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Week 3 Forum Euthanasia & AristotleChoose one of the following topics to respond to for your initial post. HOWEVER, POST YOUR INITIAL POST AS A REPLY, NOT A NEW "Conversation." Each of the choices wil

Week 3 Forum Euthanasia & Aristotle

  • Choose one of the following topics to respond to for your initial post. HOWEVER, POST YOUR INITIAL POST AS A REPLY, NOT A NEW "Conversation." Each of the choices will have its own thread. This will make it easier for everyone. Know that if you post your primary post to topic A, then you will need at least one more post in that thread and at least one post in the other thread. NOTE, replies to me count for participation.
  • Indicate your last name and chosen topic in the title of your post.


  • Your initial post should be at least 250 words.
  • See the syllabus for assignment requirements and grading criteria, and be sure to quote from the readings to illustrate your points, followed by MLA citation, both in-text and on a Works Cited page.

Topic A: Euthanasia

Do you think that voluntariness is morally important in euthanasia decisions? How important do you think that it is? For example, do you think that it is so important that whatever a person requests ought to be done? Explain. Does your conclusion regard the morality or also the legality of euthanasia?

Topic B: Aristotle

Clarify as much as possible Aristotle's distinction between practical knowledge and theoretical knowledge. Does an understanding of this distinction help account for why persons who know certain habits or behaviors are harmful, still persist in those behaviors?

[From Instructor: I do not know that the reading and the lesson gives you an adequate understanding of the various types of wisdom you need when addressing one of the discussion questions this week. If you click here, you will find book 6 from the Nichomachean ethics. If you read sections 3 through 8 you will get a better understanding of just what Aristotle was claiming ]

Initial posts must be 250+ words, using correct grammar and spellcheck. Part of the requirement for a substantive post is to bring something new to the conversation. Read the forum prompt and fully answer it, demonstrate understanding of the lesson/content, include evidence from firsthand experience, reference to the course materials, and apply what you’re discussing to work, life, and reality.


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Introduction to Ethical StudiesLee Archie and John G. ArchieChapter 22: "What is the Life of Excellence?" by Aristotle

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