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What are the answers for question 6, "1.As stated in the lab,

5. Fill in this table from Activity V in the lab.Structure Combinations# of Arts# of Ro-yExperimental Formulain unit cellin unit cellBased on Atom FractionsAnts in FCC and Ro-y in FCCAnts in FCC and Ro-y in BCCAnt in BCC and Ro-y in FCCAnts in BCC and Ro-y in SC6. As stated in the lab, another set of experiments revealed that the charge on aprilium is +1 and thecharge on rosalium is -2.a. What should the formula be, based on the ion charges?b. Which of the unit cell structure combinations in the table match this formula? Select thestructures that are potential matches (circle, bold, highlight, italicize):Ant in FCCAnts in FCCAnt in BCCAnts in BCCand Rory in FCCand Roy in BCCand Rozy in FCCand Roy in SCc. Considering what you learned about packing efficiency and density, and the information youselected in question a and b, select the best structure combination for the aprilium and rosaliumcompound for each prompt below: (circle, bold, highlight, italicize)Highest density:Ants in FCCAnts in FCCAnts in BCCApt in BCCand Rory in FCC and Rozy in BCCand Rozy in FCCand Ro-y in SCLowest density:Ants in FCCAnts in FCCApt in BCCAnt in BCCand Roy in FCCand Rozy in BCCand Rozy in FCCand Ro-y in SC

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