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The paper must be 10-pages long and written in PROPER APA style (Running head, heading and subheadings, title, abstract of roughly 80-100 words, university, name, references). The paper needs to have

The paper must be 10-pages long and written in PROPER APA style (Running head, heading and subheadings, title, abstract of roughly 80-100 words, university, name, references). The paper needs to have at least 5 current academic journal references in APA Style. The citations/references must be from the following sources: think tanks, organizational material used for lobbying or persuasion purposes, content from religious or social groups, organization documents, newspaper articles, academic journals, conference proceedings, etc. All of the aforementioned sources are perfectly acceptable references to use (Wikipedia and the textbook are not acceptable sources). The abstract, page title, and reference page(s) do not count toward the total page number.

The term paper must be a public issue or event paper. Furthermore, the topic has to be a contextually driven (current event, time, and place along with relevancy) matter with which any public sector organization is involved. If a topic is an issue (current), and you have identified clearly which (if not several) public sector organization(s) is involved along with a background of the issue; include those who are involved; positions of those involved; those who are affected; what was done to address the issue and how it was done (if any); what the results were if any; what is your thought about the way the issue was addressed or should be addressed based on your knowledge of organizational behavior and administrative communications. AN ISSUE IS A TOPIC WHICH RAISES PUBLIC DEBATE (MEANING THERE IS CONTRADICTION OF VIEWS) WHERE ANY Public Sector Organization OFFICIALS DESCRIBE CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF A PROBLEM, ATTRIBUTE RESPONSIBILITY TO INDIVIDUALS, AND MAKE PROPOSALS TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM. ADDITIONALLY, AN ISSUE CAN BE A TOPIC WHEREBY THE PUBLIC IS DIVIDED INTO PROS AND CONS ABOUT THE ISSUE AND OFFERS OPPOSING VIEWS OR POLICIES (ALMOST THE SAME AS ABOVE).

If the topic is an event (current or past), the paper should include a background of the event, those who are/were involved or affected, positions of those involved if any, what was done with regard to the event and how it was done, what the results were if any, what is your thought about the way the event was dealt with or should be dealt with based on your knowledge of public administration and experience. AN EVENT CAN BE A WAR, TERRORIST ATTACK, HURRICANE, OR OTHER OCCURRENCES OF PUBLIC CONSEQUENCE requiring involvement of a public sector organization.

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