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toyota company

Paper Instructions 

•    Title Page

•    Table of Contents

•    Abstract

•    Organizational Setting

•    Integration of Chapter Concepts to the Organizational Setting

o    Select 8 different key concepts from the textbook that seem to be most applicable to your organizational setting. Some examples of key concepts include supply chain management, Six Sigma, innovation, etc. Provide an in-depth discussion of each of your chosen key concepts and its application to your organizational setting.

   § For each concept, provide a comprehensive description, what benefit it may offer to your organization, and what needs to be done in order to successfully implement this topic into your organization.

    For each concept, integrate appropriate biblical references. Explain how these concepts magnify God’s plan for you.§

o    This section of your project requires at least 14 pages of graduate-level content and analysis.

•    References: You must include at least 15 scholarly sources formatted in current APA style. Each reference must be current, having been published within the last 3 years, or, if older, must contribute important information relevant to historical background.

•    Appendices: Include at least 3 well-developed and professional documents. Appendices often include information that is somewhat confidential, detail-oriented, and/or tends to change often. Some examples include:

o    Action Planning: This specifies objectives, responsibilities, and timelines for completion of objectives.

o    Description of Strategic Planning Process Used: This describes the process used to develop the plan, who was involved, the number of meetings, any major lessons learned to improve planning, etc.

o    Strategic Analysis Data: This includes information generated during the external analysis (e.g., environmental scan) and internal analysis (e.g., SWOT analysis). It also includes a list of strategic issues identified during these analyses.

o    Goals for Board and Chief Executive Officer: Goals of the board and CEO must be directly aligned with goals identified during strategic planning. This appendix will list goals for the board and can also include recommendations for redesigning board committees associated with strategic goals. These can be used (along with the CEO job description) to form the basis for performance evaluations of the CEO.

o    Budget Planning: This depicts both the resources as well as the required funding for obtaining and using the resources needed to achieve the strategic goals. Budgets are often depicted for each term of the year of the strategic plan.

o    Operating Plan: This describes the major goals and activities to be accomplished over the coming fiscal year.

o    Financial Reports: These include last year's budget (with estimated expenses and the actual amounts spent), this year's current budget (again, with estimated amounts and actual amounts spent), a balance sheet (or, in the case of a nonprofit organization, a statement of financial position), an income statement (or, in the case of a nonprofit organization, a statement of financial activities), etc.

o    Monitoring and Evaluation of Plan: This includes criteria for monitoring and evaluating as well as the responsibilities and frequencies of monitoring the implementation of the plan.

o    Communication of Plan: This describes the actions that will be taken to communicate the plan and/or portions of it and describes to whom the plan will be communicated.

Paper Instructions 

•    Title Page

•    Table of Contents

•    Abstract

•    Organizational Setting

•    Integration of Chapter Concepts to the Organizational Setting

o    Select 8 different key concepts from the textbook that seem to be most applicable to your organizational setting. Some examples of key concepts include supply chain management, Six Sigma, innovation, etc. Provide an in-depth discussion of each of your chosen key concepts and its application to your organizational setting.

   § For each concept, provide a comprehensive description, what benefit it may offer to your organization, and what needs to be done in order to successfully implement this topic into your organization.

    For each concept, integrate appropriate biblical references. Explain how these concepts magnify God’s plan for you.§

o    This section of your project requires at least 14 pages of graduate-level content and analysis.

•    References: You must include at least 15 scholarly sources formatted in current APA style. Each reference must be current, having been published within the last 3 years, or, if older, must contribute important information relevant to historical background.

•    Appendices: Include at least 3 well-developed and professional documents. Appendices often include information that is somewhat confidential, detail-oriented, and/or tends to change often. Some examples include:

o    Action Planning: This specifies objectives, responsibilities, and timelines for completion of objectives.

o    Description of Strategic Planning Process Used: This describes the process used to develop the plan, who was involved, the number of meetings, any major lessons learned to improve planning, etc.

o    Strategic Analysis Data: This includes information generated during the external analysis (e.g., environmental scan) and internal analysis (e.g., SWOT analysis). It also includes a list of strategic issues identified during these analyses.

o    Goals for Board and Chief Executive Officer: Goals of the board and CEO must be directly aligned with goals identified during strategic planning. This appendix will list goals for the board and can also include recommendations for redesigning board committees associated with strategic goals. These can be used (along with the CEO job description) to form the basis for performance evaluations of the CEO.

o    Budget Planning: This depicts both the resources as well as the required funding for obtaining and using the resources needed to achieve the strategic goals. Budgets are often depicted for each term of the year of the strategic plan.

o    Operating Plan: This describes the major goals and activities to be accomplished over the coming fiscal year.

o    Financial Reports: These include last year's budget (with estimated expenses and the actual amounts spent), this year's current budget (again, with estimated amounts and actual amounts spent), a balance sheet (or, in the case of a nonprofit organization, a statement of financial position), an income statement (or, in the case of a nonprofit organization, a statement of financial activities), etc.

o    Monitoring and Evaluation of Plan: This includes criteria for monitoring and evaluating as well as the responsibilities and frequencies of monitoring the implementation of the plan.

o    Communication of Plan: This describes the actions that will be taken to communicate the plan and/or portions of it and describes to whom the plan will be communicated.

