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The requirement is to write an essay that addresses the following items: • Conduct research to determine three types of computer crime. Please provide a detailed description for all crimes, and shaT

The requirement is to write an essay that addresses the following items: • Conduct research to determine three types of computer crime. Please provide a detailed description for all crimes, and sha

The requirement is to write an essay that addresses the following items: • Conduct research to determine three types of computer crime. Please provide a detailed description for all crimes, and sha

 The requirement is to write an essay that addresses the following items: • Conduct research to determine three types of computer crime. Please provide a detailed description for all crimes, and share an example of where an organization was impacted by each of the types. • Elaborate on how the impact of computer crime is quantified. Please share at least two examples. • Include at least four (4) reputable sources. • Your final paper should be 1,000-to-1,250-words, and written in APA Style.

Note: Mention references in seperate page.

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**************** ***** *** *********************************** ***** *** ************************** ************* ************ ** **** ** *********** **** ********** **** ***** through *** ******** ** through the ******** ****** ******* ******** ***** ****** ** *** ******* ************ **** involves *** *** ** ******** ************ *** the ******** *** ************* attributable is the loss ** vital information *********** of ****** by the ********* as well ** ********* fraud ********* *********** assert **** the ******** ** ******** ***** ** *** ** the ********* ** *** ******** ******* mitigation ******** being ********** ** **** *** increasing ****** of computer crime ***** is ***** a ********* ** ******** *** ****** **** ** ******* of the ********* ********** **** *** ******** when conducting ******** ****** **** ** *** ***** ** ******** crime **** are ********* ** the ******* ******* ************* malware ** **** ** ******** ***** The emergence ** technology ** *** *********** **** has * ******* **** ** *** ****** ** computer crime ** *** ******* ******** 2015) ********* ** is ****** **** ******** ***** *** * ******* ******** **** that ** plays ** *** ******* as ** **** ** ********** through **** ** *** ***** of ******** ***** ********** in *** *************** ** Computer ************ efforts **** **** ****** ** ** ****** ********* of *** ***** of ******** ****** ********** computer ****** are *********** **** **** ****** namely the internal crimes ***************** crimes computer manipulations as **** ** *********** ****** ******** ******** ****** *** ****** **** ******* *** ** *** presence of worms ******* ******* among ****** ***** *** ****** that affect *** functioning ** the ***** ******** ****** due ** ********* ** *** other hand telecommunication crimes **** ***** **** ***** ** ******* ** an ****** system Detrimental ****** *** *********** due ** **** ********** *** prevalence of computer ************ is evident ******* ********* of fraud *** ************ ***** ** ********* *********** ** ********** **** software *** ******** ****** ***** ********** ** *** society *** ** *** ************ ******** ******* ** * **** ** ******** ***** that is necessitated ** *** ***** of ******* and ******* **** *** ******** ****** (Carr ***** This ** * ***** illustration **** *** **** in ** crime *** ****** *********** ****** ** *** ************ ** ******** crimeMalware *** ******** users *** ********** ** malware However *** ****** of ******** varies ***** ** *** ********** mechanisms **** *** ******* ** the user **** ** *** ******** ** ******* **** ****** our computers are worms viruses *** other software ***** ***** **** *** ******** ****** ** ******* the ********* ** *** **** *** ************* ** *** computers ** ******* *** ***** ** a large ***** ********* ** **** ** ***** **** ***** are ******** ******** that **** **** ******** ** corrupt files **** *** ******** systems ** most ********* **** may ******* ***** to ******* **** into the computer ****** Its entry *** *********** *** whole ******** ****** leading ** ******* ****** Malware can be **** in *** exchange *** ********** (Lévesque ** ** ***** This may ***** **** an attacker **** malware ***** ** access ***** ******* ** ************* ************* have **** affected by ******* using ******* types One ** *** recent ***** ** that ** Mondelez ***** is * ** based ******* **** was ******** in **** Mondelez is * snack ******* with **** ********** ** ***** *** ******* *** ******* *********** * total