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The purpose of this assignment is for students to conduct some preliminary research to developa draft of theproblem statement for the research

The purpose of this assignment is for students to conduct some preliminary research to develop a draft of the problem statement for the research project. Please read the "Research Project Requirements" document thoroughly before beginning your preliminary research. Remember that a problem statement is not a question, but an affirmative statement of the problem you have identified. As stated in the "Requirements" document, this draft statement should be one or two paragraphs in length and provide a fairly brief discussion of the problem, which will be more thoroughly developed in the final paper. I will review this draft statement and offer my comments as to whether or not it should be narrowed or broadened, and whether or not it will fit well into the required structure of the paper. 

Research Project - Due 1/27/2019

In this project, the focus will be on the application of the conceptual ideas central to the course to a specific problem. Posted below is the "Research Project Requirements" document that explains in great detail the requirements for this project. Also posted below is the rubric which will be used to score the research project submitted by each student. Many of the requirements outlined in the first document in regard to sources, and spelling, punctuation, and grammar apply to the weekly case assignments and exercises as well. Please don't hesitate to ask questions regarding these requirements well in advance of the due date (Tuesday of Week Nine) for this paper. If you are unfamiliar with formatting requirements, please visit the University Writing Center, a link to which may be found at (click on "A-Z" in the lower right-hand corner, then on 'W', then on "Writing Center"), or purchase a copy of the APA Manual.

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