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Throughout this course, you have been working on your research paper on a company you have chosen. For this assignment, you will consolidate the parts of the assignment you wrote in Units II, V, and V

Throughout this course, you have been working on your research paper on a company you have chosen. For this assignment, you will consolidate the parts of the assignment you wrote in Units II, V, and VI. In addition, you will add a new section that comprises content you have learned in this unit.

First, combine Parts I-III of your paper. Be sure to make any necessary changes based on your feedback. Ensure that you include an introduction and transitions so that these three parts read as one cohesive document.

Then, you will need to examine your firm’s working capital management. Look at the firm’s annual report and answer the following questions:

  • What is the firm’s cash position? Does the firm reflect positive cash balances for the last three years?
  • What methods does the firm use to ensure and maintain positive cash flows?
  • What methods of short-term financing does the firm use?

Conclude your paper with a final recommendation about whether or not this company would be a good investment for potential investors. Your finished paper must be a minimum of seven pages long, and you must use at least five sources (most of which were likely used in other units). At least one source must come from the CSU Online Library. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. 

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*********************************** ****************** ********************** ************ ****** ** ***** ********* as * ****** ** retail business and ********** **** ** ********* ********* the best ******* ******** ** a ********** ********** ***** It *** ******** ****** ** a pacemaker **** *** ********** ** **** ***** *** ********* ********* ** *** f the **** important ********** **** investors *** other ************ ****** ** ensure **** get the best ***** **** *** ******* *** ******* *** cash position ******* ** ***** price *** liquidity ***** ***** other parameters *** ************ reviewed ** ****** the ***** ******** ** **** *** ******* of ********** ********* *** **** ***** ** ****** ***** *** *********** *** *** ******* *** ********* ********** might be ****** ** ********** ****** ******* ** ** ***** ***** ***** ********* ** this paper *** ******* ** *********** ******** **** **** short-term ********* *** *** *** cash ******** ** the ******* affects Amazon will ** ********* **** ******** *** ******* of ********* a **** ******** *** ****** ****** begin ** ************* *** ***** ******** of ****** *** *** **** three ***** *** ******* in **** the stock started ** ******* *** ***** ** $323390 From *** evaluation ****** is evident It ***** that *** ******** effects ********** **** *** COVID-19 pandemic were ** ****** of *** ******** ***** ** ****** ********* to *** *** ****** ** **** *** company *** ** *** end of **** *** ************ **** ******* *** number of ****** the company *** ********** by *** ***** *** ***** of *** **** ******** *** ** ******** **** ***** *********** **** ** ******* to ********** *** ********* *********** ****** *** Wang ***** ****** ***** ********* *** process ***** ** difficult to implement but ********* ** ********* are ** *** *** ******* value *** their *********** *** other cash ********** **** ** not ******** ***** **** to ***************** ** ******* *** investors *** stakeholders ********** **** *** cash ******** *** * downward **** ********* ******** **** positioning should *** act as *** primary ***** ** *************** ********* its ****** portfolio **** *** ********* ******* *** **** ******** *** Amazon *** **** steadily ********** For example ** **** *** **** ******** **** ** ***** ****** the ***** ** the **** ******** ****** ******* ** is ** ****** **** ******** confidence ************ **** many businesses have *** ***** optimism **** it comes to *** ******** ****** In *** ***** quarter ** *** **** **** the **** ****** projections are likely ***** the ******** ** **** ******** ************ By ***** *** ***** ** *** **** position *** ********* at $66385 ******* meaning there ** * ****** ******** **** **** ******* ** **** reaching * *** ****** ** ** ******** **** the ****** of ********* **** ******** as *** war ** ******* *** **** ** ********* *** ****** ** ****** to *** ******* ******* ***** ***** ***** However many *** optimistic that *** effects **** ** *** Amazon **** have ** ****** *** e-commerce model it operates ***** ** ****** ** **** *** make ******* mistakes **** ********* **** ** Walmart **** made ********* the ********** ** the liquidity position ** *** ******* Although ********* and ********* cash **** **** ** be ** *** decline ** is ******** that the ****** ***** ***** *** ** ** any **** financial ******* * negative **** **** **** ***** ***** ** **** ********* *** ***** **** ********** ****** ******** ***** *** be ******* ** *** ******** positive **** flow *** *** ********** *** ******* ********** ******** **** is a ******** ** *** many ******** **** *** ***** is ******** The ******** in ******* *********** is * ***** ************* that ***** ** **** ** *** **** positioning than **** ***** *** *** *** ******** ******** *** *********** **** **** $21 ******* was increased ** Amazon’s growth *********** It ** ********* *** ********* ** understand that * *** Amazon *** Services ******* means that *** *********** **** **** ***** be affected ********* *** ******* and risks **** might ****** the ****** ** ********** **** **** are ************ ***** fought **** *** ********** and ********** of ***** ** Amazon’s products ******* retail (Bezos ***** ********** ************** ******* ***** *** **** ****** *** *** increase ** **** ****** ** * ***** ************** that will ensure ******* * ******** cash flow ** achieved or not ********* **** ** happy with *** ******* ******** ** *** ******* ******** ** other *********** ** the **** **** the ****** of *********** **** ****** *** the ****** ****** **** ******* ******* to ******** ******** Cash Flows *** ******* available *** ****** ** ******* *** ******* **** **** ********* **** **** researched *** tested ****** ** *** ****** *** methods *** *** new; ******* *** ************** ******* will change *********** *** *********** of expenses *** *********** is ***** in ******** *** ******* **** not **** * **** **** ** not ****** its risk ******** ******* ***** there ** no ***** ******* cash ******** *** companies operating in the ****** ******** *** ******* *** ** ** *** *** ********** ** ensure **** **** **** *** affect *** ability ** ****** to **** ***** *** ********** ******* ***** ***** ***** The **** ****** under ****** ** *** ********* ***** maintenance *** ***** ************ ** ********* ******* **** **** **** **** ******* the ********* *** fundamental aspects ** ****** *** how the ****** **** ** ******** ** ********* made *** ********* ***** *** Amazon ** ******** ** analyzing *** ******* ** *** ********** *********** **** as operating costs and ************* ** * financial ****** ****** ********** *** liquidity ratio ************ to see ** *** ********* ******* *** in **** with *** *********** ** *** ********* *** ****** dynamics ** might not **** *** ****** amount but **** ****** *** ******** ** *** ************ ************ *** superior ******* **** ********* might **** been ********* ***** *** be ******* *** **** ** ****** the ****** that **** allow ********** ** ******** ** Amazon *** ******* a ****** of ***** 7% ** ****** ** **** investors interested ** **** ************ **** ** bank ******** ****** match ** to the ******* (Rikap 2022;Xiang and **** ***** ***** ************ **** ** ****** ***** **** *** ************ and decision-making ************ **** ****** ***** *** exit ***** *** **** ****** the **** appetite *** **** ** *** ******** parties *** ************ ** ********* finance **** that there *** enough theories *** concepts ****** Amazon’s reach ** ****** each ******** **** ** *********** ******** **** **** is ******** *** example the minimum ********** value that **** ********* ***** ****** **** ****** ***** *** ** ****** their expectations ******* ** **** *** *************** ******* *** amount of ******* ****** and *** valuations ** the ***** ***** In *** **** term every company ******** that all the *** ********* ********* *** the company should ******* *** ********** of *** ******** ********* ** ** ********* **** *** ******** associated with ********* ******* **** the ***** ***** of ************ *** accountability ****** ***** Although there *** ** guarantees **** *** ******** *** ******* ****** ********* ** *** ******* **** ****** ******** value *** ********** **** for ********* ***** turn ***** ******* ** ********** Financing Amazon *** ******* ************ **** it **** to ************* They are all ******** ** ****** ** ***** ******** *** ******** *** geared ******* ******** * healthy ******* ***** **** **** ****** ***** are ** ****** about *** ****** ********* ** *** ******* **** ******* ***** ****** commercial bank ***** secured ***** *** ********** ***** *** ***** ****** ensures that ******** ***** *** managed *** ***** *** no **** **** ***** affect the *********** ************ ** *** ******* ******* ** ** ***** ***** *** Wang ***** Fueling ******** ****** ************ ** the globalization drive that Amazon has *** up *** **** ***** credit ******** *** *** ***** markets **** need ** ** ******** ***** is **** ******* that *** **** ** ******** ********** **** ********** model ***** **** ** * **** target for ******** *** regulations that are *** ********** with *** goals of *** ********** The legal ******* that Amazon ***** **** to ensure *** secured loans ******* ** ** do *** ****** *** ****** **** ** *** ******* sheet *** ******* *** capping ** *** maximum ****** that ***** ********** *** **** ** ** possible that *** number ** ********* ******* ** ****** from the ********** ****** ** the ******** ****** ***** ** Amazon ***** ******** *** *** ****** on *** long-term ****** **** *** be revealed (Rikap ***** ***** ***** *** ********** between ********** sales *** ******* has always ********* ** an investment in other ******** *** become necessary ** ****** *************** is ******** *************** of *********** ****** short-term ********* *** **** *********** ******** ** *** ******** ** *** true ***** ** the ******* ***** require ************* and evaluations The ********** ********* will ** successful ** *** **** ****** *** ******** in operational costs *** expected but not by 13% ** created **** *** *************** ** ********** financial ********* **** **** *** **** ******** ** believe ***** was ** *********** ******* the ******** in revenue the ******** **** *** the ****** ** *** ****** ********* ** ***** investment ******** ** ** even **** *********** **** ***** is a **** ** net ***** projects *** the **** ** *** 2022 ********* **** The *** ***** *** expected ** hit **** **** **** billion ***** **** represent * ****** of more than ** ** ** a ****** that will ** ************* as the ****** ******* *** **** ********** **** **** **** accumulate **** * ****** problem ******* et ** ***** ***** ***** The ***** ******** ****** ******* *** most ********* ****** ** ** *********** to **** than *** of *** ******** Therefore ** ** ******** in ***** in the ****** quarter will ** ************* Short-term ********* ***** on *** revenues ** *** ******* ** *** possible ** *** company *** ** pay ********* ********* *** ** the **** **** **** *** ******* ** the *************** overhead ***** Term loans **** **** ** * ******** ** ************ loan **** Amazon *** **** to ******* some ** *** ********** ** *** * ************* ********* ** ** ***** the ****** of the company are ** stake ****** ********** *** Wang ***** ****** ********** ***** term ***** **** * higher risk index ******* ********* ************ demand better ********** for repayment ****** lease financing which *** **** ** *********** **** ********* Preferred ****** *** **** ** *** most ******* ***** ** ******* *********** ********** **** ** the ********* ***** *** ****** ******** payments *** ****** periods ** **** ****** ********** **** mergers **** local ********* **** **** ** possible ** ********** financing is ******** ********** *** ****** of ****** ** *** ** its ******* ** ********* financial theories and ******** that *** ********** **** the ***** of *** ******** *** ******* ** a ***** choice for *** ******** as *** ********* ****** *** management *** ******** ******** ** *** comptitors ** is ******** **** Jeff ***** might *** **** foreseen *** fast ****** of *** company *** *** ********* ** *** company **** it stand out *** ******* *** ******** great *********** **** ** was voted *** ***** **** ************ ***** ** **** ****** ***** it ** ****** ** ***** ********* *********** then ** ***** **** it ** employing ****** *** ** *** same **** enlarging *** ****** ****** ** *** ****** (Badawi ** ** ***** *** et al ***** *** ******** ********** *** *** ability ** be ********** *** ***** ** ******** *** *********** niche is achieved *** ******** ********* ********** ***** not ** *********** but **** ***** ****** *** **** ***** opportunities ** the ********** market ** achieve ********* ***** **** were ********** ******* ** be *** ** reach Competition and the ********* ****** ** **** ********* ** * major growth ** *** globalization ******** that Amazon is ******* to implement ** ** difficult for *** ********* ** ******* the ***** *** objectives **** ** wants ** ******* if it **** *** have *** skills *** ************ ** ** ** Amazon’s *********** ** *********** ********* **** lagged behind its *********** making ** ********* to ********** *** *********** ** ********* *** ***** ******* The ******* of ************* ******* that ****** ******* *** *** *** ** *** ******** (Bezos ***** ***** ***** ******* *** ********** ******* **** it **** to *** *** they will continue ** perform well *** ** expected Revenue ******* *** *** ****** ** ******* that maintain * positive **** **** ** * ***** challenge *** Amazon ** ** does *** **** a ***** ******** in **** ******* **** ** ******************** * ****** ****** ****** Report ********* **** ** **** from https://wwwannualreportscom/HostedData/AnnualReportArchive/a/NASDAQ_AMZN_2020pdfKristensen * ****** J ****** A *** * ***** Lam S ****** ******* Synopsis **** ****** *** IncOubari * ****** * Kittaneh * ***** ******* * (2022) ********* ********* A ********** ***** ******* Amazon *** ************* * ***** **** *** **** ***** ******** ** ***** aboard *** Shepard ****** Ship *** News ********* **** ** **** **** ******************************************************** * ****** Amazon: * ***** of ************ through intellectual rentiership and predation *********** & ****** 26(3-4) 436-466Xiang * ***** **** B ****** ****** ********* MODEL ******** ******* ** economics and ********** sciences (2) *********

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