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This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin.InstructionsAs Paul addressed various church situations, he illustrated how major doctrines that flow from God’s plan of salvation through Christ Jesus ap

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin.InstructionsAs Paul addressed various church situations, he illustrated how major doctrines that flow from God’s plan of salvation through Christ Jesus applied to the church and individual believers. 

For this paper, you will choose one of the doctrines of Paul listed below to research and reflect on. 

  • Election
  • Justification
  • Reconciliation
  • Adoption
  • Sanctification
  • Glorification
  • Gifts of the Holy Spirit
  • Ecclesiology (the church)
  • Eschatology (the end times)

Once you have chosen your major doctrine, conduct research and write a four- to five-page paper that answers the following questions:

  • Define what the doctrine is
  • How is this doctrine important to Paul’s theology?
  • What did Paul teach about this doctrine? Provide specific examples.
  • Paul often uses illustrations to describe his doctrines. What illustrations does Paul use for this doctrine? In what other letters do you see Paul using this illustration for this doctrine? What other illustration, if any, does Paul use to describe this doctrine? Provide specific examples in your answers for each of these questions.
  • How did Paul apply the truths of this doctrine to the situations faced by the church and individual Christians?
  • Why is this doctrine important to the Christian faith?

You should only use academic sources for this project. Study Bibles, books, and peer-reviewed sources in the CCU Library are acceptable. Internet sites are not academic in nature and should not be used for this assignment.

Your paper must be four to five pages, not including the title and reference pages. It must include an introduction, a clear thesis statement, supporting body paragraphs, and a summarizing conclusion. Your paper should include two to three academic sources. Format your paper in APA style.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on add a file, then click submit to upload your assignment by the posted due date. Review the rubric for specific grading criteria.

As Paul addressed various church situations, he illustrated how major doctrines that flow from God’s plan of salvation through Christ Jesus applied to the church and individual believers.

For this paper, you will choose one of the doctrines of Paul listed below to research and reflect on. 

  • Election
  • Justification
  • Reconciliation
  • Adoption
  • Sanctification
  • Glorification
  • Gifts of the Holy Spirit
  • Ecclesiology (the church)
  • Eschatology (the end times)

Once you have chosen your major doctrine, conduct research and write a four- to five-page paper that answers the following questions:

  • Define what the doctrine is
  • How is this doctrine important to Paul’s theology?
  • What did Paul teach about this doctrine? Provide specific examples.
  • Paul often uses illustrations to describe his doctrines. What illustrations does Paul use for this doctrine? In what other letters do you see Paul using this illustration for this doctrine? What other illustration, if any, does Paul use to describe this doctrine? Provide specific examples in your answers for each of these questions.
  • How did Paul apply the truths of this doctrine to the situations faced by the church and individual Christians?
  • Why is this doctrine important to the Christian faith?

You should only use academic sources for this project. Study Bibles, books, and peer-reviewed sources in the CCU Library are acceptable. Internet sites are not academic in nature and should not be used for this assignment.

Your paper must be four to five pages, not including the title and reference pages. It must include an introduction, a clear thesis statement, supporting body paragraphs, and a summarizing conclusion. Your paper should include two to three academic sources. Format your paper in APA style.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on add a file, then click submit to upload your assignment by the posted due date. Review the rubric for specific grading criteria.

A clear, concise, and insightful thesis statement presents the chosen doctrine and its significance within Paul's theology.

3.6 points

A thesis statement is present and adequately introduces the chosen doctrine but may lack depth or clarity.

3.15 points

A thesis statement is unclear or vague and may not effectively introduce the chosen doctrine.

2.7 points

A thesis statement is absent or unclear, failing to introduce the chosen doctrine effectively.

A comprehensive definition of the doctrine is provided, followed by an insightful analysis demonstrating an exceptional understanding of the doctrine's significance within Paul's theology, including specific examples and illustrations from his letters and a thorough analysis of how he applied the doctrine to both the local church and the individual.

9.6 points

An adequate definition of the doctrine is provided but may lack thoroughness or clarity. The analysis that follows adequately discusses the importance of the doctrine in Paul's theology, how he presented the doctrine, and how Paul applied it to the church and individuals, but the analysis may lack depth or clarity. 

8.4 points

The definition given for the chosen doctrine is vague or lacks depth. The analysis that follows provides limited insight into the doctrine's importance in Paul's theology, how Paul taught the doctrine, and how Paul connected the doctrine to the church and individual believers. 

7.2 points

The definition for the chosen doctrine is inadequate or absent. The analysis fails to address the doctrine's importance in Paul's theology, how Paul taught the doctrine, and how it related to situations in the church effectively, or displays a limited understanding of the doctrine and Paul’s theology.

The paper includes a comprehensive discussion of why the chosen doctrine is essential to the Christian faith, supported by scholarly sources.

4.8 points

The paper includes an adequate discussion of the importance of the chosen doctrine to the Christian faith, but may lack depth or scholarly support.

4.2 points

The paper includes a limited discussion of the importance of the chosen doctrine to the Christian faith, with minimal scholarly support.

3.6 points

The paper includes an inadequate discussion of the importance of the chosen doctrine to the Christian faith, lacking scholarly support or depth.

Integration of 2-3 academic sources effectively supports arguments and enhances credibility. Citations follow APA style accurately. The paper includes supporting evidence from Paul’s letters. 

3.6 points

Integration of academic sources is present but may lack coherence or relevance to the discussion. Citations mostly follow APA style.The paper includes some supporting evidence from Paul’s letters.

3.15 points

Limited integration of academic sources, with citations inconsistently following APA style. The paper includes some basic supporting evidence from Paul’s letters and may have evidence from outside of Paul’s letters.

2.7 points

Inadequate or absent integration of academic sources, with citations not following APA style. The paper includes little to no supporting evidence from Paul’s letters. Examples may come from other New Testament writings. 

Response contains few, if any, minor format, grammatical, or style errors (less than 1 unique errors per page). Response is clear and easy to follow. Citations are formatted per APA guidelines. Response conforms to APA formatting, including correct title page and reference page.

2.4 points

Response contains few minor format, grammatical, or style errors (2 unique errors per page). Response is fairly clear and easy to follow. Citations are formatted per APA guidelines. Response mostly conforms to APA formatting, including correct title page and reference page.

2.1 points

Response contains 3 or fewer unique errors per page that distract from the material. Response is disorganized and difficult to follow. APA formatting contains many mistakes. Citations are not formatted per APA guidelines.

1.8 points

Response contains 4 or more unique errors per page that distract from the material. Response is disorganized and difficult to follow. Citations are not formatted per APA guidelines.

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