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This assignment consists of two (2) sections: your final business plan and your business plan financials.You have completed all of the necessary sections of your business plan and will now create a fi

This assignment consists of two (2) sections: your final business plan and your business plan financials.

You have completed all of the necessary sections of your business plan and will now create a final draft. Use any / all feedback you have received to polish your plan to the point that you could confidently show it to investors and potential partners or customers.

Refer to the Outline of a Business Plan, beginning on p. 399 of the course text. (Click here for help accessing a specific page number in your eBook.) Not all businesses will include all of these components in this order, but use the outline as a guide. Specifically your plan will not require the Development, Milestones, and Exit Plan section of the business plan.

Section 1: Business Plan (MS Word or equivalent)

Construct a ten to thirty (10-30) page business plan. Note: Twenty (20) pages are sufficient for most businesses.

  1. Write a one to three (1–3) page executive summary for your business plan, in which you justify:
    1. A clear and concise business concept.
    2. A thoroughly planned business concept.
    3. A capable management structure.
    4. A clear-cut market need.
    5. Significant competitive advantages for your business.
    6. Realistic financial projections.
    7. That investors have an excellent chance to make money.
    8. A realistic and developed exit plan.

Note: Read Chapters 4 and 18 of the course text: Successful Business Plan . Use the plan preparation worksheets on pp. 58–61 and the sample executive summaries on pp. 62–66 to help guide you, choose to write either a synopsis summary or a narrative summary, and include highlights from the each section of your business plan.

  1. Combine all of the sections stated below and revise your initial business plan draft, which you submitted in Week 8, based on feedback you have received.
    • Executive Summary
    • Company Description(Assignment 1)
    • Industry Analysis and Trends (Assignment 1 )
    • Target Market (Assignment 2 )
    • Competition (Assignment 2 )
    • Strategic Position & Risk Assessment (Assignment 1 )
    • Marketing Plan & Sales Strategy (Assignment 2 )
    • Operations Plan (Assignment 3 Part 1 )
    • Technology Plan (Assignment 3 Part 1 )
    • Management & Organization (Assignment 3 Part 1 )
    • Ethics & Social Responsibility (Assignment 3 Part 2)
    • The Financials (Week 7 Discussion )
  2. The Financials and the Management description—must spark enough interest to convince a reader to continue. Enhance the two (2) mentioned sections to appropriately engage the reader.
    • Hints: The financial section of your business plan will be derived from the previously completed financial worksheets.
  3. Format your assignment according to these formatting requirements:
    • Cite the resources you have used to complete the exercise.Note: There is no minimum requirement for the number of resources used in the exercise.
    • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
    • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.

Section 2: Business Plan Financials (MS Excel worksheets bundled with course textbook)

  1. For year one, submit a revised Income Statement, Cash Flow Projection, and Balance Sheet from the “Business Plan Financials” Excel template based on your feedback fromProject Deliverable 4: Business Plan – Draft .

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Describe strategic planning techniques used to formulate alternative strategies designed to achieve stated business goals.
  • Create a plan to implement a firm’s strategy and manage the change from current operations.
  • Analyze strategies for exerting the internal leadership needed to drive the implementation of strategic initiatives and improve operating excellence.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in strategic management.
  • Write clearly and concisely about strategic management using proper writing mechanics.
