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What are some examples of marine biomes?

Examples of marine biomes include oceans, the coral reefs within, and estuaries.

A marine biome is an aquatic biome that contains salt water rather than freshwater.

  • The ocean covers nearly 3/4 of the Earth's surface and is the largest ecosystem.
  • Coral reefs exist in warm, shallow parts of the ocean and contain much of its biodiversity.
  • Estuaries are places where the ocean mixes with freshwater bodies of water, such as rivers, which creates a unique environment for a variety of organisms.

Here is an image of fish feeding on a coral reef. Many fish rely on coral reefs for food.

For more information from a reliable source, you can check out the University of California Museum of Paleontology page on this topic: http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/glossary/gloss5/biome/aquatic.html.

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