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What is the most significant influence of social heuristics on social roles? Why? Are heuristic strategies more likely than controlled deliberate self-control in prosocial behaviors? Explain. Are thes
What is the most significant influence of social heuristics on social roles? Why? Are heuristic strategies more likely than controlled deliberate self-control in prosocial behaviors? Explain. Are these strategies more likely in situations that require time or money? Why or why not? 350, APA format, 3 peer review journal articles
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**************** ************************************************************* ** *** **** *********** ********* ** social ********** ** ****** ****** ********** ********** *** ***** of ***** **** ** use to **** decisions ** ****** ********** They are ***** on *** **** *********** *** *** observations ** ***** people's behavior Heuristics *** general decision-making strategies **** ****** use to ******* arrive ** * judgment ****** ********** *** ***** **** ******* other people *** *** used ** ******** ****** ********** **** common ****** ********** ******* *** *********** *** **** ** thumb: **** ********* ** **** **** ****** ********* about ***** ****** It involves ***** past *********** ** generalizations ** make *********** ***** *********** ********* ** ********** *** ************ ********** **** ******** ** used ** ***** *** ****** ********* ** ***** on *** ****** ** ***** ** **** *** ******* ****** ***** *** **** ********* ** estimate ***** ********** of ***** in a *** accident ***** ** *** **** *** ********* ********* **** in *** **** *********** The ****** proof ********** **** ********* ****** ** *** **** that ****** *** **** ****** ** ** something ** they *** ****** ***** ** For ******* ****** might ** **** ****** ** *** * product if they *** that ****** popular ** ****** mediaThe most *********** ********* ** ****** heuristics ** social ***** ** **** they provide * way for ****** to ******* *** ****** ******** which ****** role **** ****** ****** ** *** given ********* ******** 2018) ** using social ********** ****** can **** time *** ****** that would ********* ** spent trying ** ****** *** *** best *** to *** ** * ********** ********* Additionally ****** ********** can **** people ** ***** ********* ****** ********* ** ******** **** ** ******* and ****** ******** the **** way ** *** ** a given situation make judgments about ****** that *** *** ** ************** ********** **** * *********** **** ** ****** roles by ******* ******** ************ and ******* about the ***** They can also influence how ****** ****** in ****** ********** *** ******* if ****** believe that men *** **** likely **** ***** ** be aggressive they *** ** **** ****** to *** aggressively towards ****** ********* ********** **** ****** **** ********** deliberate ************ ** ********* ********** ******* There ** no ********** ****** ** this question as ** depends ** *** ********** *** *** ********* However ** ******* ********* strategies are **** likely ** ****** ** ********* behaviors ******* they ******* less cognitive ****** *** *** **** ****** ** **** ** ********* behaviors (Crawley ********* & ******** ***** ************ ********* ********** *** **** likely to ** ********** **** *** ****** are low *** ***** ** *** * *** ** **** ** deliberative ***** the **** ****** of ****** **** ****** *** find **** ********* ********** *** **** ****** ** **** ** ********* ********* ***** ****** *** find **** ********** ********** ************ is more ************ ***** strategies more ****** in ********** that require time ** ****** Why ** why **** ***** ** ** simple ****** ** **** ******** ** ******* ********* strategies are **** likely ** ** used ** ********** **** require **** ** money ** *** ********** has ******* ********* ** if *** task ** ******* and ********* to ******* In general ********** **** require **** time *** ** more ********* in ********** **** ******* **** time while ********** that ******* **** ***** *** ** **** ********* in ********** **** ******* **** ***** (Dwyer ***** Heuristic ********** *** **** likely ** ** **** ** ********** that ******* **** time ****** ***** **** ** ******* ********* ********** *** ********* **** ************** ****** **** expensive **** more ********** *** ************* approachesReferencesCrawley R * ********* R J & Kleinman * (1990) *** use ** ********* strategies ** the ************** of ******** ******* ** Psycholinguistic ******** ***** ************ * * (1974) Heuristic ********** *** ***** ********* ** enrich ********* ************* Journal ** Man-Machine ******* 6(2) ************** * (2018) The *** of heuristic ********** ** ********* ********** *** ***** *******