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The initial essay post with well referenced facts and 2 peer responses are due by Sunday, 11:55 p.m Using your textbook and internet resources...answer the following for your follow-up discussion.  De

The initial essay post with well referenced facts and 2 peer responses are due by Sunday, 11:55 p.m Using your textbook and internet resources...answer the following for your follow-up discussion. 

Declaration of Independence----

Pick one Founding Father and explain to the class how they dealt with the new American nation and the issue of Slaves and Slavery?

Explain if they were for or against keeping slavery in America and what they did politically to ensure their choice was heard.

Remember a FOUNDING FATHER is someone who was involved in the Founding of our nation so they were alive and working in government from 1774 to 1814.  Please note this education will showcase History that will contradict your earlier education...some of the founding fathers had no intention in freeing slaves due to their income relied on slave labor. And some politicians never wanted to abolish slavery because the economy of the new nation depended on the resources labored by slaves. Please read: Slavery and the Founding Fathers.  Of the Constitutional Convention participants- 49% of the delegates were slave owners = 55 delegates/27 owned slaves.

Respond to two of your peers' posts by Sunday by 11:55pm EST.

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