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What is the most common database query language?Question 1 answersSQLMMLC++JavaQuestion 2 text Question 2 1 points ...

What is the most common database query language?Question 1 answersSQLMMLC++Java

Question 2 text Question 2 1 points Save The ability to pass values to modules makes programming much more ____, because independently created modules can exchange information efficiently.Question 2 answersflexiblereliableuniqueinteresting

Question 3 text Question 3 1 points Save When a file holds records sorted in the order in which they were entered, the file is in ____ order.Question 3 answerstemporalalphabeticaldata-entryx

Question 4 text Question 4 1 points Save You need to understand a subroutine's ____ in order to use it.Question 4 answersinternal structurelocal variablesprogramming styleinterface

Question 5 text Question 5 1 points Save What happens during a merging program when both input files contain the same value?Question 5 answersan error occursthe program exitstwo identical records will appear in the merged fileonly one record will appear in the merged file

Question 6 text Question 6 1 points Save How would you determine if a field is blank?Question 6 answerssee if the value = nullsee if the value = BLANKsee if there is no value specifiedthere is no way to tell a blank record

Question 7 text Question 7 1 points Save The questions that cause the database software to extract the appropriate records from a table and specify the fields to be viewed are called ____.Question 7 answersreportsquerieskeysindexes

Question 8 text Question 8 1 points Save Merging files involves combining two or more files while maintaining the ____.Question 8 answerscontentssequential orderprogram codedata

Question 9 text Question 9 1 points Save What type of software is used to run a computer and manage its resources?Question 9 answersdatabaseapplicationoperating systemcommand line

Question 10 text Question 10 1 points Save In a use case, the actual use cases are represented by ____.Question 10 answersrounded rectanglesovalsarrowsstick figures

Question 11 text Question 11 1 points Save What task(s) are involved in designing a database table?Question 11 answersnaming each rownaming each columnnaming each column and providing data typesinserting all the data

Question 12 text Question 12 1 points Save When sorting the values 65, 80, 95, 75, 90, what is the order of the elements after the very first comparison in a selection sort?Question 12 answers65, 80, 95, 75, 9075, 65, 80, 95, 9080, 65, 95, 75, 9065, 75, 85, 90, 95

Question 13 text Question 13 1 points Save Assume an array has the following values: 90, 85, 65, 95, 75. What are the values in the array after the bubble sort has finished?Question 13 answers85, 65, 90, 75, 9585, 90, 65, 75, 9565, 85, 90, 75, 9565, 75, 85, 90, 95

Question 14 text Question 14 1 points Save What is the least common table relationship?Question 14 answersone-to-oneone-to-someone-to-manymany-to-many

Question 15 text Question 15 1 points Save A diagram that shows which screen leads to another is called a(n) ____.Question 15 answersstoryboardobject dictionaryinteractivity diagramflowchart

Question 16 text Question 16 1 points Save ____ contains an extra field in each record that contains a pointer to the next logical record.Question 16 answersA linked listAn indexPhysical memoryRandom-access memory

Question 17 text Question 17 1 points Save ____ is a feature of programs or modules that have been tested and proven to work correctly.Question 17 answersReusabilityExpenseReliabilityEfficiency

Question 18 text Question 18 1 points Save How many loops are there in a bubble sort?Question 18 answers0123

Question 19 text Question 19 1 points Save To create a new object of a class, you must ____ it.Question 19 answersinstantiatederiveinheritenable

Question 20 text Question 20 1 points Save When merging two files, an eof condition is detected in one file. In order to continue processing a ____ value is set in the comparison variable.Question 20 answersdumbhighnullflag

Question 21 text Question 21 1 points Save A device that you can use without understanding the internal workings is a ____.Question 21 answerssubroutineblack boxblue trianglecomputer

Question 22 text Question 22 1 points Save In a(n) ____ the first element in the array is assumed to be the smallest.Question 22 answersbubbleswapselectioninsertion

Question 23 text Question 23 1 points Save Methods in a class that have the same name but different signatures are called ____.Question 23 answersan erroroverloadedoverriddenovertyped

Question 24 text Question 24 1 points Save Where is the best place to put a menu bar?Question 24 answerstop of screenleft side of screenright side of screenbottom of screen

Question 25 text Question 25 1 points Save ____ coupling occurs when two or more modules change one another's data.Question 25 answersCommonNormalExternalPathological

