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To implement a chip that should provide the following functionality: (maximum of 2 marks each, one for successful implementation, one for...

Can someone help me improving my nand2teris hdl code for this question?

// if (nx == 1) set x = !x      // bitwise not

// if (zy == 1) set y = 0       // 16-bit constant

// if (ny == 1) set y = !y      // bitwise not

// if (no == 1) set out = !out  // bitwise not

// if (cx == 1) set t+1 = out  //

// if (re == 1) set out = 0

//if (opt ==1) set out = x * y

// if (out == 0) set zr = 1

// if (out < 0) set ng = 1



       x[16], y[16], // 16-bit inputs       

       nx, // negate the x input?

       zy, // zero the y input?

       ny, // negate the y input?

       no; // negate the output?

      cx; //x for t+1 = out

      re,// reset output =0

      opt;// x*y multiply


       out[16], // 16-bit output

      zr, // 1 if (out==0), 0 otherwise

       ng; // 1 if (out<0), 0 otherwise

      of; // 1 if overflows


   Mux16(a=x, b=loop, sel=cx, out=cxout);

   Not16(in=cxout, out= nx);

   Mux16(a=cxout, b=nx, sel=nx, out=x2);     // x2 = 0, x, -x

   Mux16(a=y, b[0..15]=false, sel=zy, out=y1);

   Not16(in = y1, out=ny1);

   Mux16(a=y1, b=ny1, sel=ny, out=y2);     // y2 = 0, y, -y

   Add16(a=x2, b=y2, out=o1);

   And16(a=x2, b=y2, out=o1);

   Not16(in=o1, out=noto1);

   Mux16(a=o1, b=noto1, sel=ny, out=o1);// o1 = x+y, x-y, y-x, 0, -y-x, x, -x, y,-y

   Add16(a=o1, b[1..15]=false, b[0]=true, out=o2);  // o2 = x+1

   Not16(in=o2, out=noto2);

   Mux16(a=o1, b=noto1, sel=no, out=o2);

   opt16(a=x2, b=y2, out=o3);              //o3= x*y

   Mux16(a=o1, b=o3,sel=opt, out=o3);

   Mux16(a=o3, b=false, sel=re, out=o4);

   And16(a=o3, b=true, out=output);

   Register(in=ouput , load=true, out=out, out=loop);


  • Attachment 1
  • Attachment 2
1.To implement a chip that should provide the following functionality: (maximum of 2 marks each,one for successful implementation, one for documentation/optimality/etc, 14 marks total):1) Negate the value of x (eg. 3 becomes -3)2) Increment the value of x (eg. 3 becomes 4)3) Decrement the value of x (eg. 3 becomes 2)4) Add x to y (eg. When x = 3 and y = 4 then out = 7)5)Subtract y from x (eg. When x = 3 and y = 4 then out = -1)6) Subtract x from y (eg. When x = 3 and y = 4 then out = 1)7)You chip should automatically remember the output value and use it for the next iteration's xvalue (eg. x at time t+1 = out at time t) - as such you will need to be able to reset the output to0 using the re pin8)To achieve this you will use 6 binary control bits which each perform the following functionnxif nx then x = Not(x)zyif zy then y =0nyif ny then y = Not(y)noif no then out = Not(out)CXif cx then the value used for x at t+1 = outreif re then output is reset to 0
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