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The project sponsors of the U.S. Student Aid Data project want you to participate in the project debrief meeting. You are to provide information around the methodology and practices you used to develo

The project sponsors of the U.S. Student Aid Data project want you to participate in the project debrief meeting. You are to provide information around the methodology and practices you used to develop the database and the reporting tools used to answer the project questions.

Refer to the U.S. Student Aid Data assignments you completed throughout this course to prepare your debrief report. Previous assignments may need to be revised with instructor feedback.

Document the following for the project sponsors:

-An explanation of the schema selected to develop the database, including:   -A summary of any schema discrepancies you found and how you resolved them   -The process and considerations you used to select the best schema for the database-The strategy you used to optimize and incorporate best practices into the SQL used to develop the databases, including strengths and weaknesses of the techniques you used-The strategy used to transform from one schema to another-The challenges encountered while preparing the data for analysis-The strategy used to clean the data-The tools you selected for integrating various database elements, including the strengths and weaknesses of these tools-Screenshots, diagrams, and other images as needed to support your summary-Practices you will replicate or avoid in similar projects based on your experiences with this project

Present your summary as:

A 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document

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