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unit 4 needs fixed help

The tutor that did this won't respond to me so i need some help with this please. It needs where you found these journal article from. There needs to either be the URL to the journal article or the database name where you found it. The reference is incomplete without it.


Herzberg, F. (1968). One more time: How do you motivate employees. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review.

Bass, B. M., & Avolio, B. J. (1994). Improving organizational effectiveness through transformational leadership. Sage.

Kogut, B., & Zander, U. (1996). What firms do? Coordination, identity, and learning.

Organization science, 7(5), 502-518.

Tax, S. S., Brown, S. W., & Chandrashekaran, M. (1998). Customer evaluations of service complaint experiences: implications for relationship marketing. The journal of marketing,


Tax, S. S., Brown, S. W., & Chandrashekaran, M. (1998). Customer evaluations of service complaint experiences: implications for relationship marketing. The journal of marketing,

The commented is what is wrong with it.

Commented [MK1]: Paraphrasing: Citations should be placed after every two or three sentences covering similar information from the same source with a citation after the first paraphrased sentence. It is important to cite all information used from outside sources to avoid accidentally violating CSUâs academic integrity policy. The following link is a webinar that focuses on paraphrasing: Paraphrasing tutorial.

The current employeeâs motivation is low and needs to be improved. As a leader, to improve their motivation I would effectively and responsibly communicate with all the information that the employees need to do. To work effectively, they need enough information for them to make the right and appropriate decisions in their work. I would also ensure that I interact more and communicate to them so often, openly and honestly and also creating an open door policy for them to speak their burning issues, share ideas and discuss the best strategies to focus on that can help the company to easily achieve its goals. I would also appreciate the hardworking employees by giving those tips or ranks as a form of appreciation because by that they would be motivated more (Herzberg, 1968).

Commented [MK2]: Citations goes every two-three sentences. One citation at the end of the paragraph isnât enough.

To resolve a conflict among the employees, in this case, there must be a general meeting of the team members with the team leader. In the meeting, the main impact of the conflict should be addressed and respective ways of solving the problem get outlined. An agreement to the cooperative process should be set and every individual involved in the conflict must agree to cooperate in resolving the conflict effectively. The main thing here for the conflict resolution among the different individuals is to ensure that everyone speaks out the grievances him /her wants to adhere. A resolution to towards the conflict should make so as to ensure the situation is fully solved. Everyoneâs position should be heard and a good approach to working as a team made. Avoiding the true nature of conflict is the best outcome that will encourage teamwork (Kogut, & Zander, 1996).

Commented [MK3]: Sufficient Paraphrasing Paraphrasing does not mean that you should change around words here and there or just find synonyms for certain words in the paraphrased sentence. In these cases, these are still considered direct quotes because of their similarity to the original sentence and are not paraphrased correctly. To paraphrase, you must put the authorâs ideas into your own words. This can be accomplished by reading the material, removing yourself from it (close the book, webpage, etc.), and taking notes. This helps you to put these ideas into your own words more easily. It is tempting to rely on the authorâs wording with it right in front of you. I recommend the following tutorial: Paraphrasing tutorial

Commented [MK4]: Citations every two to three sentences.

The forming stage takes when a team meets first with each other. During the first meeting, the team members introduced to each other. In this meeting, they are thus subjected to share about their backgrounds, experiences, form the first impression of each other and their interests too. During this meeting, they will thus discuss the projects, objectives, goals as they start thinking about the roles they will play majorly on the team project. As the leader, I would request the employees to state their goals and roles they are taking in the work area. I would also enquire from them if they take into consideration their roles and if they are taking part in their responsibilities. Guiding the employees in realizing their main roles and responsibilities in their working area will also be on the schedule (Tax, Brown, & Chandrashekaran, 1998).

Commented [MK5]: You need to put where you found this journal article. There needs to either be the URL to the journal article or the database name where you found it. The reference is incomplete without it.


Herzberg, F. (1968). One more time: How do you motivate employees. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review.

Bass, B. M., & Avolio, B. J. (1994). Improving organizational effectiveness through transformational leadership. Sage.

Kogut, B., & Zander, U. (1996). What firms do? Coordination, identity, and learning.

Organization science, 7(5), 502-518.

Tax, S. S., Brown, S. W., & Chandrashekaran, M. (1998). Customer evaluations of service complaint experiences: implications for relationship marketing. The journal of marketing,


Tax, S. S., Brown, S. W., & Chandrashekaran, M. (1998). Customer evaluations of service complaint experiences: implications for relationship marketing. The journal of marketing,


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