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These are some of the questions that are outlined in our text but I have been having a tough time.

Needing help with my study guide preparing for my exam next week. These are some of the questions that are outlined in our text but I have been having a tough time. Realized I pasted in some that I have already solved for and have removed those.

No work is being submitted from this as this is a guide to use to prepare me for the Final. Hope that clarifies!

1.      What are the eight parts of the Care2 ethical process?

4.      Businesses that are organized in the United States are subject to its laws, are they also subject to the laws of other countries in which they do business?

5.      Mark Walton was involved in a car accident in which the airbag of his car failed to deploy. He sued the car manufacturer for installing faulty airbags. But in the course of the case being heard in court, the car company and Mark decided to settle the lawsuit out of court. What important function of the law was served in this case?

6.      What are established by the legislative and executive branches of the federal government to enforce and interpret statutes enacted by the Congress and state legislatures?

7.      Explain the priority of law in the United States.

8.      Rather than "shareholder" theory, Dr. Freeman advocates for ______________ theory

9.      What is a set of moral principles or values that governs the conduct of an individual or a group?

10.  A social responsibility theory of business according to which a corporation's duty is to make a profit while avoiding causing harm to others is referred to as ________.

11.  The ________ Act enacted by Congress in 2002 requires public companies to adopt codes of ethics and establishes criminal penalties for companies that partake in violations.

13.  ________ refers to the law that governments enact to regulate industries, businesses, and professionals.

14.  Decisions of administrative law judges are subject to ________.

15.  A group of plaintiffs collectively brings a lawsuit against a defendant. This is called a ___________.

18.  The obligation people owe each other not to cause any unreasonable harm or risk of harm is termed _______.

19.  The term ________ refers to a defense that says a person who is injured by a defective product but has been negligent and is partially responsible for his or her own injuries cannot recover from the defendant.

20.  ________ is the making of false statements about a competitor's products, services, property, or business reputation.

21.  ________ is liability without fault.

22.  A ________ is a product formula, pattern, design, compilation of data, customer list, or other covert business information.

23.  How do patent laws help an inventor?

24.  "Just Do It" is a famous tagline used by the Nike Corporation. Which type of intellectual property would this tagline come under?

25.  What are the legal aspects of e-mail contracts?

26.  The term ________ refers to a party who is granted limited rights in or access to intellectual property or information rights owned by a licensor.

27.  ________ are the most common form of business organization in the United States

28.  General partners have ________ liability for the debts and obligations of the partnership.

29.  Members of an LLC have ________ liability.

30.  A(n) ________ is established when one party licenses another party to use the first party's trade name, trademarks, commercial symbols, patents, copyrights, and other property in the distribution and selling of goods and services.

31.  In a(n) ________ franchise, the franchisor licenses the franchisee to make and sell its products or services to the public from a retail outlet serving an exclusive geographical territory.

32.  Ford Motor Company manufactures automobiles and franchises independently owned automobile dealers (franchisees) to sell them to the public. This is an example of a(n) ________ franchise.

33.  Empowered and responsible interdisciplinary work teams are an example of a ______________ moral ecology. 

34.  Reformers attempt to change organizations and their values and will take on the role of _______________ crusaders.

35.  What did Mark Dowie and Ralph Nader claim Ford was doing with the Pinto?

36.  In the ethical solution evaluation matrix (from the article, Ethical Problem Solving) what five tests did author, William Frey, recommend? 

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