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There are four following questions that need to be answered in a properly cited manner.

There are four following questions that need to be answered in a properly cited manner. Each answer should be around 1100-1400 words, essay type and you should develop your own thoughts and make sure to argue for them clearly in the answers. Please explain in vivid details the problems and solutions for the arising problems regarding the sustainable development  of the earth. These are the following four questions:

1. Water

Water that is pumped from aquifers is to some extent non-renewable, in that itwould take very long time periods to refill the reservoir. How should we deal with that scarcity?

3. Energy

The world uses increasing amounts of energy per capita. Most of the energy usedtoday is derived from non-renewable sources such as the Canadian Tar-Sands. Bothfrom the limited supply of these resources and the environmental pollution they arecausing, we cannot continue to do this.

a) How can we reduce the rate of consumption of non-renewable energyresources?

b) What substitutes can we introduce?

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