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This is the first step in creating your Capstone Project. You will select and describe your topic and address all guidelines listed below as it pertains to your topic. In order to gain approval from t
This is the first step in creating your Capstone Project. You will select and describe your topic and address all guidelines listed below as it pertains to your topic. In order to gain approval from the instructor, you will need to choose one of the topic focuses below, address the guidelines discussed below and submit a two-paragraph proposal:
After completing this assignment, your instructor will provide feedback to you on your topic selection.
This is an individual assignment.
The following are the guidelines for completing your Capstone Project Proposal:
Capstone Topic Focuses:
You must select from these five topic focuses:
• An applied principle, methodology, concept, or procedure specifically tied to your concentration.
• A significant problem that you propose to solve for your organization.
• A new significant opportunity that you propose for your organization to pursue.
• A new standalone business segment that you propose your organization enter.
• A new venture that you would propose to launch.
Capstone Guidelines:
Consider the guidance below as you consider your Capstone Topic selection this week:
• You must have passion for the topic you choose.
• Your topic focus is on a problem, opportunity, enhancing a process, or a new venture.
BUS700 – Capstone
Unit 1 Assignment 3: Capstone Project Proposal
• You must have access to needed resources, such as data, reports and applicable information (i.e.: people, processes, etc.).
• The scope of the topic must be focused adequately to be addressed in a 20-page final paper by end of Unit 8.
In order to gain approval from the instructor, you will need to choose one of these topics and address the guidelines stated above and submit a two-paragraph proposal:
• In paragraph one, you will state your topic selection and describe it.
• In paragraph two, you will address each Capstone guideline as it pertains to your topic selection.
Keep in mind that it is important that you have energy around your topic and that you will have information available to you to allow you to develop your proposal. Given this, a selection of a public company, such as Apple, General Electric, or General Motors, where you have no access to the company information beyond public data, will likely result in a difficult topic to address and meet Capstone requirements. Again, your Course Instructor will provide feedback to you on your proposal and will be available to discuss options with you, if necessary.
• Select a topic from the focus list provided and describe it in one paragraph.
• Compose a second paragraph addressing each of the Capstone Guidelines
• APA is required, including 3rd person voice.