). Collin was incorrect on how Wells Fargo reported thei
The Hedgehop Concept is interesting in that Collin compares the simplicity of the hedgehog to the beautiful fox (Wexler, Wycoff, & Fischer, 2007). Collin was incorrect on how Wells Fargo reported their successes after 2001. He was incorrect because he did not understand how the Bank Wells Fargo reported their success, achievements, or victories. He saw that the company has their success through the profit of the employee’s strategy. He was wrong because later in 2016, it was proven that the company had experienced major debts of $1.2 billion for housing settlement. This showed that the company relied their success on profit by loans.
There were many factors and influences that played a role in the fail of the hedgehog strategy. They had the idea of forming a scheme to fraud customers. They came up with the plan to use the customers’ details and personal information to form phony accounts. The customers had no idea of these actions. They used the customers information, which is illegal, and their unethical actions resulted in the company receiving a large number of fines. The profits became in danger. This was because the employees were inexperienced in this company. The failure of leadership comes from the CEO. The CEO authorized the inexperienced employees to create the accounts using the customers information without their knowledge or consent. The CEO authorized illegal activity. To be a leader in the company and to be a great company, the leader know that in order to go from good to great many things are requires such as surpassing competence and leaders need to be a great example by following the laws and promoting justice in their organization (Collins, J. 2001). As a leader you are the one that other look up to and receive their guidance from. According to Ortmeier and Meese, an ethical (2001). A leader is one who possess a philosophical moral foundation upon which behaviors and decisions are focused on If the leader is not doing what is right the followers will not because they think what the leader is doing is correct. The unethical behavior of a leader and followers can reflect any organization in a negative way. They will fail because they will lose their current customers, others will not want to be customers because they fear the unethical behavior, and they will eventually get caught. If they get caught it can result in fines or worst being closed. If the company have ethical leaders who show their employees the correct way to do their job and disciple bad behavior or actions, they will have growth and success.
Collins, J. (2001). Good to great: Why some companies make the leap and others don’t. New York, NY: Harper Collins.
Meese, E., & Ortmeier, P. (2001). Leadership, ethics, and policing: Challenges for the 21st century. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Wexler, C., Wycoff, M. A., & Fischer, C. (2007). Good to great policing: application of business management principles in the public sector.
250-word reply to classmate threads. The reply requires a minimum of 1 properly formatted citation. Each reply must be completed by you, the individual student. Additionally, each thread and reply must reflect a solid Christian worldview through the use of at least 1 Holy Bible reference.
Responding to a classmate’s post requires both the addition of new ideas and analysis. A particular point made by the classmate must be addressed and built upon by your analysis in order to move the conversation forward. Thus, the response post is a rigorous assignment that requires you to build upon initial posts to develop deeper and more thorough discussion of the ideas introduced in the initial posts. As such, reply posts that merely affirm, restate, or unprofessionally quarrel with the previous post(s) and fail to make a valuable, substantive contribution to the discussion will receive appropriate point deductions.