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**************** ********












** *************


*************** ******* 4


***** ***** ***


** 32The


*** vision


** ********** and


** Toyota ***** ***** *** ***


************ ** key concepts ** 41Six


** 42Benchmarking ** ****** Motor ***** ******* USAInc ** ******


*** ******** Chain ********** **


***** Sales ******


******* ******* ********** ****** Motor ***** USAInc ***


Six Sigma ***


*** ************ ******** Planning ***** *** 481Diagram ** ***


************** services at Toyota ******* *** 5Biblical ***********


********* ****** *** ***********


******** ********


******** ********* statement *** the


***** ***** *** ************ *** ****** ******** 26 ******* ***


and chief *********


*** 65Monitoring and


*** ***********


*********** *** 1Abstract


study researches on *** ******** ********** ********* ** ***


*** company *** ***** its


*** future importance It ******** *** fundamental ******


*** applicable ********** ***


innovations **


relationship with










and *** ************ ** *** ******* increase *** ************ ** all *** ********** projects ** *** ******* that **** ** **** ******* *** ********* *** reduce the costs *** ****** Inc company ******** several ********** in ******* ********** to ******** ***** **** *** ******** *** ************ *** *** ************* ** *** ********** *** business ********** focuses ** the ******** ********* *** includes ***** ********** **** the ***** ******* *** *** ********** administration ** developing a company *** ***** ******** the *********** ** the ******** ********** ********** ***** advantages ** *** ************ *** utilization ** *** ********** ********** to *********** *** ***** ********* ** *** outside the ************ ******* ******** ********** *** the ********** ** *** **** ********** ****** be observed ** ensure **** ** ******** *** ****** ****** ** *** ******* The ************** of the ********** like *** enterprise ******** ******** (ERP) *** sigma ****** ***** ********** ***** others ** ***** ** ******** the ********** *** ************* while ******** *** ********* that ******** *** ************ and *** ******** of *** ******* *** the ********** *** *********** in *** ********** department and *** ********** in *** ***** ************ The ****** ******* *** ******** *** these strategies of *** ********** to ****** that ***** ******** grows ****** the ******** *** **** ****** that the ******** *** of **** ******* *** *** ******** satisfaction The strategies also **** ****** *** organization ** ******* ******* ******** ******** *** company’s ********** *** ******** the costs ** ********** ********* *** ****** Company *** ********* its ******* and increased the customer relationship 2Introduction ******** *** ********** ** part of ***** ************ ******** in overcoming the ******** *** *** ******** ********** ** the company ** is the ***** *********** ***** in **** companies **** ***** ** improve *** *************** ************ ** ********** the management ** ******** within the




********* in all *** ************ ***** ** enables ** to ** ********* ********* *** ***** *** ******* than the traditional ********** ********** The ********** ******** *** *** ************* that **** ** be ******* *********** to ****** *** ******* *** ****** ** supported by *** ********** *** ** ** perform *********** *** ****** Company ********** ******* mostly ** the production of *** quality ******** at ***** ***** possible increase *** customer and *** investor's ************* *** **** ******** the ******** and ******** challenges **** **** *** company ********* ** ** ********** as *** *********** ** *** *** ************ *** six ***** ****** ***** ********** ********** ******** planning (ERP) ********* *** ********** *** evaluation *** considered to ** the ***** strategies **** *** ****** ******* ***** in ***** ***** *********** *********** *************** ******** Toyota ******* ** well known *** ************* ******* ******** ****** *** ***** *** it *** ******** the ********** ******* notably ** ** recognized *** *** ********** ********** philosophies *** ****** ***** market ******* The ****** *********** ** ** ********** manufacturer **** *** ************ ** ******


*** *******


******* in 1937 by *** ******** Toyoda *** introduced *** automobiles **** the Toyota Industries ***** ** his father (Wang *** ****** ***** The ********* ** *** ***** automobiles started ** **** ***** *** ********* ** *** ******** Toyoda *** they **** **** ***** the **** ****** ******** ****** becomes *** ***** ********* **** 1937 ** **** ***** *** ******** Toyoda **** **** ***** ********** *** ***** ***** *** ******* ********* ******** **** ****** ** vehicles ********* the ****** ***** the **** ***** *** *** Daihatsu *********** *** ******* ***** ****** ** ***** ********* **** *** Isuzu **** ** *** * ****** ***** ******* *** 17% in *** Fuji ***** ********** ***** *** Tanaka ****** ***** **** ***** *** company *** approximately ****** ********* ******** *** ** **** the ******* ******* ** *** ***** *** ******* ********** ************ ******** by *** ******* ****** and *** ********** **** *** ************ production ** *** *** million ******** ********* the ****** ************** *** ******* *** **** ******


*** ******* ********** *** ********** *** market ************** and ** *** ******* ************ ** ******** **** *** ******* *** ranked ** the 13th ******* ******* **** ******** ********* the ******* implying **** *** ******* is performing **** **** ****** and ***** ***** The ******* ** leading in ******* the ****** ******** ******** and ********** *** ******** of *** **** ******** ****** *** globe The total ***** ** *** ***** ****** *** *** ****** ****** ****** * ******* ********** ** **** April Notably *** *** ******* ****** ** *** ***** ****** with ************* ** ******* units **** ** ***** *** ****** ***** inclusive ** Hino Daihatsu and *** Chinese ***** ******** ******** ******* ***** ******** ** **** Therefore *** ******* regained *** *** **** **** **** *** ***** ** ******* ** ***** produced ******** ** *** **** ** ********** *** ***** ***** ** **** *** ******* ******** *** *******


