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Upon completion of this lab the student will be able to: Understand measures of error as they relate to motor learning tasks.

Variable Error  =

2.    Based on your absolute error score, which of the two blocks of trials represents your best performance? What does this information tell you about the two performances?

3.    In either of the two blocks of trials, did your constant error score indicate that you had a performance bias? How was the performance bias similar or different between the two blocks of trials (i.e., how did the CE for both blocks of trials compare in terms of size and direction)? Please explain (using the CE for Blocks 1 and 2) the direction of the performance bias and what this tells you about your performance in the two blocks of trials (i.e., which performance was best in terms of CE).

4.    Based on your variable error score, which of the two blocks of trials represents your best performance? Please explain what this tells you about the consistency of each of your performances (i.e., compare the VE of Block 1 to the VE of Block 2)?

5.    Please describe your performances in the two blocks of trials based on the CE and VE results for each block. For example, if your CE was +10 and your VE was 0.1, this would suggest that your performance was very consistent, but that you were late hitting the space bar and consistently missed the target to the right (i.e., your performance was biased). In contrast, a low CE score with a high VE score would indicate something very different. In terms of what CE and VE tell you about your performances, were your two blocks of trials similar or different? Please explain.

6.    In your opinion, which block of trials represented your best performance? Please provide an explanation for your answer. Does your answer depend on which error measure you are using?

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