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Future Outlook.  Please respond to the following:

  • Of the numerous forms of communication technologies presented in this course, predict the first form of technology to be phased out by a newer and improved technology. Explain the limitations of this technology and the reason for its speculated obsolesce.
  • Speculate the technology that will replace the previously mentioned technology above. Describe the features, capabilities, or basic advantages this technology will have over its predecessor.


Of the numerous forms of communication technologies presented in this course, predict the first  form of technology to be phased out by the a newer and improved technology.Explain the the limitations of this technology and the reason for its speculated obsolesce.

I think the form of technology which i feel will be phased out by newer and improved technology, will be the land line phones remember pay phones ? those tall talle rectangular booths  situated at every other street corner for your calling convenience ?they became a thing of the past .except in places like airports. if this trend continues landlines  phones will soon join pay phones in the technology graveyards. people who used to have landlines are finding it as extra expense rather than a convenience.consumers are turning to more convenient way to manage their communications.

Speculate the technology that will replace the previously mentioned technology above. Describe the features, capabilities, or basic advantages this technology will have over its predecessor

More people are turning into cell phones to make their calls. In the US and Europe roughly 75% of the respective populations are wireless subscribers ..some European countries even expect to exceed 100 percent wireless penetration soon due to people purchasing double devices, consumers feels like cellphones will be able to do everything which already they are doing ie browsing ,using them for navigation , video and photo shooting. all these features have contributed to wiping out landlines.

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