*** units **** **** ** *** ****** ************ to cross *** ** million ********* threshold **** *** results ******** ***** 2011 ** to 2013 it ** clearly **** **** *** company was progressing **** **** *** ******* ******** *** ****** financial ****** in 2009 with the ****** *** loss of ** billion ******* (Liker and ***** ***** *** ****** ********* situation *** ********* *** ******** and **** *** ** **** **** *** Japan **** *** ************* Cooperation **** became *** ***** **** ** ******* **** the state lends the money ** the organization 31Toyota ***** ***** *** **** *** ****** ***** ******** has **** ******** in *** ***** *** ****** Motor ***** USA *** was *********** ** **** and *** its ************ ** ********* The ******* *** *********** **** the ***** bid ** ************* and ************ *** ******** ** *** America and *** *****


The ******* markets ******* *****


the vehicles ***** ******* *** ****** Land ******* Toyopet ***** ******* and *** Toyota Corona *** ******* is ************* placed to remain competitive ** the ****** *** *** manufacturing techniques ensure **** *** environment ******* **** *** ******* ******** ******** ** ** **** ** *** Texas to enable *** ******* increase *** collaboration *** *** ******** ************ ** ***** America *** ensure **** the ******* ******** *** ******** structure **** *** deliver *** better **** ** *** the ********** 32The ******* *** vision ********** It was ******* ** **** *** ** *** **** the ******* the **** ******* ************* company ** ********** on *** ********** that ********* *** ******** ***** *** *********** *** ******** *** ********** *** objectives *** ******* ********** vary ********* ** *** ****** *** ***** *** *********** sales ***


** ******** ** *** **********


*** ********* ******* ***** and ****** ***** The ****** shows *** ********* ********* of *** ******** ** ****** **** the ******* is ******* the *** ** *** mobility ** ********* the ****** and responsible ways of ****** people They *** committed to ******* products and ****** *** ************ ** the ******** ** ********* *** ************* ****** *** Meier ****** ********** *** ********* ** ****** Motor ***** *** Inc The major ******** in *** company *** *** automobiles **** the Toyota label The ***** Ford ******* ****** Subaru and *** Toyota Corolla are available with ********* ****** *** target ********* *** all countries in *** ***** ******* ********* ***** ********* ********* ******** ***** *** ******


**** produce the ******** ***** are ******** ********* **


******* for ******** *** ****** and the ******* model *** ****** ****** ** ******* *** Toyota four ***** drive have *** markets ** ****** and Asian ********* ****** *** Meier ****** 4Integration of *** ********* ***** ****** ** ****** ** *** *** ** the ***** *** ********** **** *** ******** ** ******* *** ****** ******* managements It mainly ***** to ******* *** ******* ** the ***** products ** ******** *** ****** of *** defects while ********** *** *********** ** *** ********* and ********** ************* The ******** ******** ***


********** methodology ***** ********




empirical data


****** *** special infrastructure ** the ********* It ******* *** ******** ***** **** the certain ******* ************ ** ******* *** ******* ***** **** ******** *** ***** reducing *** ********* ******** *** profits *** ******* ******** the ******** ***** *** company ******** *** ******** because it *** *** ********* ***************** ********** ******* **** target *** *********** *** ****** ********* ******* **** minimize the ********** *** ****** ******* *** *** ******** *************** **** can ****** be ******** ******** ******** and *********** The ******* ** ********* to achieving *** ********* ******* *********** ** *** entire ************ starting from the *** level *********** The


** *** Six ***** ****** ******* *** **** ** identifies *******



the executive leadership ** includes *** *** ********** ******* like *** *** *** ***

*********** for ******* the ****** ****** *** ************** ** **** ******** *** **** ******* for ***

resources *** *** ******* to ******* new ***** *** *** ************ ***** **** ****** *** barriers and ********** *** **********



************ The ********* ** *** organization ****** **** **** guide *** *** ***** ********** **** the consistent application across various departments *** utilization ** the *** ***** ******** the *** of professionalism ** the quality ********** ***** *** quality management before *** *** Sigma largely ***** on *** production departments ** ** derived **** *** **** **** it *** *** standards ********** ******* the **** *** the ************** ** the ******* *** strategy is **** ******** for *** ************* like ****** ******* ***** it has more **** ***


** ******** * ***** number ** *** ********** *** tools **** work **** ** large ************* ***** can afford *** ***** ****** The *** ***** Black **** is the certification that *** ****** ************* **** ******** to **** *** *** ********* the *** ***** ** ******** *** ************ and knowledge ** utilizing the *********** ******** in ************ *** process *** ******* the costs and *** ******** ***** *** Six ***** ***** **** validates the knowledge *** *** ************* of *** ***** *** ***** ************* and ********** **** include *** **********


