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Training Program on Conflict ResolutionDue to a recent increase in the number of cases involving interpersonal and interdepartmental conflict in your organization, HR hasdecided to develop a training

Training Program on Conflict ResolutionDue to a recent increase in the number of cases involving interpersonal and interdepartmental conflict in your organization, HR hasdecided to develop a training program on conflict resolution. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation with speaker's notes that issupported with credible sources of research and includes each of the elements listed below: Develop a professional slide presentation with speaker's notes. Include a cover slide and a slide with references. Examine HR’s role in conflict management and resolution. Identify the process managers and employees should follow to contact HR for cases involving conflict. Evaluate three strategies HR will use to resolve issues involving conflict. Determine the expected benefits/outcomes of having HR involved in resolving interpersonal and/or interdepartmental conflicts. Go to the Strayer University Online Library and locate at least three quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not quality as academic resources.When complete, your training program should include: 10–12 slides, excluding the cover slide and references. Speaker's notes for each slide, explaining your strategy and choices.

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