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Walmart history and highlights (One page assighment)

The assignment is due in 4 hours.

Review the history of the organization you have chosen.  Submit a report highlighting the the organizations important moments:  When the organization was founded, by whom and when.  Did it go public; when  and why.  Did the organization undergo a merger or a joint venture.  Did it change it's name.  Any thing you find important to note about the company.  PLEASE, include what the organization is currently doing, your history shouldn't end 10, 5 or even 1 year ago.  Who is the currant CEO and or President?  What are their business strategies today? List the important events that helped shape the organization Many organizations provide timelines.

The organization I chose is Walmart and here is the link that provide you with all the information which will help you finish the assignment in short time please just avoid plaggiarism.


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