****** ***** *** ********** *** the improvement of ********* ** the ************ ******** 2002) ** streamlines *** communications *** ******** the *********** systems ** measurements including ***** ***** ** improving *** ******* *** the products The ******* ****** ****** **** these ************** *** ********** ** all *** ******** of *** ****** ************ *** ********* *** Sigma ************** The ******** *********** *** mission ** *** ******* regarding ******* ************ ************ The lean Six ***** *** *** *** ***** should be ********** together ***** **** **** *** **** ******* ******* of ****** *** customer the **** ******** ******** ******* ***** nimbleness and new ********** *** Toyota ******* **** ******* successful ***** **** **** ******* **** *** **** ******** **** ***** the **** ***** ********* *** ********* as ******** ** **** *** value ****** **** *** ******* waste ** improve the ********** *** ************** 42Benchmarking ** ****** Motor Sales ******* USAInc ************ is *********** *** ******* ** *********** the ******* ********* ** ********** in *** ******** ********* ********* quality ******** *** ******** then ******** ** ******* ***** **** ********* as a **** ** continuous *********** ****** ***** ***** ******* ** *** US market ******* ** remain competitive ** *** ****** by ******** competitors *** *********** the **** practices **** make them stand ***


*** ******* *** ********** industry *** a


history ** ************ ********* ** ** *** **** industry ***** *** ****** was ********* ****** In **** ******* ****** **** *** the ****** ****** in the ******** **** ****** *** ** *** ********* ***** Toyota *********** ** *** ******* **** its *** ********* spending **** studying *** **** ********* The entrance ** *** ******* ** *** ** ****** *** ****** * threat ** *** ********


** ********* ******* ************ from ** ************* **** ***** Spearman ****** Benchmarking is *** **** ** ********** adaptation ** **** a ******** company's **** ******* ** reinventing *** ***** Toyota ******* benchmarked ** *** Ford * US ****** upon *** ******** ** *** ** ****** ** ******* its ******* *** ********* ** ******** ** ***** point ** strength; it enabled **** quickly **** *** ** market ******* **** investment ** ****** research ****** US ***** ******* *** ************ ********* **** its parent *******


** ********* the team environment ** the *********** ******* ********* *** ******** ** ***** * community(Pound Bell ***** Spearman ***** ** **** strives to ***** *** ************ ****** ********** culture which *** top management ****** ** ***** ******** ******** and one on *** ********** **** ******** creators ** the ******* Other companies **** ******** ****** ****** lean manufacturing *** significant *********** *** done ** *** The company *** done ********** ************ collaborating **** ******* ** *** ******** *** ****** ** ****** ******* a **** ********** ***** ***** ****** vehicles *** ****** ****** ***** ***** true *** ******* of environmental ************ ** at *** forefront ** ************ *** new **** ******** ** *** done *********** ************ weighing ** ** the heavyweights in the ****** *** ******* *** a ***** *** ****** Generic ************ ** ****** has ****** ** *


***** ******** ******* **** **** ******************* **** ***** ******** 2014) It requires ******* ********* of *** ********* *** procedures ** get *** ******* ** *** ************ *********** ******** ** ******* carefully ***** *********** *** company's ******* services ******** *** ********* **** **** to be benchmarked **** a ******* **** **** *** organization to take part ** *** ******* effective ************* *** ************* *** essential ******* *** **** that **** ***** *** ************ ******* *** data ******** to identify ******** **** *** *** ****** ***


** ***** based ** the ******* ******** **** *** ***** marking process(Pound **** ***** Spearman 2014) Toyota Motor sales ******** **** *** process *** to increased productivity ** ****** * ********* *** of ******** *** **** ***** ** *** ************* It ** also * ********* **** ** ******** on *********** with ************ the company ******** *** ****** strategies **** *** competitors *** ******* **** ******** ******** from different stakeholders in the ******** ******** ****** ********* ** the company **** * *********** **** industry market ** North ******* ****** Motor ***** can


************ ** * continuous *********** **** It ***** **** supports ********* planning and ******* *** ********* ******** *** ******* remains *********** ** ************ ************ ********* *** ******** ********** ** *** ******** ******* ********** *********** ****** ************** **** ************* is ********* ******** ******* * particular consumer ***** ** *** ***** preferences ** *** ****** few ******* on the ******** such ** ***** *************** ** *********** to **** the **************** ***** ********* **** introduce *** ******** **** *** market **** ** *** *** ****** **** ********* capabilities ** ******* ****** ********* ** *** ****** ****** ***** Sales *** **** **** ********** of *********** *** ****** ********* ******** ******* ***** *** ***** ********


is ****


the *************** ******* ** sales **** after ***** ****** ***** Sales *** **** dynamically ******* ** *** ****** market ***** ** *** ******** market ********** *** managers studied *** successful **** ******* ******** ***** and ******** ** to ***** venture Toyota ***** at **** customization ** an *********** to ******* *** ***** ******** market ********* cars **** * *** cost **** quality *** ** line **** *** current ***** ** ********** Part ** *** efforts ******* ***** ****** is *** ********** ** *** ************ ** ****** ** increases ********** and positions it ** ******* even ****** **** It ****** *** **** ***** to *** ******* ****** much ** *** ******* ** the ********* ******* ** ****** ******** and access Most ******** ********* are ********* ***** ***** safety Toyota puts quality as the ******** ********* ************** ****** ** ***** ** *** safety ** the cars ** is in **** ****


