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The Servicescape Select two (2) distinct service environments (see suggestions provided below). Note:

The Servicescape

Select two (2) distinct service environments (see suggestions provided below).

Note: Please ensure that you are able to create or have access to visual images of these environments, so that you are able to tell a story while taking the class on a "virtual tour" of the environments that you will be analyzing and presenting.

1.     Identify the distinct target audience for each service environment.

2.     Using the Servicescape Model, (see Chapter 10, Figure 10.9 or Slide #14 of PPT):

a.     Analyze how the various dimensions or elements of each environment express or communicate the brand messages that the service provider wishes to convey

b.    Does consumer behaviour indicate a confirmation or disconfirmation of their service expectations? ie, are they more inclined to "approach" and engage in the service encounter, spend more time/money and visit again, or rather, will they "avoid" or be repelled by the encounter and complain?

Written Report

The written report will follow the Model and the structure as noted above. Throughout the report you will be comparing and contrasting the two distinct environments in your analysis of each of the elements noted above. If you are referring to cultural differences in the interpretation of colour, for example, these notes belong in an appendix.


The presentation will include visual images and/or a virtual tour (video) of each environment to demonstrate or support your analyses.

·       Service Environments: Fine dining establishment vs fast food

Mcdonalds vs Terrace on the green



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