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WEEK 5 web development Assignment

Build on exstiing attached file

Week 5 Assn


Create an informative website about any topic that interests you.  Make sure that you write the content (the paragraphs of information about your topic) yourself.  Do not copy content from other web pages.  Your website should contain at least 4-6 paragraphs of information, arranged in a logical manner (using headings and sub-headings appropriately), and it should contain at least 4 HTML pages.  Use this as an opportunity to teach me something new about a topic which you are knowledgeable about!  You may continue to build on the web page that you created in weeks 1-4.

This week you will create and add either a video file or an audio file to your website.  Using any appropriate audio or video software, record either a brief welcome video or a brief welcome audio file to welcome visitors to your website.  Most computers come with basic audio and/or video software installed.  Alternatively, you may look on the website for free video and/or audio recording software that you can download.  You should save your file in .mp4 format.  Use appropriate HTML to add your video or audio file to the main page of your website.

The HTML pages of your website must include all of the following:

    Contains the HTML 5 DOCTYPE declaration on each page

    Correctly uses html, head, body, and link tags on each page

    Includes charset, author, keywords, and description meta tags on each page

    Use title tags to give each page an appropriate title

    Link all pages to an external style sheet (.css file)

    Appropriate navigation between pages of your website, using local hyperlinks (coded with relative paths)

    Video or audio file (original and created by you!) containing message to welcome visitors to your website

    Include appropriate alternate text to display in browsers that do not support the video or audio element

    Be sure to create relevant and informative content and to design your website attractively.

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