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Total Rewards Plan Worksheet   Instructions: There are 10 positions that have become vacant due to the retirement of the University President. Your task is to recommend a salary range to post, list t

Total Rewards Plan Worksheet

Instructions: There are 10 positions that have become vacant due to the retirement of the University President.  Your task is to recommend a salary range to post, list the benefits that will be provided for these positions, and include a list of perks that may be associated with these positions.

Complete the following table in a total of 525 to 700 words:

Explain in a total of 350 words how you determined the appropriate salary, benefits, and perks for each of these new roles.

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****** ************* ******* **** ************************ There *** ** positions **** have ****** vacant *** ** the ********** of *** University President Your **** is ** recommend * ****** ***** ** **** **** the ******** that **** be ******** *** ***** ********* *** include * **** of ***** **** *** be ********** **** ***** ********************* *** ********* table ** a ***** ** *** ** *** **************** ** *** ******************* * target ****** range for ************ ***** ** benefits *** ***** positions ******** ******** ***** ********* **** perks associated **** *** ******************** ********************** starting annual base ********** ****** Dental ***************** ********** *** ** ***** *** year)-401k *********** (up to ** ************ ******* **** **** *** - *** *** *** **** * 40 ***** Hours every * years of *********** Time: 40 ***** per ******************* ******* ******** cell phone *** ****** at no cost ** *********** ****** *** ** **** *** ***** if yearly *********** **** ** **** ********** *** ********* ********* ********** ********* ** ****** ***** ***** ********* *********** ********* ** *** ********************** ******** ****** **** ********** ****** ****** ***************** Assistance *** to ***** *** year)-401k *********** *** ** 4% contribution match)- **** Time *** - *** *** per **** * ** ***** ***** every 5 ***** ** *********** ***** ** hours per ********************* ******* provided **** ***** *** ****** ** ** **** ** *********** Bonus: *** ** **** *** ***** if ****** *********** **** is met- ********** *** ********* ********* ********** ********* ** ****** ***** parks ********* ************** ** ********************* ******** ****** **** ********** ****** ****** ***************** ********** *** ** ***** per year)-401k Retirmement (up to ** ************ ******* **** **** *** * 120 *** *** **** * ** ***** ***** ***** 5 years of *********** ***** ** ***** per ******************* ******* provided **** ***** and ****** at no **** ** user-Annual ****** 10% ** **** *** bonus if ****** *********** goal ** met- ********** *** ********* ********* (exclusive discounts ** travel ***** ***** ********* ************** Finance ******* $44000-$46000 ******** ****** base pay-Health Vision ****** ***************** ********** *** to ***** per ********** *********** *** to ** ************ match)- Paid **** *** * 120 *** *** **** * 40 ***** ***** every * ***** ** *********** ***** ** ***** *** year-Communication: company ******** **** ***** *** ****** ** ** **** to *********** Bonus: *** ** **** *** ***** ** ****** *********** goal ** **** ********** *** affiliate ********* (exclusive discounts on travel theme ***** ********* etc)Department ** ******************** ******** ****** **** pay-Health ****** ****** ***************** ********** (up to ***** per ********** *********** (up ** 4% contribution ******* Paid **** Off - *** *** per year * ** ***** ***** ***** * ***** of *********** Time: ** ***** *** year-Communication: ******* ******** **** phone and tablet ** no **** to *********** ****** *** ** **** *** ***** ** ****** *********** **** is met- ********** *** affiliate ********* ********** ********* on ****** theme parks merchants etc)HVAC ********************* ******** ****** **** ********** ****** ****** ***************** ********** *** to $8000 per ********** *********** *** to ** ************ ******* Paid **** *** * *** *** *** **** * ** ***** Hours every 5 ***** of *********** Time: 40 ***** per year-Communication: ******* ******** **** phone *** ****** ** no **** ** user-Annual ****** ** of base *** ***** if ****** performance **** ** **** ********** *** ********* ********* ********** ********* on