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This problem must be done in BSL. (require 2htdp/universe)(require 2htdp/image)(require spd/tags)(@problem 1);; Design a data definition for a book.

This problem must be done in BSL.

(require 2htdp/universe)(require 2htdp/image)(require spd/tags)(@problem 1);; Design a data definition for a book. Each book has a title, an author,;; and a number of pages.;;;; The design must follow all applicable recipes.

.(@problem 2);; Use your data definition from Problem 1 to do this problem.;;;; Design a data definition for an arbitrary number of books.;;;; Your design must follow all applicable recipes, and must include all;; appropriate @tags. 

.(@problem 3);;;; One form of art is to write words and draw other designs;; using sparklers at night:;;

In this problem set, design a program where users can use their;; mouse to make their own similar artwork.;;;; When a user clicks down with the mouse, holds the button down, and moves;; sparkles will begin appearing at each move (this is called a mouse drag).;; Every time a user drags the mouse sparkles should appear wherever the mouse;; is dragged. As long as the user keeps the mouse button clicked down, the;; mouse can be dragged around the screen to make as many sparkles as one;; wishes.;;;; When the user stops dragging the mouse then new sparkles are not added when;; the mouse moves. When the user clicks down with the mouse again, all old;; sparkles are removed, and dragging causes new sparkles to begin appearing;; once more.;;;; Each sparkle should be created at the x and y coordinate on the screen where;; the mouse is.;;;; Images in BSL (and many other computer and programming environments) have an;; alpha value that determines an image's transparency. An image with a 0 alpha;; value is complete see-through (transparent). The maximum an alpha value can;; go in BSL is 255, which is completely solid, or opaque.;;;; Each sparkle should begin completely opaque, and fade until it reaches 0 and;; is completely transparent, to mimic what your eyes do when you watch;; sparklers do when waved around in the dark.;;;; We have begun the design with constants, data definitions, a helper function;; (at the end of the file), and a big-bang function, all of which you MUST use;; and CANNOT change in your solution. We have not provided wish list entries;; for the helpers nor have we provided the helper definitions themselves.;;;; Your design must follow all applicable recipes, and must include all;; appropriate @tags. 

.;; Sparkle Designer!(@htdw ListOfSparkle);;==================;; Constants: (define HEIGHT 400) ;pixels(define WIDTH 800) ;pixels(define MTS (empty-scene WIDTH HEIGHT "black"))(define FADE-RATE 3) ;alpha units per tick(define COLOR "red")(define NUM-POINTS 8) ;dimensions of each star(define IN-RAD 2)  ;see radial-star function(define OUT-RAD 8)  ;;;==================;;

Data Definitions:(@htdd Sparkle)(define-struct sparkle (x y a));; Sparkle is (make-sparkle Natural Natural Integer);; interp. a sparkle with an x and y position in screen space coordinates;;    and an alpha transparency value ranging from 0 to 255 inclusive,;;    where is 0 is completely transparent and 255 is opaque(define S0 (make-sparkle (/ WIDTH 2) (/ HEIGHT 2) 255))(define S1 (make-sparkle 1 2 3))(@dd-template-rules compound) ; 3 fields(define (fn-for-sparkle s) (... (sparkle-x s)    (sparkle-y s)    (sparkle-a s)))(@htdd ListOfSparkle);; ListOfSparkle is one of:;; - empty;; - (cons Sparkle ListOfSparkle);; interp. a list of sparkles(define LOS0 empty)(define LOS1 (cons S0 (cons S1 empty)))(@dd-template-rules one-of     ; 2 cases          atomic-distinct ; empty          compound    ; (cons Sparkle ListOfSparkle)          ref       ; (first los) is Sparkle          self-ref)    ; (rest los) is ListOfSparkle(define (fn-for-los los) (cond [(empty? los) (...)]    [else     (... (fn-for-sparkle (first los))       (fn-for-los (rest los)))]));; =================;;

Functions:(@htdf main)(@signature ListOfSparkle -> ListOfSparkle);; start the world with (main empty)(@template htdw-main)(define (main los) (big-bang los            ; ListOfSparkle  (on-tick next-sparkles)     ; ListOfSparkle -> ListOfSparkle  (to-draw render-sparkles)    ; ListOfSparkle -> Image  (on-mouse reset-or-add-sparkle))) ; ListOfSparkle Integer Integer;                   ; MouseEvent -> ListOfSparkle(@htdf star-img)(@signature Natural -> Image);; produce a radial star image with given alpha transparency value(check-expect (star-img 0) (radial-star NUM-POINTS

IN-RAD OUT-RAD 0 COLOR))(check-expect (star-img 10) (radial-star NUM-POINTS

IN-RAD OUT-RAD 10 COLOR))(check-expect (star-img 255) (radial-star NUM-POINTS

IN-RAD OUT-RAD 255 COLOR));(define (star-img n) empty-image) ;stub(@template Natural)(define (star-img n) (radial-star NUM-POINTS


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