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Throughout the course you will be completing a journal. The journal will consist of five one-page essays (one page from each week).

Throughout the course you will be completing a journal. The journal will consist of five one-page essays (one page from each week). These Thought Journals will help you analytically consider new insights as well as additional thoughts on previous insights.

Write a one-page journal entry that addresses the different worldviews discussed in this week’s content and learning activities. You will want to consider your previous experiences with the different worldviews. In the journal you may incorporate a personal reflection on a specific situation, an observation on contemporary worldview debates, or a description of a recent event.

Journal entries are not expected to be formatted in the APA style unless otherwise noted from your facilitator; however, citations should be presented in APA format. Also, it is expected that grammar, spelling, etc. properly meet a university level of writing.  

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