************* ******* ** ********* future ******** ********* **** ******** *** public use *** environmentally conscious (Wisner 2016) Most ********* **** ********* ****** *** **** -efficient ********* ****** ******** are now ******* *** ****** ** ** *** ** **** *** ****** *** *** urge *** ***** energy and environmentally ********* ******* ****** Motor ******* ** ******* into the ****** **** *** ********** ******** ***** ********** ** *** ******** ********* its ***** ****** vehicle ** **** ******* ******** awareness *** ******* its ******* ** sustainability *** ******* aims ** ****** its emission ******* *** improve ********** processes and ** ***** the ***** The parent ******* ** Toyota based in Japan ***** ************ *** **** customization process without success It **** *** ******* ** part ** *** ********** improvement ******* which *** * wrong *************** 2016) ****** ***** ***** *** ****** ***** ** *** consumer ***** *** not **** *** company ******* ** manufacture ********* *** ****** ******* ******** on *** vehicles *** does *** delight *** **** ** ****** *** ******* of **** ************* organic ************ structure ** ******* *** *************


should be **** ******** *** adaptable ********* of jobs **** *************** *** *********** ************ ******** should beused ***** the ******** *** engineers ****** certain ***** *** workers execute them Employees ****** get an *********** ** learn and ***** ******* *** ********* ** ******** successfully **** ************* ******* of focusing ** ********** only(Wisner ****** Toyota ******* **** ******* from **** ************* ** correct ****** segmentation *** ************* *** ************** needs ** ******** a ****** **** ** *** ****** enhancing *** ************* ******* and ********** ****** share ** **** *** ********* ** low-cost ************ ********* ******** ** ****** ********* ** ********** ******** class It ** essential that employees ** ******* on *** ************** ****** in culture *** ***** **** ********* ******** **** to ***** excellent ****** and ****** * ******* network ** ********** ********* *****


guarantee the success ** **** ************** ******** ***** ********** ** ****** ***** ***** USAInc ****** Motor Sales ***** Company has *********** *** ****** chain ********* by ********** ** ***** ********* ******** ******** *** ********** ******* ******** *** ********* *** move ********** ***** ************* and ****** ******** ********* collaboration ******* ********* *********** The *** **** ********** *** Kentucky ******* will ** ***** *** **** ********* **** 1000 employees from spare ***** ************ ** ********* services ***** ****** * The ********** ** ********* ** ***** cost ** *** city


cheaper **** ****** *** **** ***** ***** However


********** ******* ** ********** ********* *** ********* offered ********* ******** ** stay ** *** ****** ******** *** ******* uses *** completely ******* **** principle ***** they **** vehicle ********** assembled ** ***** local manufacturing ****** ****** ****** *** lower ** ********** knocked products **** ******** ******** ***** *** *** ******* ** reduce *** **** ** ********** *** ***** ******* their ****** ** ********* *** **** highly ********* ******** TMS have ****** in different ********* **** as ******** assembling ***** *** **** *** ********** ******** ***** The ********** ********* ensures that ***** ** the ******** ****** of ****** vehicles to


****** ** *** ***** ******** ****** ** gives * competitive advantage ** *** market ** **** *** logistical ******** ** also uses ******* ********** ********* ***** it **** flexible ************* ** ******** ***** and components using optimal sequencing *** cars *** ******* ********* manufacturing areas under ******* ********** steps from **** making ** final assembly It ******** *** challenge ** ********** ******* ********** ***** to *** ********** line ** *** ***** sequence(Iyer et2014 ) ********** and tool ********** is ***** **** ******* ******* *** ** ***** ********** in ***** ********** car *********** terminal ******** ********** **** and changes that clearly ***** workers controlling the production ******* *** **** ******** in *** ***** parts ********* ** ** ** ** ********* ***** ***** ******* ** ****** ** *** web- ***** ******* to **** *** supply ***** ******** ***** The ******* ** important for ******** satisfaction ** it ******** *** company's ********** ** *** ****** (Iyer ****** * *** ******* ***


************* ********** implementing ********* ********* **** reduce error *** failure ***** ** guarantees ********** **** ********** *** ******* *** deadlines *** *** The ********* of ********** ******* ***** it an **** ** *** ****** however constant *********** is **** *** ** *** ***** ********** *********** it ***** (Gobetto 2013) The ***** of the ************ is *********** ** *** **** *********** change *** company *** changed ***** *** inception ***** is ***** ** *** ******* ***** port **** ***** giving it *** ********* **** *** *********** **** as ******* Kia and Mitsubishi *** *** located ** *** **** ***** It has ******* its gravity ** *** ***** ******** ****** ** ********* and ********** **** ***** ************* sites ** ******* *********** Texas *** ******** *** ****** ***** ******* ** ******** ********** and ******** ******** **** ***


******* ********* TMS ********* **** ********** and flexibility *** ** proximity to the ********* et2014 ) ********** support **** *** *** ********** and ******* ******* ** ****** **** ******** market ***** ** the company ********* **** extensive ******** ** *** ********** **** the latest ********** techniques *** ****** ***** ********** ********** Centralization of logistics ******** ****** ********* ******** *** ********* ********* of supply ***** ******** ******* **** ******** vehicles spare ******* ***** *** human ******** management ******* ******* ********** ****** ***** ***** ******* Total ******* ********** (TQM) ** a ******* ********** **** ******** ** ******** satisfaction; ** ** all about involving employees


