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This term paper should be a culmination of all you have learned in this course. You will be required to conduct original research and develop arguments by integrating course concepts from the readings

This term paper should be a culmination of all you have learned in this course. You will be required to conduct original research and develop arguments by integrating course concepts from the readings and lectures. Your paper must:

(1) Be between 2,500 and 3,500 words (not including references)

(2) Use 12-point Times New Roman font (double-spaced)

(3) Conduct research using academic sources (i.e. academic journal articles and books)

(4) Use APA Style formatting (



(5) Include in-text citations and a bibliography of referenced materials


(1) Choose a social/environmental issue related to business

Some general examples: Climate change; Gender or racial inequality; Income inequality; Reconciliation in Canada; Working conditions/labour issues; Animal Rights; Pollution; Intellectual property/patents; Food desserts; Indigenous sovereignty and land development; Corruption; Decriminalization and regulation of cannabis; Fast fashion

*If you have an idea for a topic that isn’t listed, that is totally fine, just speak to me about it first so I can make sure that you are on the right track

**You can make your paper as broad (e.g. climate change) or as specific (e.g. carbon emissions in the Canadian Oil Sands) as you like. In general, it is easy to narrow down your topic to something a bit more specific since it allows you to be more precise with your arguments.

(2) Write a paper that addresses the following:

Part one:

Explain the issue. Please include:

Why is it important? (Why should we care about the issue)

How does the issue relate to business? 

What assumptions of capitalism are relevant to this issue? Why?

Part two:

Describe the key stakeholders around the issue. Include:

How these individuals/groups impact/are impacted by the issue

How these individuals/groups have tried to address or fix the issue

Part three:

Pick any two debates we covered in class (CSR, shareholder/stakeholder, short-term/long-term, corporate power) and explain how and why they are relevant to the issue you are examining? Explain your answer in the most convincing way possible.

Part four:

What changes need to be made to address this issue in the future? In your section, please include:

The integration of course concepts

The role that businesses and other stakeholders in implementing these changes

The possible obstacles or constraints to implementing these changes

How these obstacles might be overcome

Resources to help

English language resources:

Writing resources:

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******** ****** ****** InequalityStudent NameCourse Title *** NameInstructor ******* ****************************** ****** ****** ************** one: ****** ********** ******** **** men or ***** own * ************ ***** ** ****** valued ***** such as ***** ** ********* ******** men *** ***** ****** in various ********** gender disparity ********* **** ***** ***** ** ********** ********* *********** ******** ********* *** ****** ******** ******* ** al ***** ***** *** gaining ****** ** ***** ** **** *********** *** **** are also ******* ******* ****** ** others Men and ******* economic ******** ********* ************* ** the ****** **** ** *** twentieth century *** ******** unequal ***** women earn less **** men in **** (Anitha ***************** ***** ******* *** ****** ***** ** ****** ***** at **** ***** ** sometimes ************** ** society *** *** ***** ********** in ****** ********** *** * ***** **** of *************** ****** ****** the household ******* **** **** *** ****** labor ********* ********** ******* *** ******** outcomes *** gender ****** ********** ****** disparity ** *** **** a ******* ** *********** ********** it **** ****** ** ********** ********* ** some ******* ****** disparity ** most visible ** ****** relationships particularly ** *** *********** ******* *** *** ***** ****** ** ********** and *** ******* ** women ** *********** ** ********* decisions ** ******* (Holman et ** ******** reason ** should **** ***** *** ***** ****** ********** ** * ****** ***** **** continues to ** * *********** impediment ** poverty *********** Countries *** ************* ***** ******* ** gender ******** ** ****** ********** and ****** *********** ****** in ******* ******* ** improve their lives ********* ***** which ******* *** * ******* portion ** uncompensated work *** be performed by ****** *** ******* them to women *** *** ********** **** reinforces *** perception **** ***** *** ******* ******** ******* ***** ****** ********** ******** exacerbate **** *********** ****** *** gender ******** recognition ***** ****** ********* ***** on ***** **** ******** ***** on ****** ************** garners more attention **** gender inequality; ********* *** ***** has ******** ******* ** ******* gender ******** ************ in ************** ********* **** as *** ****** ****** Canada *** ****** ******* and ***** ********* ***** racism ** * ****** ******* ******* et ** ***** Gender inequality ** visible *** **** ** ******* *** **** ** political ************** ***** constitute ****** *** of *** population ** ****** ** **** *** ** the **** ******** (Gutiérrez-Fernández & ***************** ***** Women **** up *** ** candidates from *** **** ***** political ******* ******* ************** ********** the ******* ***** ** ********** genders' ********* *********** *** demandsMinority ********* will receive less attention **** ******** ********* ** representation ** *** legislative ***** ******** While ****** ********* ** some ******* ******* ** women ****** * ***** level of ********* this ** *** *** **** ** ****** ***** ** Canada *** frequently **** educated than *** ********** for *** of the ********** compared ** *** of *** **** ***** ***** ********************** ***** Fernández-Torres 2020) *** ********** ** evident in ***** **** ***** **** young ***** accounting for ********** ** those with a ******** ****** while ***** ***** account for **** of ***** with * ******** ****** ******* ***** ** * ****** ********* ** *** courses *** *** ***** ****** Men *** **** ****** ** pursue STEM-related ****** with 18% ********** in ******** ******* and *** ** ***************** ********** ****** to ******** ****** ********** is * ************ ***** that ********* ****** in ************** ********** processes *** ********* ** * ****** **** negative ****** ********** *** ***************** ******* human resource **** practices Human ******** ********* **** ** policy formulation *** implementation affect ****** ******** compensation and promotion ******* ** ** ***** *** ********* *** **** dubbed the **** ******* *********** *** ***** due to *** ********** ** many ***** ** ****** inequality ******* factors ********* ******* earnings *** ********* include gender wage gap ******* ***** ** leadership positions *** ****** ****** for ***** ** advance ** their careerHuman ********* ******** ********* particular set of ****** ********** ** their *********** knowledge ***** ******* ** *********** **** **** **** ** * ********* ** *** ************** of ******* genders *** instance in **** *** functions **** need * specific physical attribute *** a ******* amount ** ********** ** ** ********* *** ***** ** ***** *** ** be ****** (Holman ** ** ***** ******* eliminating ***** ************** ******* **** *** descriptions ******* men *** ***** ** ******* ******* for *** **** ****** ************* *** ********** Bias ** job ************ deters women **** ********* in ***** ******* *** ******** *** ******** *************** * ****** **** *********** *** **** ** imbalanced ************** of ***** ************ **** organizations **** * lower premium ** gender ******** *** more ****** ** ******** ************** ******* women *** *** ***** *********** depending ** their responsibilities *** *********** ************ ************ *** perpetrators ** gender discrimination **** **** ************* ****** ***** ****** ********* ** their ****** ******* women *** *** ******* et al ***** ************* **** ******* ******* ********** ********** ***** since **** have ***** **** ******* than *** This ********* that ***** **** ** **** less **** ***** ********* ** an unequal ************** of *** ** ************** hierarchiesIn some ********** ***** *** are preferred over ***** **** ****** ***** have ********** *********** and ******* for *** *********** ********* ************ *** **** women ** ********** ********* ******** ******** ***** **** ************* ********** and ********** (Haas ***** ***** 2019) ************ *** *** ***** are *********** *********** ********* ************** **** ***** ***** **** *********** for ***** **** ********** *** *** more ****** ** ****** **** *********** ***** ******** *** ****** ******** and ***** ********* ** *********** *** **** ********* **** ***** of women ***** ***** Hwang 2019) ***** *** **** ** * ****** standard of *********** *** **** ***** opinions ********** ******* males *** ***** *** ******* ** *** ***** **** treatment **** ** ********* ****** ****************** of *********** Gender ********** Capitalism's relevant assumptions regarding ****** ********* include opportunity equality and wage ********** ** ***** ******* representation ** *** population *** ******* must have ***** opportunity ** compete on ***** ***** ** *** **** ******** ***** and **** ***** ************** Men *** ***** ** *** compete ******* *** *** same ************* offered *** ** ******* representation ** *** ****** **** women ************ * ***** ********** ** *** population For ******* in *** ********* ******* ***** ******* *** **** 3% ** *** ********** ******** **** ***** interests **** ** **** ********** **** ********** *** inextricably ****** ** ****** **************** taking ******** ******** ***** ** **** *** newborns *** working ***** ***** *** ** *** other **** ******* **** **** *** ******** ***** ******** that **** ******** ********* are prioritized ********* This results ** ********* ********* opportunities *** men and decreased promotion ************* for women ******* ***** **** extended ******** ***** ********* in * lack ** ********** **** ********** to *** *** ******** *** ****** **** ****** their ****** *********** ****** ** ** ***** This ******** *** **** ***** *** *** ** ******* * ****** ****** than ***** * ****** **** *********** ** wage **************** ********** *** ********* * corporation's ******** ** use * ******** ****** of production ***** ***** ** * ****** ** ********** capitalist organizations *** ****** human labor to ****** labor ** * reduced cost ********** corporations ******* **** women and *** ** providing *** ***** to ********* *** ********** wages ** ***** ** ********* of hire (Anitha ***** ******* ****** ******** is evident with ***** ***** ******* ********* by ******* ***** labor ** * ***** ***** **** ***** ** for *** **** **** ***** This exploitation is related ** salary disparity Women ** ****** positions are **** **** **** ***** ******** working the **** ****** ** ***** and ********** ********** ****** ** education *** *********** * ****** men ********* become ********* ***** women ****** from *** ***** On the other **** *** **** ***** an abnormal ** ********* ****** *** ** paying ******* differentially ***** on ***** gender ******* capitalist ***** ** *** government's ******** ********** ************ ** restricted ** ********** ********* *** ***** the ************ primary functions ** **** *********** are ** maintain *** *** ***** *** to ******** *** ***** ****** Government ********* **** critical ******* of ********** is restricted ** perfect *********** ** ********** As * result * ********** ******* ******* **** *** *********** **** ***** chances *** ***** *** *** ******* representedThis ** *** ****** true as ******** ********* ******** ********* ************** and equal *********** **** ******* ********** ************ *********** determines ****** levels and gender representation Limited **** ******* *** ****** ******** ********** ** *** ***** ***** ** when ********** ************ pay workers ** ******* ******* profit ******* they own the ********** *** those *** ******* *** those **** *********** *** *** ***** * higher ******** ** ********** *** ********* ***** means they are **** ****** ** **** a stronger connection ** *** ****** of ******* ** ********** * ****** **** *********** ****** ************* **** *** ********** ***** ****** ************* *** ********* labor ****** *** ********* *** ************ are all ************ in these issues *** Canadian government ** *********** *** fostering ****** ******** by ******** *********** **** ******* **** *** *********** regardless ** gender ** ***** **** equal ************* for advancement ** the workplace ************ *** ********* party ********* seats to ******** ****** ********** women ** ********* ***** ************** in *** legislative body is ****** ******* ** al ***** ********* ****** ************** ** the *********** **** ****** **** ******* ********* *** *********** are ********** addressedCertain impediments related to gender ********** *** ** resolved ******* *********** ************ ********* gender inequality *** **** *********** **** ******** ** ** * ****** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** Activists *** ***** ****** ************* are *********** *** ********** for *** ****** **** ********* In **** **** the ******** ********* foundation *** activist ***** ********* ** poverty *********** ******** violence ********* *** ****** *********** equality will continue ** ***** *** and ******** *********** ** create *********** **** ******** ****** disparityLaws **** oblige ********** to establish ***** ** ethics *** ********* *********** strategies that ensure equal opportunity *** *** ******* in *** ********** promotion *** salary *** *** ***** ***** continues ** ** *********** for ******* rights ********* ***** ********** *** ******* ********** ** this situation *** labor ****** ****** ********* **** ******** *** *** ********* *** ********* ******** a ******* ********** ** ****** consumers and ********* ****** members who work for *** corporation ****** inequality ******* ************** ******* ***** ********* regarding ****** ********* *** salary in the *************** ********** affects society by ******** *** income *** **** *** earning **** than women *** work **** paid *** unpaid jobs with *** *********** work ***** ******** ********** *** ***** and women's activism ***** ******** to ******* ********** **** members about ***** experiences **** unequal ************** ***** ** ****** *** *** assumed to ** income ******* and psychologically ******** *** ** ****** ********* ********* *** ******** ** battle ** ******** their strength ***** ******** to **** in their ******* *** ******* ** * limited ******** ******* *** *** **** unlimited ************* to advance *** **** ************* ****** *** ** ********* leave benefit males **** **** women ** ************ *********** **** *********** ***** ***** ******** *** ********** activist ****** ***** ****** *********** *** *********** is ********** ** ******* *** ****** ** *********** *********** gender wage ********* *** prejudiced *********** ********* The labor union ********* *** **** parity *** *** ********* ***** ***** ******** groups ******** *********** ** ****** *********** compelling ********** ** adopt gender-neutral policies ************ ********* ******** to raise attention to ************* and institutions that lack gender ********* *** ******** *** ***** ************** at *** leadership *** ****** ********* *********** *** been * *********** shift ** *** *********** ***** ** STEM topics **** **** ******* ******* ***** ******** ** ****** **** **** **** **** address ******* ******************* ** ******* ****** ********* *** *** choosing ******* **** were formerly ********* ** women **** ** nursing ****** ***** **** step contributes ** ********* gender ******** ******** ** ******** that ************** ** ***** *** **** *********** ** *** gender ***** *********** **** *** other *** ********** Internal stakeholders especially ******** ******* ********* ******** ** ******* ******* ********* and ********* ***** purchasing decisions are ****** to *** ********* commitment to ************** ********* three: ********* ****** ************** ***** ** a **** **** ****** ** *** ********* ******* **** businesses take ** address ****** and ************* ********** Corporations *** ********** ** gender ******** ** ******** ********* ***** **** as ******** the community ***** ****** equality *** ********* ******** ** attending school ** ****** gender ********* ** ensuring ***** *** ** ****** responsible *** ******** ****** ****** ******** ***** Moon ***** The ****** **** develops ** **** money ***** on CSR ********** ** ***** ******* *** ************* **** ***** ******** ** ********* ******** such ** ****** ventures ** ****** *********** ** meant ** be **** to build *** business ** distributed to ************ ***** ********* is **** ************ ****** ********* what is **** *** ******* *** ****** ******** responsibility *** ******** ******* from *** ****** ** *** ******* ****** ******** ***** **** ***** *** corporate **** *** need ** ******* with the ********** when ******** social ills ******* *** ******** ** ********* ****** ************** ******** *** ***** *** concerns stated ** ******** Corporations must ** ********** to ****** ******* and respond ******* ******* through ***** ** ************ *** benefit ** ******** ** *** activity ** **** ** eliminates *** expense ** **** ***** ***** ** * ****** in *** ********** ******** toward *** companyWhen * ********* ******* ** ******* that ******* ****** ******** *** ************* ***** ********** improves allowing *** corporation ** ******* a *********** edge *** **** firms CSR **** ******** ** * strategic tool *** marketing the ***** *** ******* customers whose ********** ********* *** ********** ** *** company's ********** ** ******* *** *** *********** ******** ***** Moon ***** *** *********** ****** *********** debate ******* that shareholders ****** in ************ **** the expectation **** *** manager **** ****** in ways ******* ** ************ *** *********** ******** ********** that ******** **** complete ************** to ************ *** *********** *** ********** to *** ********* ****** ************** ** the management's ******* ********* is *** to ******* how ******* ***** ****** be **** *** manager ***** a ************** ** *** *********** *** directly or ********** ****** the *********** in creating ****** Whether as ********* employees ** suppliers *** ********* *********** ** the ************* ******* ********* as **** ******** *********** ***** ********* ********** ****** ****** * percentage ** ***** earnings in ******** ****** inequality ****** by *********** salary disparities ** ******** **** ******** ********* *********** of *********** ********* ** **** critical in ********** *** ****** *********** by *** firm *** instance * positive ************ **** stakeholders through ****** ** ************* *********** ********* ***** ******* *** reputation which adds to greater ***** performancePart four: ******* **** **** ** *********** ** *** ****** ** remove gender ********* ******* ********** ********* *********** ********* *** ********* ******** HR ******** **** *** ******* **** ********** promotion *** ********* **** ****** **** **** ******** women **** advancing ** ************** positions *********** **** ************** ******* from *** ************ **** be ******** ** *********** ****** ************** ** a ****** *** **** **** ******* ****** ****** ** *** *** ********** *** ****** ********** ***** ****** ******************* ** ****** ********** **** be ******* by ********** ********** ******** *** ******** work ************ **** allow women *** *** ** ***** ***** work ********* *** ****** ****** *********** ************ activists labor ****** *** federal ********** *** human ********* *********** *** collaborate to ********* that the stated actions *** *********** The *********** *** enact gender ******** ********** ** current ***** *********** ** ****** ********** ** ***** ***** *********** ********* ********* to ********** *********** Unions *** activist ****** *** ******** *** ******* ********* that do *** adhere ** gender equality ******** *** ******** organization *** ****** awareness ******* at the ************ ***** ***** *** ************* *** ***** *** men to ****** ** STEM disciplines and **** dominated ** ******** business can *********** empower ***** ** offering ***** *********** ******* *** *** ***** particularly minority women and an equal *********** ** **** ** their ****** ***** ******** *********** ** ************ ***** ************ include a lack of financing *** ********* ********* *** ********** for ************* ***** ** *** ********* seeking to ******* their education ******** ******** ************ ** ***** ** ********* and ****** *** **** ** *********** ** ****** ************ ******* ***** ****** ******** *** the ***** ** men and ***** ****** ** ** ***** Due to some *********** ********** ** ***** women ** **** some ****** ********* ********** ** change ****** * firm *** **** ************** ************ ******* to ****** can ** overcomed ******* ********* the community ***** *** ************* ********** ** ******** ***** ** ******* ***** media churches and ********* ********* *** *** be **** ** spread ********* ********* It **** ** feasible ** **** *** correct ****** ********** ***** these ********* In ********** *** barrier *** be ******* ** changes ** ********** *** culture ********** changes **** ** a long way ****** ********* *** *** executive's perspective ********* ******** female participation ** senior positions Corporations ************ * ******* ** ***** revenue to non-profit ************* **** advocate for **** ************** *** ****** ******** *** **** ************ will ******* future ******** ******* *** women ************* **** ** * **** *** ****** eradicating ****** inequity ****** ** ** ********************************************************** D ** * ** (2019) *** ****** ** ****** ********** on Women’s HealthRecent ******* ** ****** ******** ******** D * Akmal * ***** ******* * (2021) Gender **** ** ********** *** **** view *** Journal ** *********** *** Migration ************ * ***** **** J ****** *** *** feminist ************ ******** ******* ** ********** ************ for the analysis ** ****** ************* ** Business Ethics155(2) **************************** * ***** ***************** * ****** Does ****** diversity ********* ******** efficiency? ** ******** **** *** social *********** ** CSRSustainability12(9) ******** * & ***** C * ****** The ****** is not ************ influence ** *** ******** ********* on ******** *** of ******** ***** in ****** ********* **** ***** *********** ********** * Greene * * ***** N Stavropoulou * ****** * Nascimento * ***** ***** G * ****** ****** ********** and *********** ****** norms: ******* *** ********** ** healthThe Lancet393(10189) 2440-2454Holman * ********** * & ****** * E (2018) The gender *** ** ******** *** long ***** ***** are equally **************** ************ ************* D ***** * Conley * * ***** ******* * * (2018) ** *** *** ** win and women not ** ***** Closing *** ****** *** in ******* ******* ******* ** ********** ******* 61(2) ************* S ****** ************* ******** ***** ******* an ************** ***** ********* ***** control *** ************ ** ********* ********** *** reproductive ************* ******* Women25(15) *********************

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