Question 26 text Question 26 1 points Save Assume a customer record contains the fields:

custIdcustNamecustPhoneNumcustNextCustAddressYou could conclude this is part of a(n) ____.Question 26 answersindexlinked listinsertion sortswap

Question 27 text Question 27 1 points Save What type of event is caused by pressing the left mouse button two times in rapid sequence?Question 27 answersmouse pressmouse dragmouse double-clickmouse point

Question 28 text Question 28 1 points Save A good way to tell if a class is a parent or child is to use the ____ test.Question 28 answersis-ahas-aof-aSHAMP

Question 29 text Question 29 1 points Save What type of sort is being performed in the below code?Inline image 24.jpgQuestion 29 answersselectionswapinsertionbubble

Question 30 text Question 30 1 points Save How many different types of table relationships are there?Question 30 answers1234

Question 31 text Question 31 1 points Save The first task that any menu-driven program should perform is ____.Question 31 answersaccept another responsedisplaying the menureading the user responseperforming a module based on user selection

Question 32 text Question 32 1 points Save A method that is called when a new object is created is a(n) ____.Question 32 answersdefinerinitializerconstructorhousekeeping method

Question 33 text Question 33 1 points Save In an object-oriented program, ____ is/are more complete than with the modules used in procedural programs.Question 33 answersencapsulationdata sharingvariable namingdata structures

Question 34 text Question 34 1 points Save If you were creating a subclass of Inventory (see below code), and you wished to override the showInvData method, which of the following method signatures could you use?Inline image 50.jpgQuestion 34 answerspublic showInvData(char desc)public showInvData(num pr)public showInvData(char desc, num pr)public showInvData()

Question 35 text Question 35 1 points Save Which of the following is a dynamic UML diagram?Question 35 answersclassobjectcomponentstatechart

Question 36 text Question 36 1 points Save If the below code is used to run a menu-driven program, what menu option is used to quit the program?Question 36 answers0123

Question 37 text Question 37 1 points Save A ____ module can also be called a dispatcher module, because it dispatches messages to a sequence of more cohesive modules.Question 37 answersmainhousekeepingcleanUplooping

Question 38 text Question 38 1 points Save A rectangular object you can click is a(n) ____.Question 38 answersoption buttonbuttonlabeltext field

Question 39 text Question 39 1 points Save The timing of events in a single use case are shown using a(n) ____ diagram.Question 39 answersobjectcomponentsequencetime-based

Question 40 text Question 40 1 points Save Most windows applications have ____.Question 40 answersgraphical user interfacesconsolesbatch processing capabilitiescommand-line interfaces

Question 41 text Question 41 1 points Save Details about how computer systems work together are part of the ____ discipline.Question 41 answersprogrammingsystem designsystem administrationnetwork configuration

Question 42 text Question 42 1 points Save The numbers 1 3 5 6 7 10 15 are stored in ____ order.Question 42 answersdescendingrandomascendingphysical

Question 43 text Question 43 1 points Save Which of the following would be the best numeric high value?Question 43 answers-99909999999999999

Question 44 text Question 44 1 points Save What step is present in coding an event-driven program but not part of creating a procedural program?Question 44 answersUnderstand the problem.Code the program.Translate the program into machine language.Create storyboards.

Question 45 text Question 45 1 points Save Which of the following is a static UML diagram?Question 45 answersclassstatechartactivitycollaboration

Question 46 text Question 46 1 points Save A basic query is: ____ custId, lastName FROM tblCustomer WHERE state = "WI"Question 46 answersSELECTGRABGROUPINSERT

Question 47 text Question 47 1 points Save Menus are used in ____ programs.Question 47 answersbatchinteractivecommand-lineoffline

Question 48 text Question 48 1 points Save Several programming languages contain a name you can use for a value that occurs when every bit in a byte is an "on" bit, creating a value that is even higher than all Zs or all 9s. For example, in COBOL this value is called ____, and in RPG it is called HIVAL.Question 48 answers99ONHIGHHIGH-VALUES

Question 49 text Question 49 1 points Save Which of the following sorting methods is least efficient?Question 49 answersinsertionselectionbasic bubble sortoptimized bubble sort

Question 50 text Question 50 1 points Save A(n) ____ is unique among all records in a file.Question 50 answersflaglogical orderkey fieldindex

Question 51 text Question 51 1 points Save As well as being natural, icons should be ____.Question 51 answerscreativepredictableuniquebrightly colored

