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This is a Team Assignment. I have attached what another student on the team's paper. She would like set up that way. She wants to just add to what she started in APA format. The team part that ONLY needs to be answered and to be added to the attached paper is in BOLD "Person #4" I think 400 words or less should be enough to make that student happy for Person #4 part. The Topic is the Research the U.S. Supreme Court case, Miranda vs. Arizona, paying particular attention to the transcript of the oral arguements. 

For this assignment I was thinking of the break down of our portions. I have as follows:

Person 1: 

  • Briefly describe the facts of the case.
  • Introduction

Person 2: 

  • When was the case argued?
  • Which lawyers argued the case for each side?
  • Conclusion

Person 3: 

  • Summarize the arguments of counsel regarding self-incrimination.

Person 4: 

  • Why is the case significant with respect to the right to counsel and self-incrimination?
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