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***** of ContentsEXECUTIVE SUMMARY…………………………………………………vBUSINESS ******************************************************************************* ***************************************************************************** ONE…………………………………………………………………110 ******** DESCRIPTION…………………………………………………111 **** ** *** BUSINESS…………………………………………………112 SPONSOR…………………………………………………………………113 ******** ************************************************************************** ****** ** *** BUSINESS……………………………………………………2141 OWNERSHIP……………………………………………………………2142 STATUS………………………………………………………………215 *** *********************************************************************** *** ********************************************************************************* **** ** *** INDUSTRY……………………………………………3162 *************** ** *** ********************************* ****** AND PROSPECTS ** *** *********************************** ************* ** BUSINESS ******************************************************* ***** *** ****** *********************************************************** *********** ************************************************************************* ******** ******************************************************************* ***** RESOURCE…………………………………………………5110 **** *** ************************************************************************************ TWO…………………………………………………………………………………620 ********* **************************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************************** MARKET **** ******** *** ************************************************** ******* *********************************************************************************** ***** **************************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************************* *********** *** ******* STRATEGY…………………………………928 ************ ******************************************************************** ************ ************************************************************************* THREE………………………………………………………………………1130 ORGANIZATION PLAN…………………………………………………………………1131 ************ ** THE ************************************************************************ ********** ** *** BUSINESS……………………………………………1133 ***** **************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************************* **************************************************************************************** ******** ** EMPLOYEES……………………………………………………1437 ***************************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************************* ********** OF ************************************************************** SUPPORTING ***** *** ******************************************************** ************************************************************************************************ ******************** ********************************************************************* ******* ********** *** ********************************************************* ******* *** MAINTENANCE……………………………………………1843 PREMISES……………………………………………………………………1844 PRODUCTION ********************************************************************** ******* *********** ** THE ************************************* ******* LABOUR *********************************************** ******* PRODUCTION ***************************************** PRODUCTION COST *** MONTH………………………………1945 ********** *********************************************************************** ********** ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************** ********* PLAN…………………………………………………………………2151 ************* COST………………………………………………………………2152 ******* ***************************************************************************** ********* ******** ********* ** ** **** *** 2007……………23532 ********* CASH **** ********* ** ** 31ST *** 2008……………2454 PROFORMA ****** STATEMENT…………………………………………2555 PROFORMA BALANCE *************************************************************** DESIRED ******************************************************************************* ******** ************************************************************************ ******** PROFITABILITY RATIO………………………………………2759 RETURN ** EQUITY………………………………………………………27510 RETURN ** ********************************************************************************************************************************* *************** ************** **** *** address of *** ******** business **** *********** ******* *** **** ****** ******* ******** ******* STREET ** is ******* ** ** ******* state ** ** * **** ************** business *** business expects ** *** customers ****** **** *** *********** ******* and other ********** ****** *** ******** ******* ** ***** ** * medium ***** *** and ***** under the agricultural ****** The ********** ******* ** ****** and ** expected ** ** ** *** needs ** the customersThe business ******* to use ******* ** * ****** this ***** ** ******** ** earn ****** which will **** be **** ** ****** *** business *** ******** is