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To emphasize the importance of password management for your entire staff, you will create a password management plan that aligns with HIPAA standards. Your plan should highlight the three main categor

To emphasize the importance of password management for your entire staff, you will create a password management plan that aligns with HIPAA standards. Your plan should highlight the three main categor

To emphasize the importance of password management for your entire staff, you will create a password management plan that aligns with HIPAA standards. Your plan should highlight the three main categories under the HIPAA Security Rule (technical, physical, and administrative), the steps employees can take to make their passwords HIPAA compliant, and the process for regular administrative review of employee adherence.

The password management plan should include the following elements:

  1. Section 1: 300 to 500 words examining the three main categories of the HIPAA Security Rule and how this applies to password security in healthcare
  2. Section 2: 300 to 500 words outlining a detailed process that employees should follow to create, change, and safeguard their passwords
  3. Section 3: 300 to 500 words outlining a plan for administrator(s) to regularly observe and evaluate employee password security practices (This should include a description of an employee retraining process, should violations be observed.)

Using the resources listed in the Supporting Materials section, as well as additional credible resources, will help you successfully complete this project.

Outlines the policy, procedure, and process employees should follow

Provides clear and detailed breakdown of the password security protocols

Aligns aspects of management plan with HIPAA requirements

Identifies ways in which technology can be leveraged to promote password security

Details a clear process for administrative evaluation of employees

Details a clear remediation process for deficient employee performance

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