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The Ideas _ Mod 4

Case Assignment

In a well-written, 4- to 5-page paper (not including cover and reference pages), apply Duty Ethics to the Mattel case study.

  1. Briefly (1-2 paragraphs) describe what is meant by duty ethics.
  2. Choose two ethical issues raised by the Mattel case (e.g., Mattel’s treatment of company employees would be a good choice of ethical issues).
  3. Apply duty ethics to your two Step 2 choices. How does use of duty ethics as a lens inform the ethical nature of your two choices? Remember that duty ethics concerns duty and rights, so be sure to address both in your written analysis.
  4. Be sure to include at least two sources from the library to support your discussion and analysis. 
  5. Be sure that you properly cite your sources using proper APA style, and use proper in-text citations.
  6. Follow the guidelines in The Student Guide to Writing a High Quality Academic Paper
  7. You are expected to demonstrate evidence of critical thinking – as defined in the Module 2 background materials and the grading rubric.
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