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We need to write an essay based on my previous essay which I'm gonna attach that essay after you accept my work. Description In this section, you will be presenting the opposing arguments or critic

We need to write an essay based on my previous essay which I'm gonna attach that essay after you accept my work. 


In this section, you will be presenting the opposing arguments or criticism of your argument. Then you will be giving your refutation of that opposing argument/criticism. The voice of the opposing argument/criticism is known as the naysayer of your argument. In other words, you will present the other side’s argument and respond to their argument.

Necessary Components 

  • Naysayer's side: You must explain the naysayer's side (or the opposing arguments). You should use a quote, paraphrase, or summary from a source that agrees with your naysayer to illustrate that side's argument.
  • Refutation: You must then convincingly refute the naysayer's argument. You should also use a source to back up your refutation.


I suggest you make this section into 2 paragraphs. Make sure you use transitions at the beginning of each paragraph to make it clear whose side you are presenting. See the They Say/I Say templates websites for samples of ways to start the Naysayer section.

  1. Naysayer's side
  2. Refutation

Other Requirements 

  • Your Naysayer section should be at least 300 words in length.  It should be typed, double-spaced, 1” margins, 12-point font.  For a sample of MLA format, see the Purdue OWL Website.
  • Be sure to include a Works Cited page that follows MLA format. See the Plagiarism and Documentation tab for more information about MLA format.

Plagiarism Reminder

Plagiarism is using someone else’s words or ideas without giving credit and is a serious academic offense.  It can range from: 

  • Turning in a paper any part of which you did not write.
  • Cutting and pasting a paper together from various sources without attributing the sources correctly.
  • Changing a few words but basically keeping most of the words and sentence structure of the original.
  • Using the ideas of another without giving credit to the person who originally had the ideas.
  • Using the exact words of the source without using quotation marks even if you give the name of the source.

Refer to the syllabus for consequences of plagiarism in this class.


Social media and The Homelessness

Thesis: Social media highly impact youth homelessness because it encourages youths to take big steps without any realization of necessary challenging work, it increases suicidal problems, and it has a high chance of causing low self-esteem.

            One of the crucial reasons how social media impacts youth homelessness is it encourages youths to take big steps without any realization of necessary challenging work. As I went through the Los Angeles Times website, I found an article, “They Came to L.A. To Chase the Hollywood Dream. Two Weeks Later, They Were Homeless,” Bri and Loxk-in the article, who moved to L.A. to chase their dream with $800, two backpacks and two duffel bags. “Applying for jobs was hard. They did not have an address and did not know where they would be the next day. In coming days, they got General Relief money to tide them over until they found work. They used some of it for their own tent, placed next to the man and his dog. They also found the nonprofit Safe Place for Youth (SPY), where they could get guidance and take a shower and get fresh clothes and be fed. (Bri said it looked “like high school for homeless kids,” everyone lined up for lunch, wearing backpacks. But it also made her feel much less alone)” (Nita). Nita enlightens the couples who moved to L.A. to complete their dreams where they are influenced by social media and ended up being homeless because they could not afford the basic utility for their life. It seems to me that all the people who are about to make tremendous changes in life need to evaluate the consequences, study the circumstances rather than jump into their decisions directly. Consequently, any actions taken without any awareness or recognition might transpire in a challenging and problematical situation.

Furthermore, the suicidal problem is another serious reason about how social media impact youth homelessness. I was digging through the homelessness hub website; I was intrigued by the article “Depression and Suicide.” “A number of studies have reported higher rates of suicidal behavior among youth experiencing homelessness in comparison to other youth. In Ottawa, 43% of youth experiencing homelessness reported suicidal thoughts, and 46% in Toronto and Vancouver reported a past suicide attempt. Of those at greater risk of suicide include youth with co-occurring substance use and mental health conditions” (Gaetz). Gaetz has discussed the statistics of youth homeless who attempt to do suicide. As we can see suicidal problem is gradually increasing among youth homeless. One of the factors leading to the suicidal problem is an attraction to luxurious things, which is mostly found in young people, and it is rare to find youths who do not use social media. Therefore, most of the homeless youths give up seeing successful people on social media because they feel they cannot achieve success in their life like them. “There is no single-handed solution to reduce the rates of suicide and depression among those experiencing homelessness. Yet, it is essential to strengthen systems that support youth, families, and communities including clinical, outreach and community programs, along with coordinating policies targeting mental health, housing, income, and employment” (Gaetz). Gaetz illustrated the solution to alleviate the suicidal problem of homeless people. Hence, homelessness is a severe problem that can never be solved, but the best way to lighten this problem is to have effective support from families and communities.

Along with suicidal problems, loss of self-esteem is also one of the reasons how social media impact youth homelessness. Analyzing the Addiction Centre website, Jena Hillard discourse that “On Instagram and Facebook, users see curated content: advertisements and posts that are specifically designed to appeal to users based on their interests. Users may see others posting about their great jobs, excellent partners, or beautiful homes and feel happy or inspired as a result. Others, however, may see these pictures and feel jealous, depressed, or even suicidal due to the fact that their own life is not as “perfect” as those that they see on Facebook or Instagram” (Hillard).  Jena Hillard clarifies that people with low self-esteem take others’ accomplishment as an offense and tries to compete with others. Therefore, they try to copy social media influencers by moving to big cities even if they are poor, buying expensive cars, branded clothes, so on. They reach such kind of situation where they cannot afford anything, get low self-esteem, and end up being homeless. Hence, Hillard claims that social media can be addicting, harmful, and bring competence among people which, might adversely impact people. To sum up, everything has been stated, although social media have pro side, it can negatively impact youths’ behaviors.

Work Cited

Lelyveld, Nita. “They Came to L.A. to Chase a Hollywood Dream. Two Weeks Later, They Were Homeless.” Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Times, 19 Oct. 2019,

Hillard, Jena. “Social Media Addiction.” Addiction Center, 17 Dec. 2021,

Gaetz, Stephen. “Depression and Suicide.” Depression and Suicide | The Homeless Hub,


1.     What transition word or phrase will you use to start your Naysayer Section? You need to use a transition of contrast here to show that you’re moving from the I Say Section to the Naysayer Section.

I am planning to start my Nayer Section like “However, the altercation about social media impact on youth homelessness is defensible, powerful, but there are plenty of critics of the young people who ended up being homelessness because of taking a big step without realization of necessary challenging work”.

2.     What is the Naysayer’s argument? Try to summarize the Naysayer’s most important argument in one sentence.

Naysayer’s argument is the argument where the opponent or the critic of your essay goes against the main idea or argument of the essay. The most important Naysayer’s argument is if all young people try to achieve their dream seriously, then there is no way they could end up being homeless.

3.     What transition will you use at the start of your refutation paragraph? You need to use a transition of contrast here.

I am looking forward to starting my refutation paragraph by writing, “Although the critics of social media impact on youth homelessness defended the argument, the critics have ignored the fact that not all young homeless get a chance or opportunity to achieve success like most of the popular people who were homelessness once”.

4.     What is your refutation of that argument? In other words, what will you say to counter the Naysayer’s argument?

I will illustrate the challenges that youth encounter while they take big steps without any realizing of upcoming hard work and how young homeless people attempt suicide by also providing some statistics.  

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