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Use the above link to access the discussion board for this module. Topic In your required readings and video clip, Mental Illness and Madness, you learned about the history of the perceptions of menta

Use the above link to access the discussion board for this module.


In your required readings and video clip, Mental Illness and Madness, you learned about the history of the perceptions of mental illness. For years, individuals have attempted to explain and control mental illness based on the popular models or traditions of that particular time.  One such belief is that outside agents such as demons, spirits or other phenomena influence and control our behavior, thinking, and emotions.

In your initial post:

  1. Examine the historical conceptions of mental illness (supernatural, biological, and psychological). Select one model or tradition that you think is still present today.  Provide examples from today’s society. 
  2. Develop your own definition of mental illness.

In your response: 

  1. Select a classmate’s different model from the one you chose and discuss how it is different or similar to perceptions of mental illness in the past.
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