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Watch the sermon from Sandals Church (link below) about List, Loophole or Lifestyle? Once you have finished viewing the video write a post that includes that answers the following questions:1) How doe

Watch the sermon from Sandals Church (link below) about List, Loophole or Lifestyle? Once you have finished viewing the video write a post that includes that answers the following questions:

1) How does thinking from a Christian perspective shape a person’s perceptions about their life and the lives of others? Provide two examples from the text and the video that support your contentions. 

2) In the video he gives an example of Facebook. What are some of the perceptions someone might have when posting on Facebook? How might their posting differ based on a Christian worldview versus a more secular perception?

3) Give an example of how living a life according to Biblical principles may influence our perceptions about societal norms and customs? How Christians remain influential while embracing other perceptions about life and society? 

Sandals Sermon Link

Provide examples from the text, as well as from the sermon. 

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**** ******** ** ********* ***** From * Christian ********** ************** thinking *** ***** his ** her ******* can be in influencing *** or *** *** ******* and *********** other ***** behaviors This ** **** close *********** ******** ** ******** ********* *** *** **** of *** Christian **** ** that ** ***** ** the ******* perspective **** means ** ***** further from **** life ** another one *** **** ** ************** oriented *** ******* ** **** **** earthly *********** *** **** of ****** ** **** ** Hell *** ******* ********* ** **** *** the **** *** **** of * ********* see human ******* held in *** ***** ** *** ** **** *** entire ***** ********* ** his **** *** his power The ******* ***** ** seen as ******* on the supernatural ***** **** life ** an ********* *********** ****** us ready for another this ***** ** * ********* ******** of refuge *** our **** ** final home Other ****** *** *** *** ********** *** identified ** *** **** ******** ** *** earth **** ***** the ***** ** ***** **** **** **** ** ***** ***** *** ** **** **** *** ************** are **** ****** ** **** about ****** ********** ** well ** ***** daily ***** *** **** is due to ***** ****** to *** ******** ** * **** for ************* **** ****** Some people are **** ****** ** *** ******** ** seek ********* and justification **** others * Christian worldview ** *** ******* force ** **** ***** ***** ** a sense ** God’s **** *** purpose *** this ***** If we ****** ** not ***** and ******* in *** then *** ******* **** ** ******* *** misleading ******* *** ***** **** ******** *** secular life ******* ************** ******** They *** **** ***** “For *** have ***** ****** **** ** *** ********* **** ****** ****** to do—living ** ********** **** *********** ****** ********* *** ********** *********** *** ***** *** *** other **** ** ********** ******** ****** *** trusting ******* ****** ** ***** **** ** *** ***** ******* it ** ** ******** * movie ************* **** our ******** ******* at ** ****** ** ******* kids we *** ***** ********** * **** ************* ***** ***** **** ***** ** ************* ** *** unrelenting tide ** *** ******** *** ******** ***** When ** **** and ******* **** ** God’s ********* *** ***** ** with ********* ***** we start to make precious ********* *** form choices ** * ****** in *** *** it ** *** ********* and ***** ***** ****** **** we ******* **

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