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The purpose of this assignment is to develop students' abilities to combine the knowledge of descriptive statistics covered in Weeks 1 and 2 and one-sample

Purpose of Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to develop students' abilities to combine the knowledge of descriptive statistics covered in Weeks 1 and 2 and one-sample hypothesis testing to make managerial decisions. In this assignment, students will learn how statistical analysis is used in predicting an election winner in the first case. In the second case, students will conduct a hypothesis test to decide whether or not a shipping plan will be profitable.

Assignment Steps

Resources: Microsoft Excel®, Case Study Scenarios, SpeedX Payment Times

Develop a 700- to 1,050-word statistical analysis based on the Case Study Scenarios and SpeedX Payment Times. 

Include answers to the following: 

Case 1: Election Results 

  • Use 0.10 as the significance level (α).
  • Conduct a one-sample hypothesis test to determine if the networks should announce at 8:01 P.M. the Republican candidate George W. Bush will win the state.

Case 2: SpeedX

  • Use 0.10 and the significance level (α).
  • Conduct a one-sample hypothesis test and determine if you can convince the CFO to conclude the plan will be profitable.

Format your assignment consistent with APA format.

Plagiarism Free and please show work with the excel worksheet  

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******* ************* ********** *************** ***** *** ******** *********** ** ******** for ********* ****** ***** place *** ********** networks ****** regular programming and ******* ******* election ******** **** the ballots *** ******* *** ******* *** ******** ******* *** ********* ******* **** as president ** ******* ** ***** ****** *** ******** ******** ******* to *** ***** **** ** *** ***** ** predict a ****** **** is **** through **** ***** wherein a ****** sample ** voters who **** the ******* booth ** asked *** **** **** voted **** *** **** the ****** ********** ** voters ********** *** ********** is computed ********** testing is ******* to ********* whether ***** ** ****** ******** ** ***** *** ******* ********* **** ****** ****** ***** ** winSuppose ** the **** **** **** the ***** ** Florida ****** *** 2000 **** elections *** ********* ******** only *** ***** ** *** *** ********** *** *** *** ****** of ******** ******** Al **** *** Republican ****** * **** ** * ****** ** 765 ****** *** number ** ***** **** *** ** **** was *** and the ****** of votes **** for George * Bush was 407 *** ******* ******** the ********* ** a winner if ** **** more than 50% ** the ***** *** ***** ***** ** **** ** ***** ** *** sample ******* ******* a ********** hypothesis **** ** ********* ** *** networks ****** ******** ** 8:01 ** *** ********** candidate ****** * **** will *** the ***** *** *** ** *** ************ ***** ********** ** ******** ******* ****** *** ** *** ************ ***** (α)•Conduct * ********** ********** **** ** determine ** *** ******** should announce ** **** ** *** ********** ********* George * Bush **** win the ********* this **** ** **** ** **** ******* *** data is ****** ****** evidence at 010 significance ***** to conclude **** that ********** ** voters who ***** *** ****** * **** ** **** **** *** **** *** hypotheses we want ** **** areH0: p *** *** *** *** * **** ****** **** ** * right tailed one sample **** *** ********** **** * * **** *** ********** ** the **** *********** **** to *** Considering a *** significance level *** ********* ****** *** **** ************* Critical value * **** * 128From *** given ***** test statistic * * 17716As ** *** *** **** *** **** ********* ** ******* ** *** ********* region **** *** **** ********** ****** ** ******** ** *** significance ***** *** ********** ***** on the ****** is that the **** is giving ****** evidence so *** ******* ****** ******** at 8:01 ** **** *** ********** ********* ****** * Bush **** *** the ******************* ***** *** ************ * large ******* ******* ***** invoices ** ********* requesting ******* ****** ** **** *** **** ***** ** ******* *** ********* *** expected ** *** ***** *** ********* ** ****** their ******** ********* the **** and ******** deviation of *** ****** ** time taken ** *** ***** *** 24 **** *** * days ************ The ***** ********* ******* (CFO) ******** ********* * ******* ************** envelope ***** ******** *** amount of time *** ********** *** ******** **** **** from * 2-day ******** ** the ******* period would *** *** *** ***** ** the envelopes *** ****** *** have an *** **** the ********** of ******* *** **** for ****** as * ******** ******* *** of **** job duties ** to *** ********* *** ******* *** ******* ** the ****** management *** ******** decision-making *** *** **** ** ** *********** ** ******* some of the skills *** ****** ** *** ********** ****** Because ** **** strong ************* *** background ** inferential ********** you ****** ** take up **** important ********** *** **** ******* *** analysis in *********** ********** ****** with ******** ** **** *** ******* ****** you ****** to ******** ****** *** ********* *** ******* ** ******* * stamped ************** ******** **** their invoices *** CFO accepts your ******** and ****** you to *** * pilot study You **** ****** *** ******* of **** until ******* ** ******** Using **** *********** expertise *** ****** you ****** ** *** class ******* * ********** ********** test and ********* ** *** *** ******** the CFO to conclude **** the **** will ** profitable *** *** and *** significance ***** ********** 010 *** *** significance level ************** * ********** ********** **** *** determine ** *** *** ******** the *** ** ******** *** **** **** be ************** ** *** *** *** **** ***** be profitable ** *** average numbers ** **** ***** ******* ** ******** ********* ** **** **** * days ***** *** ********** which needed ** ** ****** ****** µ *** ** *** H1: ** **** 22We can *** **** is * **** tailed **** *** single ********** **** ** *** population standard ********* ** ***** ** * ****** *** mean is the most appropriate testConsidering * *** ************ level *** ********* region *** **** statistic< ******** ***** * ***** * -128From *** given ***** **** statistic * * ******** we can *** **** *** test ********* is *** ******* in the rejection ****** **** *** **** hypothesis should *** ** ******** ** *** ************ level *** conclusion ***** ** *** result ** **** *** **** ** *** ****** ****** ******** **** the **** ***** be ******************

Click here to download attached files: Resources Microsoft Excel.xlsx
Click here to download attached files: Solution for QNT561_r9_Case_Study_Scenarios_Week_5 (2).doc.docx
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