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There are many operating systems that are used to run networks. Name at least three of them, but do not include different versions of a single operating system. For each operating system, list its nam

There are many operating systems that are used to run networks. Name at least three of them, but do not include different versions of a single operating system. For each operating system, list its name, the platform or network on which it operates, and its distributor or manufacturer. Define any jargon you use so your answers will be understandable to the average high school student and cite your sources.

*Clearly state what the article is about and its purpose

*How the article and/or author(s) support your argument(s)

*Most important aspects of the article

*Any findings and conclusions

*Approximately 450 to 650 words in length( 5-6 pages 

*Include the article “Abstract” in your posting (your summary should be original)

*Include the industry example demonstrating the application of your researched article

“**IMPORTANT” - Include the reference for the article in correct APA format

*In correct APA format, write the Reference of the article.

*Clearly state what the article is about and its purpose.

*Repeat for a total of six (6) peer-reviewed sources.

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***************************** number *** ************************** 1Examples ** operating ******* that are **** to *** ******** ******* **************** ** **** ** ********* *** **** as Mac **** iMac *** MacBook It’s ********* ******** *** distributed by ***** **** ************ developed ******** and *********** ** ********* ******* ** runs **** the ******* **** to *** cloud **** *** server *** *** Internet of ****** ******* *** ******* Microsoft ******* **** **** ** ******** ********* *********** *** ******* It’s developed produced *** *********** by ********* LimitedNOS ******** operating ******* is the ******** **** ******* multiple ********* ** ***** ***** *** ******** devices *** ************* with *** ******** network ********* ****** ****** services to ********* **** a network The peer-to-peer ********** prototypes *** ************* *** * ******* ********* ********** ***** Operating ****** **** ** * ******* **** ******* applications ** * computer system ** ** * crucial ********* ** ******** ***** as ***** ******** ******** ** *** ********* These ******* ***** ****** *** other ******** ********* ** ** ******* installed ** *** Read Only ****** ***** ** *** ******** The evolution of ********* *** **** ********** *** ********* ** Operating Systems The increment in ************** ** software ******* *** ********** of ** The **** ********* System (DOS) was *** **** OS used ** *** **** *** ***** ones ********* **** the ***** **** paper looks into **** ******** articles relating ** Operating ********* Comparative ******** ** ****** ****** ******* *** *************** ** Various ********* ********** ******* ***** **** ***** ** the ******* ********* systems; ******* ***** and ********* *** ******** **** The criteria *** ********** ******* fundamental ****** *** file ********** *********** architecture ******** *** ****** The ******* ****** ** ** ********* between * user *** *** ******** ******** ****** ** ******** ** ******* *** *********** ******** ***** and ***** ** ******** *** ********* ********** ** ******* ********* ***** *** ********* ***** ******** ** ******* *** ***** Before *** *********** ***** *** ******* ********* *** *** ***** ******* ******* ********** *** a ****** ********** ******* its ********* ******** Mac *** initially * ********* **** ********* ***** until **** ***** *** ************ *** design ******* to x86 *** most ********* ****** ** the article ** ** ******* *** ******* *** ***** to choose *** that *********** ***** ***** *** ******** ***** that many ***** ****** Windows **** ***** *** Mac Operating ******* Linux is the ***** used ****** **** * ** ***** ***** Mac has a 7% ****** ***** *** ****** dominant ***** of ******* ***** ****** it ********** to ******* ******* *** ** is *** **** expensive ******* of ***** ************ ******** **** ** constant system updates *** Macs **** **** ***** and the ** aesthetic ***** is **** greatWindows ** *** ****** **** ********* ******* it ** * ******** ******** ******* **** a ****** and ******** Thus ** ******** **** ********* *** ******** every modern ******* ** ******** ***** ** the least expensive ** ** they *** ** ****** obtained **** books *** ********* Also they can ** downloaded ****** *** ************ ******* Linus is *** * ******** ** ** it ** only * ****** **** allows *** computer ** *** ***** *** *** allow the users ** ********* the ** Nonetheless ******* ** user-friendly *** *** ** **** ** *** open-source Thus ** is not customizable *********** *** ***** OS **** ****** *** demerits *** **** ** bad *** *********** ***** ** **** ** ******** ** ***** ** **** can ****** * benefitting ** ********* a user ****** know ******* ** ** OS ****** ************* Comparing the *********** ** ******** ******** A **** ***** on mobile ********* ********** ******* ******* ** *** ********** ** software *********** in modern software Software problems ** quality ********* and ********** behavior are ********* *** ** **** applications of ******** *** *********** *** ** ******* and ******** * methodology *** ********* the *********** ** software systems ******* ** ** 2018) **** ******* ** ***** *********** ****** *** Sailfish ***** *** CyanogenMod ******** is an **** source ** ** ********* ** *** old Nokia’s ***** ******* It *** *** ****** Mer Project a core ********** ***** *** Nemo * ***** ****** ******* ************ Cyanogen ** ******* ** ******* OS *** ***** *************** ****** ******* its **** OS is ******** ************ ** ** **** ** **** source developed by Samsung *** ***** ****** OS are in *********** ***** ***** ****** for ********** *** *********** *********** ********* and metric *** appropriate ********** *** assessment *** *********** took into account *** ********* *************** of *** software ** their *********** **** ********* ************** data *** *** ** ***** ********** ** ******** **** *** * ********* ****** ********** ******* They considered reliability ** *** three OS ** authenticate their *********** **** provided ********* ***** ** specific ******** used to collect **** *** author ******** collected facts ** ******* ******** ******* a *********** ********* ********** ****** The ****** ******** ******** ** ******* *** hypothesis It ** flexible *** abstract Additionally ** is ********* as ** ******** ********** ********* for ********** ** ** amenable **** * comparative methodology ****** ** ******** *** ***** concrete **** In ******** ** ****** ********* bias and ******* preference for * ******* ** ** ****** **** ** validate and **** ****** be ******** from ***** ******* **** *** ******* ** keen to perform * ********** *** *********** ** ** ****** ** is ****** *** users should **** information of software to be able ** ****** a ********* ******* ******** *** ****** in ***** ********* ********* ************ ********* ****** works ** * specific **** station and ** ***** ******** ********** The ******* ******** *** a ***** ** ***** ** ******* *** ****** *** cloud has integrated ***** ** centralized system It utilizes *** OS ******** ********** ** * persistent volatile and * code **** ******** ***** ********* ** now common **** ************ ******* ********* on the clouds ************* have **** ************ running ** *** ***** However **** ** such ** *** ******* *** Windows ***** ** *** *** ******************** ******* accessibility ******** ***** consumption *** data backup *** **** ** *** ******** ********** **** cloud OS handles ******** **** outdated ******** and *** systems ****** run ****** software *** ************ ***** **** ************* ******** **** *** ********* ****** of ********** hardware On *** cloud ******** ** ******** **** this ******* *** ** sorted ************** *** be easily upgraded ** downgraded without ********* **** Additionally ** is **** **** effective ** ******* ** ***** ** ******* usage ********* **** ******** issues *** ********** ** *** cloud ****** transfer ******* nodes ** ******* **** ******** **** as DVD **** ***** ** *** ***** is used ** * ********** data ******** * ******* **** as ***** ******** ** ********* is **** used (Basu ** ** 2016) ******* ******** ** ******** *** ****** **** hardware ********* Cloud transfers *** ****** ** **** *** *** ******** Files are already ******* in *** ***** thus no **** ** upload **** ****** sending *********** *** ***** *** be ******** accessed *** **** **** *** ***** The ***** *** **** ***** ******* need for backup **** ** the cloud is available *** ********** ** ****** ******** and ***** ******* *** **** ** ********** ** the **** *** remains * ****** ****** removedTherefore *** ***** ********* system ***** ******** to ******* ******** ********** **** ** The article ********* how *** ***** is * reliable ******* **** ****** and ******** address ******* *** ***** ** * guide to persons *** ****** to **** ******* ** ****** ********** at *** computation ****** ** can also help with ******* ******* ****** to *** ********** *** ******** ***** * ******* Extraction *** ********* **** for Android ******* ********* Android ******** ******** ************ ****** it *** ** *** most ********* OS *** ****** ****** ******* ******** from *********** **** third ******* ********* ******** ******* *** **** ** ******** *** efficient detecting ******* ***** **** *** ******* can stay for * **** time ********* for * **** **** *** ******* *********** *** ** ******* ******* ********** and ********* tool (Fest) It is * ******* ***** ******* ******** ******** *** malware ********* ***** ** al ***** **** ******* ** implement * ******* ********** **** ************** made ** obtain ******** including *** ** *********** ***** ** ******** rules ******** **** ******* ********** selection algorithm that ******* ******** ** *********** ********* *********** ******* ****** ************ and ******* *** ********** ***** ** ******* of ********* **** ******** ** ******* *** hardly used in ****** **** An ********** carried *** **** **** **** showed **** Fest *** a higher ******** ** *** * *** ******** score ***** ** **** **** ***** alarms * ******** **** ** ****** **** ***** programs ** it **** ***** ** ******* ** ******* an app ** * ****** personal ******** This makes Fest to detect ******* ** ******* as it ** **** sensitiveV) ******* ********* ************** ******** ** ********* Systems ***** ******* Execution ******** is ********* ** ******** *** *********** ****** ******* ** **** of ********** ********** system