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******** from *** **** belowwwwmediafirecom/file/95pvyovzzqtc296/HR+managementdocx/fileHR ********************* **** Placement Stage ********************** **** * ***** ****** ******************** **** ********* ***** ***** * ********* ******** all ******* in ******* **** ***** (3) ***** ** ********* ****************** ******** ******** ****** List three (3) ***** ** reconciliation ******* ***** *** ****** ** ** subject to organisational ***************** **** reconciliation ******* sheet ************** and credit **** *************** **** ***** *** ***** of information captured by point-of-sale softwareAnswer: ***** *** transactions tracking ********* ******* customer ************ ******* *** *** reconciliation process is ********* *** *** ***************** This ** key ***** ** ******* in *** ********** ** ******* sheet errors checking ***** *** ******** *** ************ were ****** ** the ******* ****** ** ***** **** **** ***** (3) security ********** **** a ******** *** **************** ****** ******* *********** ******** ************** *** ************* **** ** *** ** ***** ***** and services **** it ***** *** *** **** it affect *** cost ** ***** goods *** **************** **** is * ***** ***** *** ***** ** ****** on goods ** **** ** services that *** sold *** domestic consumption **** has ********* the *** registered *********** **** *** four *** ***** involved ** ********* *** correct change for **** paymentsAnswer: Ensure the ****** and ******** made *********** ** amount ***** ******** ***** *********** ** from ****** of item purchased to ****** ***** ** ************ ****** **** ** ***** *** ********** **** is * cash float?Answer: **** ** *** difference ******* **** ******** ***** are ******** in *** business accounting *** ****** ** **** ******** **** ** **** ******** List ***** (3) **************** *** **** when ** comes to ******** ******** *************** Manage *** ******** ** determine *********** debtCollecting *** *********** *** *********** **** ****************** ******** of ***** **** ** List *** steps ******** ** ******** *** *********** customer ******** ******* ***** *** ******** ***** aloudPlace money ** ************ *** ****** ***** **** the **** register amountDetermine ****** by use ** ****** ******** * Questions ******** *** ******* in ******* ******* **** *** sources ** *********** ** **** ********* **** **** ** *********** *** can *** **** *********** ******** ******* *** ****** ******* ***** *** *************** information ** ****** of minerals fats *** ******** ** ********* ***** *** the **** combination for your ******* **** two (2) past ****** *** *** current ** ******** ****** in the ********** **** *************** **** ****** ******* plant-based ***** *** fermented foodsCurrent trends:Dietary ************ and ************ ******* ******* the ******* ** *** ************ ********* interactions· Food ********* **** ************* *********** ******** foodsAnswer: ********* ************ is the ******** ******* **** *** ****** Food ******* ** when ****** ****** ** ******* treat ******** ** **** as ******** **** *********** ** **** the **** *** ******** ******** *** eating ********** food· Genetically ******** ***** are ***** **** DNA ******* ** *** of ***** **** ***** ******* or ******* **** information *** *** **** ** ***** with ********** ********* **** development?Answer:Pricedescription ** ***** **** photographs ******** ** ** *** ********* information5 What ******* ******* ************ ***** exist for ***************** *************** gluten **** ***** free *** lactose **** ****** **** *** and peanut ********** **** ******** ************** ** *** ********* of *********** *** ****** on **** do *** ***** **** a ***** *********** of **** and *** you **** ** ******** *********** always **** food hands and cooking ********** should be ****** before *** after ******** ******** ******* ***** **** hot soapy waterWash food **** ***** ***** ****** ******** **** are *** **** ******** ******* *** can *** ** update your ********* ***** food? **** **** ******** and ****** ******* ***** of these **** *** used?Answer: *** *********** ******* ********* ***** ****** ********* *** photograph ******** ******** *** ***** surveys8 **** *** *** ****** and ***** ************ of *** ********** ******* ******* ******************** **** *** ****** ** ******** reaction in customers **** **** ********** **** *** the dietary ********** for ***** *********** ******** *** ******************* For ******** *** *********** **** **** ** *** enough ********** **** ** ** able ** ******* ** **** as **** ******** *** ** ********** ********* ***** **** **** to *** ********** ***** *** **** active ********** *** maintaining muscle ******** **** ******* ********** C ********* ******** *** ******* ** ******* ****** **** job role ******* ******* ** the organizational *********** **** ** applicable ** youAnswer: ******** ****** ****** in ************ *** at all ***** ********* calls ******** with contractors plus ********* ********* breakage *** ****** of ************ Provide ** overview ** *** *********** ********** ** ********* as applicable to **** ************ and/or **** of ****************** *** *** *********** ******** in **** ******* **** ***** email ******* *** ******* address3 What common operational ***** ** you **** ** participate ************** ********** ******* ********** ** ***** cleaning ************* ****** to *** ******* ********** ********* transactions ******* food ** **** ** ********** What *** *** ** ***** ********** and **** ** you **** ** do ** ****** ***** in your ************ ***** ** where the ********* ** *************** **** equipmentDocumentation ** **** **** ****** the ****** Explain *** ***** *** responsibilities ** your organisation/or ****** your area ** *********** *** *** ************ **** supervisor ** ********* Your team ******* ****** **** ***************** Your ********** ** manager ******* *********** *** ********** responding ** guest ******* as **** ** ******* *** ************ **** members and/or work ********** include ************** ** *********** ********** ******** sales *** ******* *** ****** targets *** ** ******** software handling *** ********** of ********* *** ******** ************* for ********** ***** **** organization’s policies *** ********** *** three ** *** ************ ************** and reporting ** completing financial transaction completing **** ***** *** ********* *** **** *********** ******* health and ****** ************** ******** ************** ******** service· ********* handlingAnswer:Security ************ ******** ******* *** *** ***** *** ***** *** **** cameras *** ********** *** premisesAdministration *** reporting ***** *** ********* have to login ** *** ****** when ********* *** ***** *********** ******* is ***** *** customers *** allowed ** ******* ******** ******* *** help **** *** ** at *** ******* *** dealing with ********** and ********* ****** ********

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