Question 52 text Question 52 1 points Save Another name for data coupling is ____ coupling.Question 52 answersnormaldata-structureexternalinternal

Question 53 text Question 53 1 points Save A child class ____ a parent class when both have a method with the same signature.Question 53 answersoverloadsoverridessubclassesdescends

Question 54 text Question 54 1 points Save It is a good idea to ____ components that cannot be used on a particular screen.Question 54 answersdimbrightendraw a line throughhighlight

Question 55 text Question 55 1 points Save When sorting the values 65, 80, 95, 75, 90, what is the order of the elements after the first element is moved during a selection sort?Question 55 answers65, 80, 95, 75, 9065, 75, 80, 95, 9080, 65, 95, 75, 9065, 75, 85, 90, 95

Question 56 text Question 56 1 points Save You are using bubble sort to sort an array of length 20. How many comparisons should ideally be made on the 3rd pass through the list?Question 56 answers10161719

Question 57 text Question 57 1 points Save What is the first step in writing an event driven program?Question 57 answersTest the program.Define the connections between the screens the user will see.Understand the problem.Define the objects.

Question 58 text Question 58 1 points Save What are signs of amateur design in a GUI?Question 58 answersmenus placed on the top of the screenicons that represent real-world objectsfancy fonts and weird color combinationsallowing the user to customize the background color

Question 59 text Question 59 1 points Save The acronym ____ is used by computer professionals to mean that if you enter invalid input data into an application, the output results will be worthless.Question 59 answersFIFOGIGOMIMONIMP

Question 60 text Question 60 1 points Save When a database program includes counts or totals at the end of each sorted group, its creation is a(n) ____ report.Question 60 answersqueryprimary keygroupedcontrol break

Question 61 text Question 61 1 points Save A housekeeping routine exhibits ____ cohesion.Question 61 answersfunctionaltemporalprocedurallogical

Question 62 text Question 62 1 points Save What action does a merging program take after it writes a record from file 2?Question 62 answerswrites the next entry from file 1writes the next entry from file 2reads the next entry from file 2reads the next entry from file 1

Question 63 text Question 63 1 points Save When you merge records from two or more files, the records (almost) always contain ____.Question 63 answersthe same datathe same fields in the same orderrelated informationunrelated information

Question 64 text Question 64 1 points Save Which of the following is an example of a batch program?Question 64 answersInternet browserairplane reservation systempayroll processing systemword processing program

Question 65 text Question 65 1 points Save When did command line interfaces begin to be replaced with graphical user interfaces?Question 65 answers1950s1960s1970s1980s

Question 66 text Question 66 1 points Save A(n) ____ relationship indicates that a case is part of more than one use case.Question 66 answersextendscenariogeneralizationinclude

Question 67 text Question 67 1 points Save When a program contains multilevel menus, the startUp routine usually displays the ____.Question 67 answerslower-level menusecond-level menusubmenumain menustartperform startUp()while *****perform looping()endwhileperform cleanUp()stop

Question 68 text Question 68 1 points Save What UML diagram has the closest resemblance to a conventional flowchart?Question 68 answerssequenceclassstatechartactivity

Question 69 text Question 69 1 points Save Methods in object-oriented programs have ____ access.Question 69 answersprivatepublicderivedoverloaded

Question 70 text Question 70 1 points Save What is the smallest unit in a data hierarchy?Question 70 answerscharacterfieldrecordfile

Question 71 text Question 71 1 points Save What is the name for a column that uniquely identifies a record?Question 71 answersprimary keyunique keyforeign keytable key

Question 72 text Question 72 1 points Save The mainline logic for a program that merges two files contains a(n) ____ module, a mainLoop() module that repeats until the end of the program, and a finishUp() module.Question 72 answershousekeeping()eof()merge()read()

Question 73 text Question 73 1 points Save When writing a program to match master and transaction methods, what should happen when the value of the master key is equal to the transaction key?Question 73 answersan error has occurred and should be loggedthere are no changes to the masterthe master should be updatedthe transaction should be updated

Question 74 text Question 74 1 points Save Which of the following is NOT an integral component of an object-oriented program?Question 74 answersClassesPolymorphismFlowchartsObjects

Question 75 text Question 75 1 points Save Collections of classes that serve a related purpose are stored in ____.Question 75 answersmoduleslibrariesobjectsinstances

