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The purpose of this analysis and project is for you to apply the key theoretical concepts of the class:

The purpose of this analysis and project is for you to apply the key theoretical concepts of the class: Using appropriate mathematical skills to interpret social studies information, researching and using secondary sources, and transferring this statistical information and research into your own words.

1.  Data analysis: Using the tables and charts found in Blackboard with this assignment, answer the 4 questions asked on the following page. You will present this information in part three of this assignment.

2.  Secondary sources research: Once you complete the data analysis, do an Internet search to find out which political party (Republican or Democrat) tends to benefit when incomes increase or decrease (in other words, which party has more wealthy voters and which party has more poor voters).  Find three secondary sources (not including the census website) to support your answer. You will present this information in part three of the assignment.

3.  PowerPoint

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