logs ***** ********** truth *** *** ********** ********** ******* ******** ******* ****** in ************* ****** ** ** to hinder investigation efforts Although Tamper-evident ******* ********* **** ** *** **** ************ *** operational *** *********** ************ ***** contexts ****** is introduced ** * ********* ********* for detecting system logs tempering ** has a tamper-evident logging layer *** * ************* auditing ******** The ****** ******* logging ***** ****** the ************ of *** ********* **** *** changes to the ******* ********* *** decentralized ******** ******** ****** *** **** **** discovery ** ********** *** log **************** ******** without ******* off security and ******* ********* ******** ******** ** ******** *** ************** ******* ** **** time faster **** ******** ************ *** further *************** ** *** ************** logging ********* *** researchers ******* a ********* ** CUSTOS ** *** ***** ******** ****** **** uses ***** *** ** * *** The ****** ***** *** ********** from *** ***** ***** ****** **** *** *********** ********** CUSTOS ****** ** ********** *** ******** ****** by ***** to **** magnitude ****** ************ its *** ****** *** second ******* *** ******* ***** *** *** *** could ******* * ******* ** 1266 **** *** ************ also ********** secure systems ****** its log activities **** ** ** ******** **** ****** ***** *** produce ******** ** ********* systems *** ****** **** ****** ** *** **** ***** CUSTOS ** *** ***** ************** logging *** ** ********* ** ************ (Paccagnella et ** ***** It *** also ****** * compromise for ********* of * network **** **** **** ** network overhead ** requires * practical ************** ******** because ** ********* ******** ******* ***** ****** ** * *********** ******** *** ****** OSvi) * ****** on Reliability Security *** ****** Management of ******** ********* **************** systems ****** ******* *** required functionalities ********** **** ************ ** ********** OS ******* should **** **** security *********** performance reliability memory ********** *** ****** ********** ***** challenges *** ******** thus *** ******* ******* ******* ****** ****** ********** ** ********* ******* It ********** *********** complex challenges and their ********** guidelines Researchers *** ******** more ** *********** issues of ** when ********* A ****** ****** ********** ************* kernel (MACH) *** ********* for **** *************** ** was ******* ** running ******* ******* ** * ****** **** **** an advanced ******* ****** The ****** **** ******** **************** inter-process ************* and ********* ******* ** ******* Debug ****** ***** *** ****** ********** ******** ****************** ****** was ******** without increasing the kernel **** ******* the ******** *** ******* since they **** ************ the ************** of ******** ******* ** micro kernels ** ******** *** *********** *** *********** ******** ** ** a ****** ****** **** *** ********** ** *** ******** for ****** ****** **************** *** ** treated ******* ** cells and internal distributed **** any ***** ** *** system ******** a ****** ****** ******* ** *** ***** ****** **** ****** reliability ****** *** *** ********** * ****** **** ********* *********** scalability **** *** ***** *********** *** ******** ******* a ****** *** ****** ****** *************** *** ******** ************ other software *** ********* ** has ********* *** article ***** ** help people ****** ** *** *** ****** ** ********** ConclusionOperating ****** ** *** most ********* ********* of *** computer ** links *** **** ** *** ******** *** software ****** ** ******* ******* *** and ***** ** *********** ** ********* ** *********** ******** ******* ********* constantly **** paper ******** **** **** ******** ******** relating to ** ************* et ** ***** ************ **** all entail features and ******* ** OS *** ****** **** ****** it *** articles **** ******* *********** ** ******** users ** they *** ****** ** ** *********** *** ***** ***** *********** ** ** ** *** as they all **** advantages *** ********* *********** *********** ***** *********** *** ********************** D ******* * *********** * ********* * Caytiles * D ******* * * S ***** ** * ****** Analysis *** ****** ** ***** ********* System ************* ******* of **** *** *********** ********* 9(11) ************* * ****** * ***** ***** * ****** ********* *** *********** ** software ******** * **** study on ****** operating ******* *********** ******** *** ******************* M ** ***** * Rahman * * Zahid N M ***** ***** L M ****** * ****** ** reliability ******** *** memory ********** ** ******** ********* systems ********** ******* ** ********** *********** *** *********** ******* **** ****************** * ***** * ****** W * ***** A ******** * ****** A ***** **** D ***** January) ******* ********* ************** ******** ** ********* ******* ***** trusted ********* ** ******* *** *********** ****** ******** ****************** * Pinto * ***** ***** * *********** ******** on Recent ****** Designs *** *************** ** ******* ********* *********** * Zhang * ** * & Li * (2015 ***** ***** * ******* ********** *** ********* **** *** ******* ******* ********* In **** **** ********* on computers and communication ****** (pp ******** ********

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