Question 76 text Question 76 1 points Save What is the foreign key in the two related tables: tblCustomers(customerNumber, customerName) tblOrders(orderNumber, customerNumber, orderQuantity, orderItem, orderDate)Question 76 answerstblCustomers.customerNumbertblOrders.orderNumbertblOrders.orderDatetblOrders.customerNumber

Question 77 text Question 77 1 points Save The below code illustrates ____.Question 77 answersswappingselection sortinsertion sortbubble sort

Question 78 text Question 78 1 points Save A class that inherits attributes and methods is a(n) ____ class.Question 78 answerschildparentobjectoverlord

Question 79 text Question 79 1 points Save Which condition is necessary before merging files?Question 79 answersfiles must be the same lengthfiles must contain the same record layoutfiles must contain the same datafiles must not contain any duplicate data

Question 80 text Question 80 1 points Save What is another name for a record in a database?Question 80 answerscharacterrowcolumntable

Question 81 text Question 81 1 points Save To ____ a master file means to make changes to the values in its fields based on transaction records.Question 81 answersdeletemergeupdatecreate

Question 82 text Question 82 1 points Save A ____ file can be used to update a master file.Question 82 answersmergedatatransactiondetail

Question 83 text Question 83 1 points Save A useful way of planning a module is to document input, output, and ____.Question 83 answersargumentssignatureprocessingsyntax

Question 84 text Question 84 1 points Save The tables with the following definitions are related with a ____ relationship. tblCustomers(customerNumber, customerName) tblOrders(orderNumber, customerNumber, orderQuantity, orderItem, orderDate)Question 84 answersone-to-oneone-to-someone-to-manymany-to-many

Question 85 text Question 85 1 points Save A module that performs tasks based on a decision statement has ____ cohesion.Question 85 answersproceduraltemporallogicalfunctional

Question 86 text Question 86 1 points Save Which of the following is an example of an interactive program?Question 86 answerspayroll processing systembilling systeminventory systemlibrary catalog

Question 87 text Question 87 1 points Save Each use case has at least one ____.Question 87 answersscenarioextendgeneralizationstereotype

Question 88 text Question 88 1 points Save You use a ____ diagram to illustrate aspects of a system that show interesting changes in behavior as time passes.Question 88 answerstime-basedcollaborationstatechartsequence

Question 89 text Question 89 1 points Save Assume you set a field value to a specific default. If the user-provided value is incorrect you are said to be ____ the value.Question 89 answerssettlingforcinggougingaccepting

Question 90 text Question 90 1 points Save What type of coupling is used in the below module?Question 90 answersnormaldata-structurecontrolexternal

Question 91 text Question 91 1 points Save Which UML diagram shows the system from the perspective of users?Question 91 answersuse casestatechartactivity diagramcollaboration diagram

Question 92 text Question 92 1 points Save Records in a ____file are matched with records in a ____ file.Question 92 answersdata, printertransaction, masterreport, datatransaction, parent

Question 93 text Question 93 1 points Save Assume you want to swap two variables a, and b. What would the first line of pseudocode in your program look like?Question 93 answersa = bb = atemp = 1temp = a

Question 94 text Question 94 1 points Save When writing a program to match master and transaction methods, what should happen when the value of the transaction key is greater than the master?Question 94 answersthere is no change to the masteran error has occurred and should be loggedthe master should be updatedthe transaction should be updated

Question 95 text Question 95 1 points Save What sort compares pairs of items and swaps them if the first is greater than the second?Question 95 answersswap sortbubble sortselection sortinsertion sort

Question 96 text Question 96 1 points Save What type of event is caused by placing the mouse pointer over an area on the screen?Question 96 answersmouse pressmouse dragmouse double-clickmouse point

Question 97 text Question 97 1 points Save You can circumvent potential problems caused by a user's invalid data entries by ____ the user's input.Question 97 answersgroupingdenyingvalidatingmodifying

Question 98 text Question 98 1 points Save How is a program that processes two files different from a program that processes one?Question 98 answersthe loop uses a flag variablethe loop stops when one file is at eofthe files must be processed one at a timethere is no way to check for eof

Question 99 text Question 99 1 points Save What company is responsible for the development of UML?Question 99 answersIBMMicrosoftRationalBell Labs

Question 100 text Question 100 1 points Save What is the mean value for the following numbers?1 2 20 30 40 50 100Question 100 answers3034.7150100

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