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These are weekly discussion post. Please make them soft and sweet 2-3 small paragraphs. 1) To successfully complete this week’s discussion, you will need to: Refer to:Chapter 11 in your textbook.This

These are weekly discussion post. Please make them soft and sweet 2-3 small paragraphs. 


To successfully complete this week’s discussion, you will need to:

  • Refer to:
    • Chapter 11 in your textbook.
    • This document, Summary of Inmate Rights [PDF].
  • Use the Strayer University Library to conduct research on the cases that awarded prisoners their basic constitutional rights.
    • The B.S. in Criminal Justice library guide is a good place to begin your research.
    • You may also find the CQ Supreme Court Collection database useful as you conduct your research.
      • This brief Kaltura video, Finding Supreme Court Cases Relating to Specific Amendments, shows you how to search for cases by amendment.

Please respond to the following in a substantive post:

  • Based on your reading and research, summarize inmates' rights.
  • For each inmate right you identified, summarize the case law that afforded inmates those rights.
  • Share the link to the resource that was most helpful to you in crafting this discussion post.
    • Be sure to explain what was helpful to you about this resource.

2)To successfully complete this final discussion post, you will need to browse through this list of correctional professional associations and organizations:

  • American Correctional Association (ACA).
  • American Jail Association (AJA).
  • Correctional Education Association (CEA).
  • Correctional Leaders Association (CLA).
  • International Corrections and Prisons Association (ICPA).

Please respond to the following in a substantive post:

  • Select two of these organizations that interest you the most and are most relevant to your career goals.
  • Explain the purpose and focus of your two selected organizations.
  • Describe how joining and participating in these organizations could help you begin or advance your career in corrections.
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******** 1Inmates' ****** *************** rights ******* ****** ** *** Courts ***** Prisoners' right of ****** ** *** ****** *** **** **** *********** This ***** ******** adequate ***** aid in *** form of counsel ******** freedom ** religion although *** ***** ***** *** *** ***** **** *** ********** exercise ** their ******** ** ******* *********** as **** ** the ******* **** not interfere excessively with ********** ********** ********** Thirdly we **** ***** Protection ******* *** ********** ******** to *** ************ ********* * ***** **** denying *** individual equal ********** ** *** laws The ****** hold that *** ******** ** individuals ******** **** **** rebuffs ** ********** *** ***** ********** ** *** ********* Inmates' rights ******* ******* ** speech ***** the first ********* ********** ******** **** ******** *** *** that shortens the ******* ** ****** ** *** media **** ********* ** made *********** ** *** states ******* the due ********* clause ** *** fourteenth ********* Freedom of ****** ** *********** ** * ********* ****** ************ *** ********** *********** of this right ****** * ***** burden ** ********** Finally ** have ****** ** *** ***** ******* *** ********* ****** ********** *** have * ***** ** ****** to *** ****** *** *** ***** to air ***** ************** **** **** afforded ******* *** rights ************* to *** CourtsThe Supreme ***** *********** *********** a ********** ***** ** access to *** Court ** law in the ******* * ***** ***** ***** *** Court ******** * ****** ********** ******* ******* from assisting ********* ********* ** ********* ********* *** *************** *************** ** ************ ***** ***** **** ***** **** *** ********* ***** ** ******* *** ** *** practice * ********* ******** ****** ** *** **** **** * **** **** **** ***** ******* **** be ***** * reasonable *********** ** ****** their ideasEqual ProtectionThe ****** have ************ held that *** ********* ** ******* ***** ** race *********** * violation of *** ***** ********** ******* ***** is * ****** ****** ************ ****** ******* ****** *********** ** ************** ** ********* ***** case **** ********** freedom ** speech ** **** ** ********* * ******** He addressed the ******** ** ****** ********* ********* the ******* of ******** *** ******** ****** mail ****** **** ********* *** issue ** ***** ** ******** ***** ********* ****** ****** *** ***** *********** the ***** of **** individuals to *********** **** ************** to *** pressThe ***** of ******* ** *********** **** news journalists **** *********** ** Supreme ***** case ** Pell v ********* ***** **** the ***** **** that a **** barring media ***** **** specific ******** did *** infringe ****** *** ***** ********* ****** ** *** ******* or ** *** **** mediaReferencesCliffs ****** Prisoners' rights *********** ***** ****** | Book Summaries **** *********** ***** ******** Help * ******* by ******** https://wwwcliffsnotescom/study-guides/criminal-justice/prisons-and-prisoners-rights/prisoners-rightsLegal Information ********* (2021) **** *** * ***** *********** ********* https://wwwlawcornelledu/search/site/prison%20or%20prisoner?page=4&f%5B0%5D=bundle%3Asupct_node&retain-filters=1&query=prison%20or%20prisoner&scope=onlysyllabiUnited States Courts ****** ******* ***** ********* ************************************************************************************************* **** ******** **** Association ******** ******** Jail Association * ********** ************ that backs *** ************* *** **** ** ******** jails The *********** ******* ******** on ****** ********** to *** ********* *** ******** ** ***** correctional ********** The ***** ** ********* ******* *** Association *** board *********** ******** **** ******* all *** ********** ** correctional facilities *** ***** **** controls *** ********** to *********** **** *************** ******* have *** **** *** *** ********** of *********** *** **** been charged **** ********* *** **** *** ***** pretend *** standards on whichThe American Jail *********** *** ******* Jail ****** **** ********** ********** ****** ***** ** the **** *********** The AJA also ******** ********** and ********** training ** the jail staff ** all levels *** leadership ******** ** blended *** ** *** either ** online ** in **** ********* ************ ******** ************ Association ******** ******** ************ Association *** ********* the ********** ** corrections and ************ ************* *** *** ****** ************ for specialists ** *** ************ ********** *** ******************* *** ********* ********** of *********** *** *** progressively *********** **** ****** *** community and *** ****** ********* the *** has thousands of ******* from *** **** *** ******** *********** ******** the ****** of corrections by ********* ***** and *********** ********** that ****** * ******** ***** and supports ************ ** ******* *** *********** embodied ** *** ************ ** Principles ** ******** a ************ ************ *** *** ******* and ****** ** **** ****** and ******* sectors that ***** * ****** **** *** **** **** here ** ** ******* *** ******* ****** The *********** aims ** expanding *** ******* *** *** ******* improve recruitment *** retention ************* *** *********** ******** *** ***** ** ******* members *** **** staffHow ******* *** ************* ** these organizations could help ** ***** or ******* ** career in **************** both associations ******* ******** *** education for ******* *** the **** ***** ***** likely ** benefit **** pursuing further studies ** ** field *** ******** *** American **** *********** (AJA) ******** ******** training on ********** ******** *** ************ ******* a ****** ******* environment *** **** ***** *** promote ****** ****** *** ******* ********** ********* ** ** **** ** **** ***** ****** to ***** a good ******* *********** *** ******** ****** in all ********** ******* since the ************ promote ********* ** ********** ********** *** ***** ********** * **** ***** staff ********* ** *** justice **********

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