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What is the influence of culture on social mores and personal values? Explain. To what extent, if any, does cognitive dissonance affects our attitude, culture representations, and the application of a
What is the influence of culture on social mores and personal values? Explain. To what extent, if any, does cognitive dissonance affects our attitude, culture representations, and the application of a Christian worldview? Support your position. 350, APA format, 3 peer reviewn journal articles
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***************** ** ****** Mores *** Personal ********************************************************* is *** ********* ** ******* ** ****** ***** *** ******** ******* ExplainOur ******* and ****** ********* our behaviors so they **** * *** impact on how we ******** **** ****** *** **** ** consider ** ** ********* ** **** ******* is constantly changing ** ** *** ** ********* ** **** ** **** *** ****** ****** **** *** **** to ****** ******* out of **** with their ***** and *** result ** ****** ***** and ******** values **** are *** ** **** **** ********** ******* Culture has * *********** ********* on ****** ***** *** personal ****** ** *** shape *** ******* ****** *** expectations *** it *** ****** *** ** view and ******** **** ****** ******* ************* ****** *** shape ******** ****** ** * number of **** For ******* * ******* **** ****** individualism may ******* personal values **** ** ************ *** self-reliance ***** a ************ culture may ******* ****** **** ** *********** *** *************** Additionally * culture **** ********** ********* *** respect *** ****** *** promote ****** **** ** ******* for ********* *** authority ***** * ******* that ** **** innovative and forward-thinking *** ******* ****** **** ** ********** *** ******** **** ****** ** *** **** ********* ********** ******* *** ******** ******* representations *** *** *********** ** * ********* worldview?Cognitive dissonance *** affect our ******** ** ******* ** ** feel ************* **** we **** two ************* ******* *** example ** we ******* **** ******* ** ******* to *** ****** *** ** continue ** smoke ** *** ********** ********* ********** **** can also lead ** us ********** our behavior ** ************* **** ******* ** not ** harmful ** ** ******* ** ** *********** ********** *** **** ****** *** *** ** ***** * ********* ********* For ******* if ** ******* that ************ ** *** one **** ******** but ** **** *** the ***** ** ***** ********* we may experience cognitive dissonance **** *** **** ** to question our beliefs ** ** *** ** find * *** to reconcile *** ******* **** our ************ **** *** **** ** to downplay *** ********** of ********* ** *** ***** or ** **** **** ** *** *** ***** part of *** ************** cognitive ********** *** ****** *** *** we apply *** Christian ********* *** example ** ** ******* **** ************ ** the *** **** ******** *** ** **** *** *** ***** ** ***** religions ** may ********** ********* ********** **** *** lead ** ** ******** *** beliefs ** to *** ** find a way ** ********* our beliefs **** our ************ *********** **** to **** consistency ******* their ********** ***** **** **** ** ******** **** ************* ************ ** experienced *********** ******* forgo ********** reduction ***** ******** a change ** one ** **** ** ***** cognitions *** ******* adopt ****** ********** ** ****** the ********** ********** **** dissonance *** *** ***** ********* ***** **** when ****** encounter *********** **** ** ************ **** ***** beliefs they *** ********* ** reduce *** ************* ***** ** ********* explaining **** ** ******** *** *** informationMy standCognitive dissonance is *** ****** stress ************ *********** ** * ****** *** ************** ***** two ** **** contradictory ******* ideas or ****** This ****** ** ****** ** *** ******** attempt ** resolve the ************** ** either ******** one of *** ******* ideas ** ****** ** fit the other(s) ** **** ** ******* ** ************* **** *** ** the ******* ***** ** ******** **** ***** cognitive ********** *** **** ****** to abandon ***** current ******* ***** ** values ********** *** ******* * ****** *** ** ****** in * religious ********* *** *** later ***** ** doubt *** ********* of *** *** experience ********* dissonance **** person *** try ** ******* the ********** ** rejecting their ********* ******* ************ ***** cases ********* ********** *** lead people to re-evaluate and change ***** ******* ******* ***** or values For ******* a person *** ** ****** in * ********* household *** *** ***** ** ***** *** ********* ** *** *** ********** cognitive ********** **** person may *** ** resolve *** ********** ** ************* their ********* beliefs *** ******* ******** * **** ******** or liberal **** ** ******** (Harmon-Jones ************** ********** can **** **** ****** to strengthen ***** commitment ** their ******* beliefs ideas ** values ReferencesDe Vos * ***** ********* P * ****** Travel *** cognitive dissonanceTransportation ******** **** A: ****** and *********** 525-536Harmon-Jones E * *************** *********** Reexamining * ******* ****** ** ********** ******** Psychological ***************** * * ****** *** ****** of nursing 2020–2030: Educating *** workforceJournal ** ******* ************** *********