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Hare Krishna
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******************************* ******* *** ******* ************************** ****************** ********************** ************* ******* *** Krishna **************** **** of ******** ** *********** is ***** on *** **** ** ****** * ***** of ********* *** ************** **** **** ********** help ** ******* ********* ******** *** ****** ***** There is * need to continuously review *** ***** ** ****** *** form ** extremism **** would *** ***** ** risk is ********** *** Hare ******** ** one ** the **** famous ********* movements ** *** ***** **** AC ************* ***** Prabhupada ******* in 1966 **** *** **** *** movement is ***** on Hindu ********* teachings *** ********** that **** been ******** ** * ***** ** ********* *** ********* ** ***** ********* 2022) Bhagavad **** *** the ********* ****** *** **** ** *** ********* ********** ********** ** helps ** **** ISKCON *** ** *** most influential and populous ******** ** *** ******* Vaishnava tradition ********* **** paper will analyze *** ******** *** ******* *********** sources ** ********* *** philosophical ******* **** **** helped ********* ****** ** * ********* ******** **** influence *** **** the ***** ****** ********** *** ************ ******** *** disciplic **** of ****** ****** ******* ********* ********** *** ******** ****** since its inceptive ** the 1960s **** ****** and ****** **** remained the *** ***** ***** ******* *********** *** ******* *** * ****** ****** back to more **** *** ***** ***** ********* ********** ****** ****** ** publicly **** ******** *** **** ** the supreme god Dance *** ***** **** **** as *** **** ******** practices ** ******* **** ******* ******* ***** ********* ******** **** not **** special treatment ** people ** ** **** all ** *** ******** ** *** **** ****** *** ** ********* ** ***** ** ***** ******** *** **** ***** ******* is one of *** **** ********* elements ** Lord ******* ********** *** ********** ********* ** ISKCON remains *** ********* **** ********** ******* a 12-member ********** ***** roles *** **************** *** ******* *** **** *********** manage *** ******** ********* *** conduct **** ** *** ***** ******* recruitment ** ******* ******* ***** ****** ********** *** *** preservation of the Krishna ************* ******* ***** ***** a ********* ** opinion ** ******** as * decision-making tool as *** number ** *** ********* **** ******* has grown to 48 *** ******* ** decision-making *** ****** **** precise as each *********** is assessed and evaluated ** ****** **** and inconsistencies are ********** **** ********** ******* in *** York he had ****** ** ****** ** *** found ** ********* to ***** *** ***** **** ***** help ** accommodation *** *********** of Chaitanya's ******* Vaishnavism **** communities ******* *** different **** ***** ** *** ******** *** *** developed theories ********** with religion ** ethnicity Therefore the ********* ** *** ******** **** accepted with ** **** arm ********** ***** ****** ***** Assumptions ***** people have **** ***** ***** and **** ***** ** the ******** It *** *** to prejudice *** ************** that ***** **** **** it difficult for *** religious ********* ** grow ** *** ***** ******* *** **** **** ** *** *********** ** *** ***** ************ with *** ****** of *** ****** *********** hippie ******** *** ******** and ******** ********** **** *** ******** making it easy *** *** ************* ** *** "Hare Krishna ********* ******* started ******** *** to *** ***** and hippies ***** ** ***** *** **** ***** he ********* to *** Francisco ** continue *** **** ******* It *** to *** creation of *** ***** ******* ********* **** ******* helped ******* many ****** in *** **** **** ****** ** ***** *** discouraged ********** from ******** *** **** ** **** saw **** ** ******** *** might *** ********** *** ********* ** *** ********* ******* ** ****** **** wrong ********* 2018; Rochford ***** ** ****** ***** that *** ***** ******* ********* *** ***** **** George Harrison of *** ******* ****** ** *** made financial ********* ** **** spread the ******** ** ******* *** other parts ** *** **** The ***** *** ***** ***** was a recording ********* ** **** ******* *** ********* of *********** ******* *********** **** *** ******* was * ******** **** ****** ********* it ** *** of *** **** *********** religions *** *** youth ** *** time It *** ** *** ********* ** Hare ******* ******** *** **** *** ***** **** ** ** **** ******** ISKCON sees Lord Krishna ** the ***** of the ***** ***** ****** ********* *** **** ************** of * *** ** ***** ******* ********** *** ******* **** of god **** ****** be worshiped *** ************ referenced *** wisdom and knowledge ** ****** **** decision **** by ******* *** followers are ********** with the ************ ** the ***** *** ******** ******* ***** ********** ********* ******* as * *** ******* *********** ** ******** ** **** ** *** transcripts **** were ******* *** ********* ***** ************ ******* **** been praised *** *** ************* of **** **** *** ******* ****** *** ***** **** ******* million ********* Prabhupada's efforts ** ********* ***** **** ** Bhagavata Purana and ******** **** As It ** **** **** ****** ** *** **** ** **** *** ******* **** *** ********** ******* *** ************ **** ** *** ******* ***** *** **** been recruited as ******** reflections ** **** **** scholars ******** ** * ****** for * ****** of ***** ******* 2020; ****** ***** ****** preaching ***** *** **** **** *** people ***** not understand *** **** ********* ******* and ******** reflection *** **** ********* *** ********** ** the ISKCON *** * ***** ******* ** the * Hare ******* ********* ** **** provide * ***** ** ********* **** ***** it easy *** *** ******** ** ******* **** ***** movements ** ************ and ***** It ******* **** ********* **** ********** ** **** ***** ****** when ******** *** to ****** ** **** **** have * mission ** ********* ******** *** educating new ******* *** *** ******** *** a ***** ******* **** ****** to spread the ******** **** ******** *** ******* **** ******* *** underwent *********** programs ***** the ******** of ********** *** ******** ******* was * vital element in *** ********* ** the values ******* *** nature of *** ******** ********** ***** ********** ** from the ****** movement **** had ***** **** *** 1970s *** a vital ******* ** ****** it *** ****** and ********** ** the ****** who ****** ** **** the ******** ** **** **** ** **** ** raise ***** *** the continued ****** and development ** *** ******** The ****** ******** **** ***** *** ************ ******* ****** *** ***** mainstream ********* ** encourages chanting and ******* ***** ** **** ways ** similar ** ********** *** praise in Christianity *** ****** is ********* in ****** ********** ** ensure ********* **** ******* *** have * feeling of belonging **** **** *** *** ** express ***** **** *** *** ******** Singing the ****** ** * **** ** similar ** ******** ********** organize to attract **** ****** into *** ***** ****** ********** ********** ** **** ** ******** ***** ** ****** there are four ********** ********** used as ********* ****** to ensure **** *********** **** *** ********* ********* ***** ******** ***** **** ** Christians believe **** ********* should believe ** Jesus as ***** **** and ****** *** ******** ********* the ***** ******* ********* believe *** **** principles *** ********* *** *** ****** referring themselves ** **** of *** community The four ********** principles are * ********* ** ******* contemporary ***** that **** *** believe * **** or ********** ********* can ***** **** from ****** ********* *********** *** ******* *** ***** ********* ****** **** * Lacto-vegetarian diet ** **** ** ** act ** ************ towards ******* *** ** *** ************ world **** ****** do *** ******* that ******** *** affect ********* ****** (Kuckreja 2022; ******** 2018) The ****** ********* **** ******** ***** ******* **** *** *** ** *********** can ****** ** * ******* ***** ** *** ************ world ** **** people ******* *** ******** ******* ********** **** ********** *** alcohol The ***** *** fourth *** ******** gambling *** ******** sex" respectively *** Hindu ******** **** ** Diwali **** **** ****** and Janmashtami among ****** *** ********** ****** the ********* movement The **** famous ******* ** the ******** ** *** ******** ***** ************ *** **** **** become *** order ** *** *** ** ****** *** procession *** lead to entire highways being ****** ** ensure *** ******* have * ****** *** ********* 2018) ** ***** *** level ** ******* and ************ the ******** ******** ** *** United ****** ***** ** * ********** increase ** *** ****** ** ************ of the ******** ****** it easy ** **** books and ********* others ** join An ******** ** *** ****** ** members ******* ******** connections ** **** ** second **** ** ********* **** occurs in public places The "Hare Krishna ********* has ******** peaceful and ********** **** *********** when *** ******* *** **** ** have ********* offenses *** Backer ***** ******** ***** ** ** a ******** **** ****** ** ** **** and recruit **** ******* *** ****** conscious rules *** regulations associated **** *** religion *** ********** **** many health ********* advice ****** **** * **** ***** ***** ***** are ** ********** ** the ******** ****** ** **** for *** ******* to ****** ******** **** ****** from ***** belief ******* ** ******* a sense ** ******* *** **** **** ****** ** ********** ** many ********* ****** ********* ********** **** ********* *** ********* *** ******** ** is grappling **** **** as other ********* Conclusion *** ***** ******* ********* *** * ***** history but the strides *** ***** ** *** ************ **** ** * movement ** ****** ISKCON's ********* *** ********** *** ***** *** appreciated ** *** members making ** **** fr them ** ****** ******* ** *** ***** ************ It is ******* **** the influence ** *** ******** will **** ******** to **** as *** ******* **** and *** ********** and ********** associated **** *** ***** ************ *** **** (Lestar ***** Zeller 2012) *** *********** ********** ***** that *** movement will only ******** ** **** **** *** generation ** *** *********************** Backer * ****** *** Hare Krishna Movement ** ****** ** Handbook of ******** ** ****** ** ***** *** ******** ************** * ****** New Hindu ********* in ******* *** **** ******* ******** ** ******** ** ************ ********* in Brazil *** 295-302) BrillKuckreja * (2022) *** Hare ******** ** ***** ********* Religion *** *** ********* ******** Religió: ****** ***** *********** *********** * (2020) ********* going ***** *********** veganism and transformative learning ** *** ******* ** ************** *********** ***** 1: The Hare ******* ********* ******* of ************** ****** ManagementRochford * ****** *** ******** ***** ** god: The ************ ** the **** ******* ******** *********** and *************** ** *** Religious Movements ************* Jr * * ****** Aligning **** Krishna: ********* ********* ******* and Hindus **** ******** *** ******* of *********** and Emergent ********* 22(1) *********** B E (2012) **** ********* ******* *** ****** ******** ** *** **** ******* ******** ** Handbook of *** ********* *** ******** Production (pp ******** *******************