computer outage **** ******** *** global operations ** the ******* *** ******* **** cash *** to *** failure of *** ******* The entry ** ******* can result ** ***** ********* ***** an ********** *** request ransom to solve *** ******* *********** 2017) The ******* ** ******* *** the ******* of ********* which *** affect ******* ********** ** ********* ** *** **** of **************** ***** **** ** * type ** ******** crime **** is ******** It occurs **** ** ******** ** an ********** *** access to ******** *********** which he ** *** optimises *********** for **** *** ********* have ******** this ** * ****** ***** *** instance ** *** ** a black-hat hacker who *** enter **** **** ****** ******* ******* In the ******* ***** *********** such ** ****** security ****** *** ** **** to ******* cash **** personal information **** ** * ****** ********** ********** *** ***** *** use ****** computers ** ****** their ******* *********** ******** crimes **** ****** **** individuals *** ****** ********* to ****** ****** ***** ** PayPal ******** ******** **** & Cornelisse ***** As a ****** ***** ********* *** ***** ****** *** ******** ***** *** **** steal from the ******* ****** ** ****** **** ******** ********* ** ******** theft ***** their *********** ** ********* *** **** ** ****** **** or ***** ********* ********** ************* either ** email ** *** ******** device requires safety ** is *********** that ******** information ** kept in secret ** ***** cases ** ******** crime where * person gets ****** to **** information using **** information ** *** ******** *** ability ** ******* ********* **** ********** *** be ******** ** ***** ** a realisation **** *** ****** of *** *********** is vital ******* ** *** *********** ******* authentication *** ****** ** instances ** ******** crime ***** ***** **************** ***** ** is *********** ** use computers from ******* individualsCyberstalking ** ** * **** ** ******** ***** ***** ** ********** **** access ** ******* *********** **** has **** **** online The ******* to *** the internet to ****** information **** is sensitive **** *** purpose ** ********** ** **** most ************* as **** as ****** **** *********** ** **** ****** *** as well use the ****** *********** *** sexual harassment ** ** ****** ** individual **** ***** ** ************* have ended ** ****** ** ransom ** *** ******** Hostility can **** be ******* *** ** *** **** ** ******** **** ** ******* ** *** individual (Taylor ** ** ***** Cyberstalking *** **** create **** *** ***** to ** ********** ** **************** organisations **** ***** cyberstalking *** ******** Telefonica * ******* ***** ** ***** faced challenges ** ************* *** internal ******* *** ******** ***** ******* *** ********** ** ******* ** *** company ********** ** ** ***** ** 2016 * man ***** ** ******* in *** **** ** ******** *** charged ****** ** ***** ******** ** ************* **** ***** *** degree ** cyberstalking **** is prevalent ** **** Such *********** *** lead ** **** ** **** ** *** *********** ** ransomware **** *** ******** (Kamberg 2017) This ****** to have ******* ** ** individual especially **** ** or *** ** * ************************ ***** ********* *** ****** impactful to *** ******* ********* mitigation measures **** ** ** *********** for the ******* ** *** society ********* like *** ** have ********* ** *** computer violators This ** aimed ** ****** computer ****** ***** *** ******* to * smaller ***** ******** of ********* ****** ** ********* step ******* *** increased ********************************** * ***** * ******* J ******** * ****** * Pianesi * & ******** * ****** ***** on *** ******* *********** ***** ******** ***** ********** anonymized **** ** ****** dynamics *** **** 3(3) *********** * ****** ******** crime **************** * H **** * * ***** ********** * ****** Banking malware *** the laundering ** *** ******* ******** ******* of Criminology 1477370818788007Kahn * M & Liñares-Zegarra J * ****** ******** ***** *** ******** ******* ******* **** ******** ****** matter? ******* ** ********* ******** ******** ***** 121-159Kamberg * L ****** ************** ********** Your ******** *** **** *** ***** Publishing ***** ************ * * ******** * Somayaji * & Fernandez * * ****** ************* *** ***** ******* ** ******* Attacks: A ******** ******** Clinical ***** ******** *** ************ ** Privacy *** ******** ****** 21(4) ********* * * ****** ***** by ******** ****** *** ****** ***** ************* * * (2017) ***** ******* to billion-dollar ********* *** ********* ** ransomware ******** Fraud ***** Security ******** ********* * * ******* E * ********** J ****** * R ***** Tafoya * * ****** ***** ***** *** ***** *********

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