********* *********** ** the ******* It *********** ** **** *** ***** ************* to ********* ******* **** an ************* *** ** ******* ** ***** principles ** *** ** manage quality ** led to *** *********** ** *** ****** quality ********** ******* ****** ***** ***** Company **** ******* ********** ** *** ******* ***** different ***** ********* *** *** ****** ******* ** ***


major ********* in *** world ** *********


******* ********** ** *** **************** *** ***** ** worked ******* *** ******* ********** ** putting customer *** ******* ***** ** **** ** used *********** ******* control ******* *** quality ********** ******** ** *** ******** ** kaizen (continuous ************ *** full ************* ** *** ********* *** similar ******** ** ******* ** Toyota ***** ***** ****** on *** ***** ******** market *** ******* ********** is ********* ** ********* quality in **** with *** ****** and ******* of ******* first *** ************ of ******** to **** ***** ********* ** ********** of *** headquarters ****** * *********** signal ** *** ************* ********** ** ******* customers' ***** Toyota Motor Sales *** ******* on meeting customer ************ **** *** *********** of ******** and *********** in the ******* to ******** ***** needs *** **** ***** ** the ******** ******* ****** ** fuel-efficient ********* *** ******* *** ******** ****** ** *** ********** of ****** ******** that


***** and *** ** **** *********** such ** Prius(Jaccard&Ljundberg ****** ******* **** ********** ** *** TQM ** ** ****** development ***** **** in the company **** ************* in Toyota Motor ***** Company ** ********* ** ****** *** ****** client ***** ******** ** mechanistic organization ********** **** as full ********** and *********** ******* ***** reduces the *********** ***** **** ** the ******* *** ******** ** the ************ **** ********* ********** *** ************* ** **** **** *** ********** *** **** ******* of the ******* ** ** ***** ********** ******** **** high ******* ** ******** *** ******* reduces ********** costs through ************* ***


of ********* ** ********** *** quantifies goals **** ***** ******** leaders ** **** *********** ** *** ******* ** example is studying the **** Company business model *** ********* ** ** ***** business ** remain ******** ** its North ******** *************** *** 2013) Employees **** participation ****** *** ** **** **** have ** ******* *** trained to **** *** ******* ****** ********* ****** ***** ***** ****** does *** ******* ******** ** ***** employees *** ***** involve **** ****** ********** *********** ** adopts *** ********** ideas challenge from *** ****** ******* *********** employees to propose ***** **** might lead ** *********** of *** ***************************** ***** Effective ************* is always ********* with *** ******* ****** clear ************* ******* **** the *** ********** ** *** operation ***** *** ****** ******* ** **** ******* ** ************* ************* ***


** ******** ********* ********* towards ******** friendly ** *** ************ *** ********** ************** ** *** ** requires *** full participation ** *** the ************ customers being the priority ** the ******* ***** on the customers' ***** ***** **** **** *** ****** ****** ******* *** model ******** with ********** *********** *** **** ******* **** *** top management ** ****** *********** in the ******** ****** Motor Sales ******* ********* to ****** **** the ****** ******** *** upping its ******* standards to ******* **** efficient **** ** the ******** ******* ****** *** ****** ** ** a data-driven the ********** *********** ** improvement **** ******* *****


defect ********** ***** *** ****** ********* ** ensures *** customer satisfaction *** **** ******* ** minimizing *** ********* ***** **** ***** *** promote the use ** *** **** *** standardization ***** create *** competitive advantage(Michael 2002) ** ** *** ******** **** ****** heavily on *** ******** efforts ** ********* *** ************ ** ******** *** ***** *** ****** ********** *** *** ***** of ***** ***** ******* *** ********** transportation ****** ******* ********* *************** over-production ****** *** ******* The


sigma ** ***


******* ** * ********** process ** *** organization continues to **** ******** increasing *** **** people *** trained ******** ****** ***** ********* *********** ** *** ******** ******* **** ***** are ******* ******* on the ******** and the returns ** *** *********** are ******* ***** *** **** shared ****** the company hence the personal growth *** employee ************ ********* *** implementation ** the strategy ** *** North ******* ******** *** ******* ****** and *** ******* ** *** **** elements **** ******* *** infrastructure ********** process *** *** strategy of *** Lean *** ***** *** management has ensured **** the main ***** that ******* *** ************** *** ******** it *** * long time *** ********** ** the organization The *** ********** *** *** *********** ** *** ***** ********* ********** ******* *** *** ********** ** *** ******** objectives **** measure *** success(Michael 2002) The ****** ******* ********** *** lean production according ** *** ******* ***** *** ** *** ********* *** ******* ** several ways ********** ********* *** quality ******* It ensures **** the ***** and the ************ ** the process and the ***** ********* eliminating *** ******** **** **** value **** *** ******* (Michael ****** ***** It ******* **** ** ******* the ******* ** ****** on *** ***** **** can **** *** ***** that the ****** ******* **** ******* from the Lean Six ***** are: *** **** process will **** the **** ***** ******** Developing *** ******** ***


