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Watch Video What Are Silos and Why Bust Them YouTube URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZlnbdDfBvA Silos are cohesive divisions or units in organizations that don't work well with other units and u

Watch Video What Are Silos and Why Bust Them YouTube URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZlnbdDfBvA 

Silos are cohesive divisions or units in organizations that don't work well with other units and undermine the success of organizations.  Silos can be encouraged by managers that pit people or departments against each other.  They can be destroyed by creating a common bond that brings different units together.  After watching the video and reading the article entitled:  The Silo Mentality:  How to Break Down the Barriers, please answer the following questions in a 1 to 2 page double spaced paper, Times New Roman 12 font APA format:

  1. Discuss what a silo is and how do silos lead to organizational conflict.
  2. How can those in leadership positions break down silos in organizations?
  3. What are some of the keys to successful teamwork among employees?

Assignments should be submitted in .doc, docx, or .rtf format.

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