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What is an inherentzero?

What is an inherentzero? Describe three examples of data sets that have inherent zeros and three that do not.

Choose the correct answer below.

A. An inherent zero is a zero that implies none.B. An inherent zero is a zero that occurs in the data set naturally.C. An inherent zero is a value that the variable can take.Select three examples of data sets that have inherent zeros below.A. Temperature in degrees FahrenheitB. Average IQ score of a high school classC. Maximum wind speed during a hurricaneD. Average age of college students in yearsE. A student's level of happiness measured from 0 to 10F. Average monthly precipitation in inches Select three examples of data sets that do not have inherent zeros below.A. Average age of college students in yearsB.Average IQ score of a high school classC.Average monthly precipitation in inchesD.Temperature in degrees FahrenheitE.Maximum wind speed during a hurricaneF.A student's level of happiness measured from 0 to 10
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