** add ****** ******* *** **** ******** ** ***** *** ************ ********* One-piece **** ********* *** ******* ************* *** ************* *** **** ** *** products **** *** **** ** the line ******* **** **** continuously ***** Ensures *** **************** of *** *** ********* ** curb the customer’s ****** *** ****** *** *** opportunities for ********* *** **** Six ***** ****** **** ** ********* *** ******** *** *** performance ** the ******* ** ******** *** ************* *** ******** *** ***** ** productions *****



the ****** ********** and ************ **** *** ********** ******

********** *********** reward recognition management accountability *** ***

******** involvement *** the improvement ** ******* ****** ***

****** ** ******* **** *** ****** ************ **********

to *** ******* *** been *** ************* ********* *** **** **** ****** to The ********* ******

all the products *** the ******** **** *** company to ** of

******* *** *** ************* ** the ******



***** ******* has ******* to ***** as the leaders ** ************ *** ******* services ******** ****** ***** *** *** ***** ******** has helped *** ******* ** ***** *** ******* ********* *** policies ** **** ***** ** *** ************* *** ****** ***** Sales *** *** ******* ****** **** *** **** **** *** Sigma consultancy firm ** ****** ***** belts all **** ***


**** *** employees ********* the management ****** **** ** some ** the ****** ********* *** ****** with ***** *** ******* lean utilizes *** ******** ** ******* *** **** *** *** ******* *** ******* everything ****** **** is *** ********* *** ******** give ******* the ******* ***** the customer’s needs *** *** the ******** is ********** *** **** Six ***** *** ****** the ****** ********** ****** **** ************ *** **** drops ** sales ******** George ***** The *****


help ** ********* which tools ** the **** ***** tools *** ******** ** ** part ** belt ***** **** ******* *** ******** description ** *** learning ******** that *** ************ will **** ****** after the training ******** ************** *** ******** *********** ****** in *** ****** ******* it ensures that *** products ******** *** ** higher quality and ******* *** ***** improvements ** ******* *** ********* ******* *** ****** Company ****** encourage the innovation ** ****** **** ***** ** *** ********** of the ******* ** the *********** **** *** ** ***** different environmental ********** ************** *** company **** get *** capability of giving the ******** *** *** ******** ******* the ****** activities *** ******* **** ******* ********* automobiles that can ******* many customers *** company **** **** *** *********** ********* **** *** competitors ** ******* the *********** ****** *** ********




****** ******** *** the products **** *** Toyota Company ****** largely ** *** *********** ***** their developments The ********* **** tend ** ***** *** newly ********* products more **** *** ******** products For instance ***** is **** ****** *** the ******** **** use electricity ******** ** ***** that ******* gas (Khemani2014) *** environmental ************* also push



******* ** ******** *** *********** ***** ******* **** harm ** *** *********** ********* *** ********** ******* ***

******* ***** ** *** ***** ******** ************ ******** Planning (ERP) ***

****** ************ has ******** the *** ************ ** *** **********

********** **** marketing ** their final ******** ******* and ****** the *******



** newly introduced products ** *** ******** ***** *********** *** *** ************ is done using *** *** ************* ******* ***** ERP ***** *** ******* *** *********** ** ****** *** ***** ********** ******** ** *** ******** to ***** all *** ********* globally *** hence; **** earn *** *********** ********* *** ****** ******* ** *** products *** the customer **** services ******* **** ** *** *** ********** *** ************* ****** *** customers **** time ** ********* *** ******** and *** products


************ ********** 2014) The


******** is *** set ** *** the ************ **** automate *** ***** and ******* ********* *********** *** *** *** ********* ** ****** **** **** the processing ** the ***** *** *** production ********** *** ERP ******* **** ****** *** interactive ************ **** **** *** ******* and *** ***** ** analyze *** manage *** business ******* ***** ** ********** with ***** manufacturing ******* inventory ********** and ***** taking *** former ******* which ******* *** ******* data ********** ***** *** the ************* execution ******* ***** *** varying ******* ** acceptance ***** and ****** ***** ********* the *** *** *** functional perimeter **** ******** into *** functional ******* like *** ******** ************ ********** ********** ******** ************ and *** ****** ***** *********** The ********** ** *** *** is *** ****** ******** ** aligning *** ******** *** *** ** ********** **** *** ******** ********** **** their ********** software ********** ********** ** *** *** ************** ******** ** Toyota Company *** ******** **** at ************* *** ********** *** *** ***** *** ************ *** way the ****** ******* takes ****** from *** distributional ******* ******** *** *** ******** *** ******* ** ** the ****** **** entered *** in ********* ********* ** has ****** *** company to ******* *** ******** and ********* the *** ***** ** ** ********** **** *** ************* *** *********** ******* ******* ***** *** ******** *** ******** ** ** *** best since ** ******* that *** time ****** ** **** ******** **** *** production of *** ******* ******** ***** *** ************ of the ERP ** ***** ****** branches the *********


have **** ********** *** *** **** the ********* *******








*** ********* and *** ************ *** *** ********** ***** make the informed decisions The ******** **** reach *** ******* ******** ** marketing and ****** ******** There *** **** *********** on ***** and ******* ******* *** ****** *** organization ****** *** ***** 2006) ********** ************ ********* issues ** ******** *** ******** ** *** Toyota ******* **** *** **** of the ***** ******* *** ************ ******* *** rivals ********* *** ***** associated firms *** ****** Company *** **** in ********* the responsibility; **** ****** **** they are **** *********** ********* *** ******* *** ** there is *** **** **** arises **** ******* **** they **** to **