travel ***** ***** ********* etc)Systems ************************** ******** ****** **** pay-Health ****** ****** insurance-Tuition Assistance (up ** ***** *** ********** Retirmement *** to 4% ************ match)- Paid **** *** * *** *** *** **** * ** ***** ***** ***** 5 ***** ** tenure-Sick ***** ** ***** *** ************ Bonus: ** ** **** pay bonus ** ****** performance **** ** **** ********** *** ********* ********* (exclusive ********* on ****** ***** ***** ********* etc)Payroll Analyst$38000-$40000 ******** ****** **** ********** Vision Dental ***************** Assistance (up ** ***** *** ********** *********** *** ** ** ************ ******* **** **** *** - *** *** *** **** - 40 Bonus Hours ***** * years ** *********** ***** ** ***** *** ************ Bonus: ** ** base pay ***** if yearly *********** **** is **** ********** *** affiliate ********* ********** ********* ** ****** ***** ***** ********* ****************** ********************** starting ****** **** ********** ****** ****** insurance-Tuition ********** *** ** $8000 *** ********** *********** (up ** ** ************ match)- **** Time Off - *** hrs *** **** * ** ***** Hours ***** * ***** of *********** ***** 40 ***** *** *********** ****** ** ** **** *** ***** ** ****** *********** **** ** **** ********** *** ********* ********* (exclusive ********* ** ****** theme ***** ********* etc)Office Assistant$34000-$36000 ******** annual **** ********** ****** ****** ***************** Assistance *** ** $8000 *** year)-401k *********** *** ** ** ************ ******* **** **** *** * *** *** *** **** - ** ***** Hours ***** * years of *********** ***** ** ***** per year-Annual ****** ** of base *** bonus if ****** performance **** is met- University *** ********* discounts (exclusive discounts on travel ***** ***** ********* ************* in a total ** *** words *** you determined the appropriate salary benefits *** ***** *** each ** ***** *** *********** the ******** provided of having ** ****** ********* * **** provided * salary range *** ***** ******** I **** ******** * ******** ****** ***** in ***** * ***** **** into ************* *** ***** ** responsitility and **** **** each ******** entails *** *** thousand ****** ***** **** ***** *** *** ********** ** ********* * salary based ** ********* ************** and work ********** the ********* *** each ******** ********* *** ******** ****** with *** ******* ******* position to ** **** the ******* ****** and ** ************** decreases *** salary ** ******** according ** the ******** ***** ***** **** ***** ******* ******* ********* *** ************** **** **** * *********** pay ******** *** provided ** every ******** ** *** ******** ****** ****** *** dental ********* ** ******** ** ***** employee tuition ********** is ******** to ***** ******** to **** promote *** continuation of ********* ***** **** ***** ********* ** *** ****** prepared *** ****** ******* ********* as they ****** available **** **** *** is provided ** every ******** *** as they **** **** tenure **** *** ********** **** have the opportunity ** earn additional paid **** off Every employee is also ******** **** the ****** to **** * **** ******* ** ***** they ******* how **** **** **** to ********** *** the ********** **** ***** ** to ** ** ***** ************* ***** options are *** proided ** a fair *** ********** manner *** yet ******** *** ******** ** ****** ***** ************* *** ******** to ***** ***** *** ******* ****** Additional ***** *** **** determined ** ***** ****** ******* ********* **** ** ******** ************* ********* ** allow them to ** available *** mobile as ****************** positions ******* **** **** ** ******* ** ****** * **** ******* ** ***** a ****** bonus to help ***** ******** ****** and motivation **** ******** ** ******* * ********** and ***** **** bigger responsitilby and ****** ******* ********* **** * higher percentage considering *** ******** ***** employee ** ******** ********* ** *** university to ***** them to ******* ***** ********* ******* ******** ****** *** *********** ** make ** * more *********** *********** and also *** ** **** ********* ** ***** who ****** ** join *** university *** ***** ** ****** *********************************** * ***** ******* ******** ************ *** ******** (nd) ********* **** ******************************************************************************************

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