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We’ll discuss the specifics—how you’ll build the exhibit, what you’ll include, how you’ll present your research—next week. For now, we’re interested in formulating the end goals of your research: what

We’ll discuss the specifics—how you’ll build the exhibit, what you’ll include, how you’ll present your research—next week. For now, we’re interested in formulating the end goals of your research: what you want to do with it and why.

You’re charged with creating an online exhibit about your topic, but what that exhibit doesis up to you. What goal do you have for your research? What stories and arguments are emerging from the work you’ve done? What parts of your research do you want to share with your audience, and to what end? This brief document will organize and present the concept and intended audience for your digital exhibit.

Your Digital Collection Proposal should be divided into three sections: Concept, Target Audience and Educational Objectives, and Checklist.(The paper instructions I will upload on files.

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