******* acts positively when **** ********* ******** ******* for ******** **** *** vehicles

experienced ********** acceleration ** 2009(Wang *** ****** ***** ***** *********** ****** *** company’s

reputation to grow *** *** ******* will ******** to ***** ************* 61Action

********* *** ******** executives ********* *** ********* ********* *** *** shareholders ****** be ******** ** *** implementation





** *******


********** will


*** ****** ** **** ** ******* ******* hence help **** ********** how **** **** and ***** ************* ** ***** sides *************** The ****** ******* also ***** to ****** *** technical *** ******* *********** to ******* ***** strategies *** ******* the ****** ****** *** ************ including *** ********* *** **** *********** ****** ** around ** ******* *** ******* if **** *** ******** 62Latest ********* ********* *** *** ****** ***** ****** There ** *** increase in *** ********** ** ********* ** *** ********* **** ***** can be ********** ** many ******* *** ************** of *** ********** will ensure ****






challenges ***


******** ****** with **** hence *********** *** ****** that *** ******* may ********** *** ********** also ensure that the *** ** *** ******* is ****** than *** ****** rate ***** *** company **** ******** to ** ********** *** * **** ***** ************ *** future ********* *** Toyota Company should ******* **** on ********** strategies *** the ******* ** ******* **** ******* and developments in ****** The *********** ** *** ************ ********* ***** ********** *** instance *** *** *** *** ********** ***** **** *** ********** ****** always **


** *** ***** *** ******** trends ** both








***** *** company ****** not **** **** ** *** ******* ********* ********** ** enable *** ************ ******* and ************* ** the company ***** is the need ** research on ***** best ************* ******* that *** ********** ***** ********** ********* ***** ********** *** ******* *********** ***** *** strategies should ** ******** **** if there ** **** efficiency than *** ******* *********** (Loida 2008) 64Goals for ***** *** ***** ********* ******** *** CEO ** *** ******* ****** **** ****


****** that *** *******


strategies *** working to benefit the ******* **** **** ****** ***** ** *** implemented ******** works ********* ** *** *********** ** the ********* *** *** ******* ** general **** should ******* *** the strategies and ****** *** ************* ******** ****** the ******* ******* 2014) The CEO should ****** that *** ********* ERP ****** *** other strategies **** **** *** ******* ********** *** *** ******** ****** ** ***** deficiencies ** *** ************ 65Monitoring *** *********** ** is *** ********* section after the ************** ** every ******** ** *** ************ The Toyota ******* should ****** *** ******* ** ***** ** *** ******* ********* ********** ** *** if **** *** working ********* to *** ************ *** ******* ****** ******* zero ******* and ****


** *** ******* ******* ********* ** ****


*** ************ and ******* ** *** ******* ***** ****** *** quality *** ******** satisfactions ************* *** ******* should ****** *** ******** ********** since **** increase *** productivity *** also the *********** ** *** ******* *** strategies *** **** ***** ** ******** the ******* and ******** ************ **** ** *** side ** *** ******* **** *** aimed ** ******** *** ***** ********** *** ********** ********** *** ************* *** ***** factors **** **** to cut *** ***** ************ and ****** *** time of *** *********** ***** will


*** *********** and


development ** *** Toyota ***** ***** *** *** *** *** company **** ** **** ** **** *** ******** ****** in both *** ******** and ******** *********** while achieving the ******* *** ****** objectives ************* ********** ****** ******** ********** ********** ** *** MRP/ERP ******** ************** Foundations ** ********** **** doi:102478/v10238-012-0026-7 ******** strategies for *********** ********** management Hershey *** *** Press Seddon ** ******* * *** Yang * **** * *************




factors affecting ************** ******** **** enterprise systemsMIS Quarterly34(2) ********** ***** * *** Meier * ****** ********* Toyota *** field ***** A Practical Guide *** Implementing ************ 4Ps" *********** New **** NY ***** * ****** ******************** marketing: * ************* ******* *** untapped ******** strategy” ************* Marketing Program ** ****** **** * *** ****** * (2011) “From ********* ** ******* *** ******** nature ** ********** ********** ** *********** automobile groups” ******* ** ******** ********* *** **** *** 64 ***** 1 ** ****** *********** ****** ********* ********** *** ************** *** ****** Discovery *** ****** ********* ****** *********** ********** *** dynamic ****** ** *** ******** information search ******** (Competition ****** ************* *********






















The Six ***** Handbook: A ******** ***** *** ***** ***** ***** belts *** ******** **


****** *** ***** McGraw-Hill PoundES ****** ***** ********** ************* *******


managers: How ******* improve *********** ** * ********* *** ***** ****** ******** **************** *********** * Supply ***** ******* approach ******** **************** **********


********** *********** **** ********** ********** ** ********** resources ********** ******* the industrialization ******* *** ****** ***** ** pursue ***** creation ****** *********


************ ****** ***** management: * ********* approach to the ********** ** ************ ******** system *** ***** McGraw-Hill


**** ***** ***** ****** The ****** *** ****** ** *********** framework *** **** constructionTotal ******* Management ***** ******** ***************** ******* doi:101080/147833632013820022 JaccardM *************** ********* ********* ** ******** Introduction to ******* performance ***


********** systems ******** ************ **** *****

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