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Water Quality and Contamination Laboratory SCI207

Water Quality and Contamination

Before you begin this assignment, watch The Scientific Method Presentation video. Then, read “Lab 2: Water Quality and Contamination.” This lab will allow you to perform tests on your own tap water to compare differences in contaminants found in bottled versus tap water. Then, you will utilize this information and your eScience lab kit to complete Experiment 1 on the Week Two Lab Reporting Form. Make sure to complete all of the following items before submission:

  1. Read through the introductory material and watch The Scientific Method Presentation video.
  2. Complete Experiment 1: Drinking Water Quality using your eScience lab manual and kit.
  3. Complete Tables 1 through 5 and answer Post Lab Questions 1 through 5 in complete sentences on the Week Two Lab Reporting Form.
  4. Go to “Lab 3: Biodiversity,” and complete Experiment 1: Effects of Groundwater Contamination on Plant Diversity steps 1 through 32, using your eScience lab manual and kit. Complete Table 1 and answer Post Lab Questions 1 through 5 in complete sentences on the  Week Three Lab Reporting Form. Steps 1 through 32 need to be completed in order to be prepared for Week Three; however, final results for this experiment will not be determined until next week.
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