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What is a genotype and phenotype ratio?

Genotype is the *genetic make-up * of an organism . It describes about the nature of each allele .

Phenotype is the morphology of an organism .

The genotype is expressed as phenotype when the information encoded in the genes is used to make protein and RNA molecules.

Consider an example :

Here , we have crossed a heterozygous ( the two alleles show dominant and recessive relationship vix T and t ) male gamete with a heterozygous female gamete .

We get the progenies as 1 ) TT homozygous ( the two alleles are of same type ) : TALL PLANT 2) Tt heterozygous :TALL PLANT ( since T is dominant over t ) 3) Tt 4) tt homozygous :DWARF PLANT

Here the Phenotype (morphology) of the plant shows you : 3 : 1 ratio (Tall plants :Dwarf plants)Just consider how the plant heights look to you externally)

However , if you consider the genotypic ratio i.e genetic make up , you consider the nature of genes i.e heterozygous or homozygous . According to that , we have a ratio : 1 :2 :1 (homozygous tall :heterozygous tall :homozygous short )

Note : Recessive alleles will always express themselves in homozygous conditions.

Also , it is not necessary that Phenotypic ratio is always different from Genotypic ratio. We consider there studies in Non - Mandelian Inheritance , examples of which are 1) Incomplete dominance 2) Codominance , e.t.c

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