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trouble figuring out where I get evidence to support an answer, since I can probably make up a scenario ? am I understanding this question correctly?...

I'm having trouble figuring out where I get evidence to support an answer, since I can probably make up a scenario ? am I understanding this question correctly? please advise.  The Question: How could you use the family structural theory to determine if a family is dysfunctional or not? Provide evidence to support your answer.

The Family Structural Theory provides a method in which a nurse is able to identify how family members interact with one another to establish a baseline. 

the nurse can use the Family Structural Theory to facilitate improvement in family functioning (Minuchin, & Fishman, 2004).

FAMILY STRUCTURAL THEORYFamily structural Theory played important role in the diagnosing and curing the peoplewho were suffering from Anorexia Nervosa. Anorexia Nervosa takes an individual to the...
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