considered viable because ****** ******* in an **** ***** ***** *** ***** acres ** cash crop ******* *** the competition ** *** **** **** ********* ***** ** **** **** *********** ** *** ******** ****** *** ******** ** ******** to ** ** ***** *** ** the ********* ***** ** offers guidance to ******* ** *** application ** **** inputs and cheap transportation cost on every **** ********* which ** *** ******* ** ***** businesses ** *** regionMARKETING ******* ********* ********* of *** business **** ******* **** **** ******* and ***** ******** ** other farming ********** ***** are competitors ** **** *** ***** ** *** ******** **** *** ** ********** ** their weaknesses in ***** ** ******** its ****** ***** *** ***** ******* ** ****** ********* tactics ** **** *** ******* ** a fairy *********** environment *********** ******* factors like *********** ****** ********* among ****** **** ** the pricing of ***** *** ******** intends to ******* ***** by *********** **** will ** **** ** use ** ******* and offering gifts *** **** ******* *** ******** intends ** get its ***** directly from *** *********** who will use ***** *** ***** to ******* *** ************** ******* ***** ** intended ** ** ******** according to the ********** market ****** *** *** **** ******** The ******** ******* to ****** **** *** types ** ***** are available at all ***** especially ****** *** peak ******* **** *** ***** *** ******** *** **** *** customers **** be ******** on how ** ******** ***** ******** **** *** business *** *** ********* **** ************* and ***** sales services  ORGANIZATION *** ********** ****** *** beginning *********** **** *** *** farm inputs **** be a ***** ************ ******** ** just *** ****** But ** ** grows *** ****** ** ****** ********* ** ** ******** to ********* ******* first ********** **** ******** ** ******* ***** person ******** person *** * ******** *** ******** intends ** ** ********* ** all ***** ** ******* *** ********** ** *** business *** ***** ******** facilities ** the ******* ** *** ********* *** ***** ****** *** ******* ** *** ******** ******* **** to ******** ** organizing *** ** ****** *** premise **** ******* this *** ********* ***** be ***** their salaries at the ********* every ***** *** business ******* ** ***** this on time ******* ***** *** ******** intend ** ** increased after *** ***** ** successful ********* The ***** ********* **** ** ******** ** cover *** *** **** ********* within *** ******** this ******** writing *** receipts ******* ***** into customers vehicles receiving stock ******** *** ******** *********** *********** *** ********** business intends ** acquire business ******* *** ******* license **** ********* council ** **** ******* to ****** ************* ******** **** local ********* *** ***** carriers *** ******** is to ** ******* ** ******* Insurance Company *** these ********** ******** shall ** obtained **** State ******************* AND ********** PLANFor the **** *********** *** **** ******* to ******** **** *** ******* ***** ** meet customer’s needs ** intends ** ** ** operation **** ***** *** ***** **** ****** to ******** ***** ***** ** *********** set ** ****** the operation ** the ******** The ******* ******* ************* ***** include ********* ************************************************ ***** others *** business ******* ** ******* ****** laborers **** ** ** ******* *** stock *** **** ****** them ** *** store ********* *** ***** ** order The ******* conditions **** ** ***** care ** ** ***** **** be **** ventilation ****** *** ******** *** ******** ******* to *** *** government ***** on **** to ***** *** *********************** PLANThis ** a plan ** *** *** ******** of *** ******** ********* *************** ***** ******* capital ******* sheet ****** and loss ******* ***** **** analysis *********** ** ************* ratios *** desired ********* *** estimated working capital *** the ***** three ***** will ** ** *********** ***** ***** 372000910001108500CHAPTER ***** BUSINESS ************* **** ** THE BUSINESSThe name ** *** ******** ******** ** *********** ******* AND FARM INPUTS *** ******** ******* ** be ******* ** ******* ***** in *** ***** ******* ** *** ******** *** *********** ******* *** **** INPUTS ******* 26-00100 ORLANDO ****************** owner ** the ******** ** * ***** year ******* *********** * ****** ** ************** ********** His ******* *** ******** ******** ****** *** ******** ** ** agro *** *** ******* ** ****** **** ***** fertilizers ********* farm equipment ***** ****** Before ************ the business *** ***** intends ** ***** expected customers ** know the **** ** ***** and ******** they ******* *** enterprise ******* ** ***** **** the market ******* *********** ** ******* ******** ******** owner ****** experience when ** ****** **** *** ******* ** their **** vet **** *** * ****** ** *** ***** ** **** to ****** ******** LOCATIONThe business is intended to ** ******* ** Orlando Street *** ******** ** **** **** *********** makes ** more ************ *** ** therefore accessible to ******* business ******** ** a **** ***** ***** it *** **** infrastructure ***** ** also **** security as ****** ******* **** * ****** ******* *** **** is supplied **** *********** water *** **** communication facilities **** **** ** easy ***** ****** ******* **** *** **** highwayThe ****** ** ********* ********* are expected to ******* ****** *** farmers around the **** *** market ** ******* ******* **** many ****** ** *** **** ******* to ***** scale ******* ** an ************ NATURE ** THE *********** ************ business ** * **** ************** *** owner ******* to ***** ***** **** *** **** of ****** ******* *** ***** ******* ** ********** $ ***** *** get a **** from *** youth and *********** ***** *** ***** capital **** ** ********** ********* ******** ******* to ***** on ******* ****** **** **** *** owner intends ** **** everything ***** ** start *** businessThe ******** is ** ** ****** ** *** ****** *** **** ******** ** *** business is ** provide *** materials *** **** ********* ** ******* ***** ******** **** ****** and ****** farming easier ** the ******** THE *********** ********** ******* ** **** **** ***** like fertilizers ****** ***** farm ************* **** *********** ******* ************ *** It **** ******* to offer ******** *********** business ** ********** ****** because the ******* *** ******** ********* *** experience on *** available products ***** the ***** ** *** ******** ******* to ********** on campaign ************ THE *********** SIZE ** *** *********** ******** intends ** open * ****** ***** ******** It ***** under ************ ****** *** ****** ** **** ***** *** ****** * wide **** ***** farming ** ********** *** ****** of products ** ******** ** ** *********** CHARACTERISTICS ** *** *********** ******** ** a medium ***** *** The ***** ** technology ******* ** *** ******** ** ****** ***** farm ******** changes with time *** technology ** expected ** go with the ****** ***** ** the ********** therefore agricultural ******** ******* with time *** ****** ** ********* ******** ** be employed *** ***** one ******* the ***** ********* *** ********** ** *** ********* **** by the ****** person *** *** ***** *** **** ** * ******** ** keep the ******** ****** *** ******** ******* this ****** ** ******** ** **** with **** ** *** business growsThe basic ******* requirement *** *** ******** ** *********** money ** ******** ** ** ****** for *** ************* ** the ******** However ** the ******** ***** *** profit ** **** *** *** **** ** ********* *********** obtained **** *********** ***** that *** level ** ***** is seasonal *** depends ** the **** ** *** ******* ***** *** **** ** *** onset of the **** rains ****** ** the ******* ******** ******** ******* ** ***** quantities It is **** notably **** ****** *** ***** of July when fertilizer *********** ** done ** the ***** **** it’s *** during *** *** ****** especially ** *** *** of ******* ****** *** PROSPECTS OF THE *********** ******** is ******** ** grow ******* ***** **** *** ***** to **** * **** demand of agricultural *** farm ****** *** ****** is ******** ** ** in constant ****** ***** the ******** ** ***** *** ****** ********* **** good management ********* ** the ******** is ******* ******** is ******** ** **** *********** **** the ******** agro **** ** *** **** but **** the ************ ** goods *** ******** *** ********** ********** *** ******** ******* ** ******* very fast17 ************* ** BUSINESS VENTUREThe ******** ******* ** ******* the *********** ***** ** the ***** ****** *** **** *** **** demand of *********** *** ***** **** ****** **** **** *** **** **** ** *** market the needs cannot ** satisfied ***** the ****** ** greater than ********* ******** ** ******** ** provide guidance and counselling ** *** ***** ** ******* ********* in *** farm *** ***** ********* at ********** **** ** *** ******* ***** *** ***** **** vets **** *** do *** ******** ******* to ******* employment ** ***** ****** hence ****** ************ in *** ****** ***** AND ****** STRATEGYBefore establishing the ******** *** ***** ******* ** **** ****** to the ******** ********* to **** *** kind of ***** ** demand and ****** ***** visits; she will ** ******** ** *** ******** The ******** expects ** ***** into the ****** through *********** as ****** in *** initial ****** **** ** * **** possibility ** ****** ** *** ******** ** ******* ************* The ********** ******* ** grow ** the *** ** profits acquired to restock *** ******** The business expects *** ****** of ***** ** be **** ** expects to offer ********** *** **** ******* ** ******* ****** *********** ************ ******** RESOURCESFor ********* running ** *** ******** ******* ******** resources *** ** be ********* in *** business ******** ** be **** by *** ********* **** ********* will ******* ********* ** ** **** by *** ******* *** accountant ** ******** ************ ********* eg ****** *** counters ** be **** by *** sales ******* ***** ******* to ** **** ** ******** of bulky ***** ** ******** vehicles192 ***** *********** ******** ******** **** have a ***** of three ********* ie the ***** ****** *** supportive ***** *** * ******** Each of *** ********* is to be delegated ** his/her ****** ****** on roles *** **************** considering their ***************** **** *** ************* business aims ** ****** *** *********** ***** ** *** ******** ********** supplying **** ****** ** **** ***** *** ***** scale farmers ** **** **** ** ********* *** business by ********** the ***** **** ****** ** *********************************************************** ************** ****** ******************** Agro vet *** **** ***** targets ** ***** *** residents ** Orlando and *** *********** The potential customers include: *** **** **** farmersOther ****** *** ***** who *** *** ***** *** sell **** elsewhere *** ********* customers are ******** ** be ****** middle aged *** ******* men *** women *** ******** farming They *** ******** ** ** purchasing *** ***** throughout but mostly ****** the **** **** season *** **** ** ******* desired ** *** ********* ** ******** ****** COMPETITION221 POTENTIAL ************ ******* *** only *** ***** ******** ** *** **** ******** ***** are ** farm ****** *** ** hardware **** ** *** main *********** *** ******* them *** ***** ** *********** **** vet *** farm ****** is ********** ** get and *** **** ********* ****** *** *********** who *** located *** the ******* *** ********** is ******* near *** ******* These competitors *** small ****** ********************** ** ********* ****************** **** ******** *** **** ** *** ****** for * **** time and in this **** ** *** been **** established **** many ********* ******* ****** *** ******** ** ***** ** working ***** It ***** at ****** ****** *** ****** ** ******** owner of *** business ******** ** ******** ***** ** * ****** *** at ***** ******** ************** ******* near ** farm ****** ** ** * big *** **** established hardware ***** ** ***** ** **** residents *** *** ******** been ****** *** ** **** ** ***** ** ******* ********* *********************** ** *********** WEAKNESSESEnsuring **** ********* ***** ** *** day and week *** ******** properly **** do **** ** **** **** ******* ***** **** ** **** 800am ** ***** **** ****** ** ******** *** ********** ******* **** ** ****** ******** * ******* of ploughing ******** **** will ** hired at a *** *** ** ******* customers The customers **** **** ** ****** **** and ***** ***** wrapped *** ****** ******** ****** SIZE PRODUCTS *** *********** ****** ********* *** ******** are about *** thousand ** **** *** ******* ****** sales are ******** ** ** *** ** the end of the first year It ** ******** ** **** *** **** ***** ******** in ********* ***** ** *** ********* ******* ************* *** business **** ** ****** ****** ** ******** **** *********** needs *** ********* ****** ********* ** ******** pricing of ***** *** services ***** *** ****** ****** ******** With this ******* the ******** **** determine ***** ***** *** pricing ******** **** ***** ******* **** ********* ** *** business *** ** *** **** **** **** reasonable ****** ** the business *** ******* system ** ******** ** ** **** ** *********** *********** ******* *** selling ***** **** ** ********** ** ******** ** ****** ***** **** ********* *** ************* ***** **** *** cost ******** *** *** ******* ** ***** the ********* ** added *** selling price ******** ** ** variable ********* ** buying ***** *** ***** **** ********** ***** **************** ***** tactics **** ** ******** ** ** ** ******* ***** *********** *********** The ******** intends ** ** ******** on *** ** ******** ***** **** ***** *** **** ***** ***** ******** **** *** also ** done ** ******** *** ***** ** ***** *** ******** *** ********* ** the ***** of goods *** ******** ********* ** *** ****** *** customers ****** peak ******* ** When they are mostly ** **** ** **** eg ** *** ********* ** *** **** rains **************** are **** ******** to ** ***** ** *** ********** customers ********** large ***** farmers **** **** **** **** ****** *** products ********* *** *** **** ***** for *** ******** ********* PACKAGINGThe ******** ******* to ***** ********* services ** *** ********* *** those who ******** their goods ** ***** ********** **** will ** ******** ** ********* **** *** *** ***** *** ******** ** **** ** be done in cartons All ***** *** ** ** ******** for customers27 ADVERTISING AND ********* STRATEGYMETHODS TO BE **** FOR ************** ******* ******* ** use ******* ********** the ******** of *** ******* ***** *** services offered ** *** ******** These **** ** ******** and put ** a ********* point ** ******* center ******* *** ***** ****** ***** *** ******* attention The ***** **** ******* ** inform ***** *********** *** ***** leaders of the existence of the ******** *** ask **** to ******** ** ******** Sign ***** will ** *** ** ********* and ***** places ** the town to **** *** ******** ** *** ******* These advertising ******* ****** to **** the quality ** ***** and services ******* *** ************* ** ******** to **** 2% of *** ***** ******* capital *** number ** customers and ********** **** **** **** ******* the ************* ** *** ********* ************ STRATEGYThe ************ ******* will be ** *********** *************************************************** goods *** to be *********** to ***** by *** of ********** vehicles ** ******* fixed **** ********* *** **** expected to ***** *** **** ** purchase *** ******** ********* ******** ** be stocked *** ****** **** chemicals and ****** ******* ***** ********* Benefactors **** *** *** **** input ******* ** *** ***** goods from *********** *** direct **** ************* *** **** ** ********* ********* for ***** own ****** ************* are ******** ** use their own ***** ** transport ** ****** ******* to *** ******* ******* expected is ******* ******** ** ******* stock ******** ** ******** ** ******* ****** **** *** out ** ***** *** ***** the **************** ******* ORGANIZATION PLAN31ORGANIZATION OF *** ********** *** beginning Benefactors Agro *** and **** ****** intend ** be a ****** ************ ******** by a *** ****** ** the ******** ***** more ****** **** ** ******** to ****** the ******** *** ***** below ***** ******** ********** ** *** ********* ************ ****** ********** ***** ********** ********** OF *** BUSINESSAt *** beginning ** the business *** manager will ** *** owner ** the ******** who ** * ****** ****** ** ************** technology *** *** a *********** in ******** *** ******** studies *** ****** of *** ******* **** ********** *** day ** *** activities ***** ******** smooth ******* of *** ************** the ***** ****** ** ****** ******** ************* quick solutions ** the ********** problems *********** ** running *** businessCarrying *** market ******** ** new products ********** into *** market ******** ********* ******* *** **** *** ******** *** ******** ****************** ********* ***** *********** manager ** to **** $10000 ***** month *** ***** ** *** ******** at *** ********* will ** relying on ******* that ***** arise from the ******** *** with time **** be in * ******** ** ******* **** ****** *** remaining ****** ** ** **** for the ********* of *** ******** ** *** also seek advice **** ******** ******* **** when *********** ***** ************ ******** has ** ********* of ********* ***** employees ** the start **** ******* ***** ****** ********** staff *** a ************* ********* ****** ****** ** ******* ** *** ** years ** age ** **** ****** ** * ****** ** certificate ** sales and ********* *** ****** **** **** accounts to *** final *********** ** THE SALES ******** Should ***** *** physical ****** ** selling ********** ********* ******** *** *** *********** Entering ****** *** *********** ** ***** ** ********** Receiving ***** from ******** and ******** ** *** ******************* ******* should ** **** between ** and 30 yes *** should ** a ****** ** *********** ** ***** and *************** OF *** ********** ******* ********* ** ***** in *** ******* Loading *** stock into *** ********** ******* for ********* to ************ destinationsØ Cleaning of *** ****** ********************* ******** should ** * ******* ********* **** ******* ** *** 35 ***** of *** He ****** ** ****** and fluent in **** ******* *** KiswahiliDUTIES OF ********** *********** *** *** security ** *** ******** ********** ** ******* *********** customer’s ******** ********** **** ***** *** long ******** ********************* **** ** ********* ** *** *** ***** employees *** business ******* ** ********* ***** *** ***** interviews ***** ** ***** ***** ** *** ****** ********* *** interviews **** ** ********* ** ********* ***** *** **** ********** RENUMERATIONTable ** ***** *** ******** ** *** manager *** *** employeesStaffDollars per monthDollars *** yearManager10000120000Sales ************************* Staff500060000Watchman400048000Total24000288000  *** salaries **** ** for the first *** years ** ********* ** **** the ***** **** **** will ** *********** ******** ** ************** *** interviews *** qualified personnel ** *** start **** ** ********* continuous training ** *** course of operation ** *** ********* *** ******* intends ** train employees ** ***** ****** and responsibilities *** ** to ****** **** ** ******* **** *** ***** *** *** ********** ** *** ************* ****** *** ********* ** *** ******** *** employees *** ** be **** ** ****** ******** ********* ** *** business *** seminars will ******** ******** management *** ************** ***** *** ********* ********** *** supplies stock keeping and ***** ******** ******** ***** ******** ******* ** **** the employees perform ***** ****** *********** *** *********** ***** *** ***** *** ********** of the ******** **** ** ********** ***************** will **** ********** *** ***** ** certain ********** per ***** *** **** **** **** the more *** ********** **** **** get This ** ***** to **** *** workers **** ******* *** to ******* **** *********** PROMOTIONThe ********** ******* ** ******* its promotion ** going into *** field *** ******* ** ***** ***** ******* where ********* ******* ** *********** ***** ********* *** ******* will ** carried *** ***** ** *** business intends ** organize **** *** ******* **** **** every ****** **** ** ******** to *** *** ******* ** * reasonably lower price *** ** *** ** ***** ** ***** **** **** ******** morale ** **** customers *** **** **** keep buying **** *** ******** ******** ************ field **** *** ************ shows can **** ** ********** ********* ***** also do ** and special ** customers *** promotion ******** at ******* stage ** ******** to **** ** ** *** ***** capital39 ********** OF ************ ******** ******* ******* ** be ********* most ** the **** ** *** ******** ** ******* ********* ** **** employee She intends ** make **** **** ******** performs *** **** **** ************** ********** ***** *** ****************** ADVISERThe business ***** ******* ** seek ****** **** ******* These ******* DRCliv a *** of ****** ********** ** ***** This ****** ******* ** ** ****** ** **** ***** is a needACCOUNTANTThe ***** ****** ** ** ** *** ***** ********* ******* of the ******** ** the ********* but **** **** and ********* ******** an ********** will ** employed ******* *** ******* is ** ****** that ***** ******* *** **** *********** *** carry out ******* ***************** ** **** ********* ** ** ** done ** *** sales ***** ******* ** **** be **** ** *** ******* ************ ******** *************** AND ********* ******** ******* ** ******* **** *** ******** of ******** *** ******** ** ****** it ******* ******* **** is to ** ******** **** ********* ******* at a cost ** $5000 *** year **** * permit is to ** ******** ***** ************** *********** business ******* to ****** ********* ******** from communications *** **** **** ** ******* ************** SERVICESThese ******* mailing ******** ******* ********* ******* *** ******* money ****** ******* ***** ****************** ******** ******* ** *** insured ** *** ******* ********* Company It will ** paying $3500 ***** ***** for **** *** ***** ********** ******** *** ******* ****** ******* ****** The ********* ******* ******* ** ** sought **** *** ******* car **** ******** **** when ******************* ****** ******************** ************** ********** *** CAPACITYThe premise ** *** ******** business belongs ** the owner ** *** business *** ******** is to pay **** of $2500 *** ***** for ******** the ***** of *** ******** ** ** cater for ******** **** *** likes *** lives *** ********* *** renovation ************ ******* ******** ** ***** ****** *** ** ***** *** ****** *************** AND ************* ******* **** require ****** ***** ****** tables ******* ******* *** ******* ******** The ******** **** also ******* ********** **** ***** punch pens ********* *** packaging ****** ***** ************ Shows *** ********** *** ********* ******** and ***** ************ costsMaterialCosts(dollars)Furniture10000Computer30000Stationery4000Weighing ********************************* ********************** ******** of *** shelves are ** be **** ** * carpenter who ** required ** ** ****** *** *** ********* for **** **** ** **** also ********* the ****** REPAIRS *** MAINTENANCEThe ********* ** ******** ** be repaired **** **** * ****** ******** ** ***** ***** equipment’s *** ** ** ***** as the business ***** * ****** ** ** be ***** ** ****** them **** **** ** *** *********** **** ** ****** ** ***** *** month43 *********** ******* is ** be divided into **** ****** *********** ****** **** **** the ***** *** *** ******* **** **** ******** * ** *** back *** *** ******* ********* PRODUCTION *********** ******* REQUIREMENT ** *** *********** ******** intends ** ******** its ********* ******* *** **** **** arises The items intended ** ** ********* monthly are ***** *********** shows *** ***** ******** ** be ********* monthly *** ***** approximate ********************** ****************** ***** *** ********************* books1000Total4000 442 ******* LABOUR *************** ******** ** required to ****** ****** labor ****** ***** ****** ***** month ***** ******** will ******* about ***** *** month ** ********** **** be **** ********** ******* ********** ************ ******* ********** **** include ***** ** ********** cleaning ***** which ******* ** ********* PRODUCTION **** *** ********** ** ***** the monthly estimated **** ** *** **************************** *** monthRestocking20000Cleaning ***************** **************** *********************** and **************** *************** monthly ************* PRODUCTION PROCESSFor *** **** *********** the ******** ******* to ******** **** its working ***** in ***** ** meet *** ************ ***** For **** reason *** business **** ** ********* ***** from 8:00am ** ****** ****** ** Sundays ** *** ****** of these working ***** ***** will be * ***** break ** one **** but the ******** **** *** be closed *** ********* will go for ***** ** ***** or ****** ***** take ***** ***** ** *** *********** ***** ****** ** ** ***** *** ********** ********** *** ******** ** the ***** *** *** *************** **** **** ** ******** ** ****** ***** thus ***** **** and ****** received ***** ******* of *** ******** ***** and **** ****** *** ******* to ******* ** ****** *** ******** ********* on *** ****** obtained *** ***** ****** also ** to ****** ********** ***** ** ***** *** forward *** ******** *** ******** ** be **** *********** *** operational **** *** ***** ** *** should ** **** ** *** ******* *** supportive ***** shall ** cleaning of *** floor ***** ************ ***** ** rules *** regulations ** ***** *** employees *** ******* *** ************* ********* ****** ****** ** work on **************** ******* should not be ******* ** enter *** store roomNo **** ****** ** taken *** ** the ***** ******* the ********* ** *** other *********** ********** REGULATIONSAccording ** *** **** ** ********** ********* ******* ** **** kind of ******** *** is ******** to obtain * trading ******* from *** ******** ** ******** *** industry *** * ****** **** ***** ********** ******* *** ********* ******* ** **** case ** **** be *** Municipal ************ *********** *********** ******* condition should be convenient for *** workerNo ******** involving ********* liquids ** ***** should ** good *********** ** *** ********* ***** ****** ** allowed ** ******** * ******** ***** the same nameThe ******* should pay ********** taxes ******* delay         CHAPTER FIVE50 ********* PLAN51PRE-OPERATION ******** is *** **** incurred ** ****** ****** *** ***** ** the *************************** ******************** ***************** ********************** deposit 2500Installation **** ** ******************************** ***** *************************** ****** ****************************************** cost79000  52 ******* CAPITALThis ** *** money expected ** ** used in the ***** ******** ********* ************ ********* ******* ******* ***** beITEM201720182019Stock ** ***** and others7000090000100000Debtors 120000100008000Cash ** ************************* ** bank 120000100000150000Total 242000260000308000                        Projected ****** and loss ** at **** *** ***************************************************** ** ********** *************** **** ************ cash in flow35000016000366000420000100004300005700005000575006000400060400062000011000631000650000800065800068000070006870007100008000718000805000500081000085100060008570089000040008940009220006000928000Cash *******  Cash purchasePayment ** creditorsInsurancePostageTelephoneElectricityWaterAdvertisementTaxTotal **** ************ **** *** *** *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** ****** *************** ******* **** ****** INCOME STATEMENTITEMYEAR *********** * (2018)YEAR * **************************************** ** goods5838009344001074500 Gross ************************************************** ***** & ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** expenses391000448000510320 Net ****** ****** ********************** 10%40900403200459297 Net ****** after tax368100     55PROFORMA ******* ************* ******* ***** *** THE ***** THREE ************* ********************* * ******************** * (2019)31/12/2019CURRENT ASSETS    Debtors850009000070000 Stock ** unfinished **************************** ******* assets 365000475000470000FIXED ASSETS    Machinery ************************************* depression1000090003500Vehicle(cost ** ********************************* and ******************************************************** ***** *************************** ********************************* ******************************************************************** ******* ************************************** LIABILITIES   Bank loan50000149000168000 Owners’ ****************************** **** **** LIABILITIES96000549200426967TOTAL ************************************** ************ *** total ****** ********** profit=1383800-583800=800000:gross ****** * 800000Gross ****** margin * ***** ****** **** SalesGross ****** ****** * 800000*100% ******* * **** %Total ******** for one year * **************** *** ***** * expenses * 100% Gross ****** ****** * ****** *100% ***** = 5033792056 ******* ********************************** ***************** ******************** ******* ********************* PROPOSED CAPITALIZATION Owners contribution300000Loan from bank 300000Total ******************** EXPECTED ************* ********** profit ****** * ***** ****** * *** ********* **** * ****** * 100% 1383800 = 4706%Year **** * ****** * **** ******* = ******* ****** ** ************ on ****** * *** ************ **** * **** ****** ********* **** **** * ****** * **** 300000For **** **** * ****** * 100% 300000For **** **** * ****** * *** % ****** * 15310%510 ****** ** INVESTMENTNet profit (after ***** interest * **** ***** investmentYear **** * ****** + 18000 * *** * ************ **** * ****** * ***** * **** ****** * ********* 2009 * 459297 * 16000 * **** ****** * *********************** Robert * ****** **** * ************** Publication: ****** Houghton ******* 651[46] ****** ******* * ************** ************ Boston Houghton ******* 591p ********** ******** ************** reporting ************ ******* *** ***** **************** *** * ****** Robert * (2000)finance; ************ *** ****** ******** **** **********

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