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What significant events were occurring in England

What significant events were occurring in England and North America at the time that The Wealth Of Nations was written ?

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**** Smith was ******* ** to **** ******* ************** ****** ****** *** beginning ** the ********** ********** ***** took notes *** **** ************ ** ************ ***** ********* ** **** time ********** ******** *** ******** ********** ***** ***** ** years of ***** *** 10 years ** producing *** **** ** **** ***** finally ********* ** ******* to the Wealth ** Nations ***** ******* * **** ********* application *** ******** economic ****** **** ******** *** ***** ** the ************ ******** ******** ***** **** ******** **** ******** ** **** **** ** industrial *********** *** innovation The **** dwelt **** ***** ****** such as *** division ** labour **** ******* *** *************


argued **** the **** way to ********** ****** *** ** ***** gold and ******** ** ***** **** *** outside ***** *** **** *** **** ******* ****** sell ***** goods and ******** ** other ********* *** refrain **** ****** ******** **** them ******* ***** ** imposing ***** tariffs **** ******* *** international trade ***** ******** ** *** ************ ******* ****** *** economic ****** is automatic *** ** ************* ** capable of ********** ****** ***** ******** **** ********** ** *** ‘invisible *********** *** invisible **** is the automatic ******* *** distribution ********* ** the ******* **** ****** **** producers *** ********* ****** in exchange However **** *************** ******* ***** ********** by ********** ******** groups *** preferences and ********** ******** to **** ******** ******* ** *** ******* ** *** ******* ** ****** *** centre ** ************* **** *** **** ************* natural ******** ******* self-interest resulted ** a ************** prosperity ** ******** ********** ************ *** ******** ** ***** ***** ****** and opening ******* ** **** domestic *** foreign competition ************** ******* ************* ***** ** ********* ********* leading ********** ***** ** **** achieved **** ********* government restrictions Smith’s


*********** ** **** happened ** ******** not only **** the ****** upheavals ** the ****** ********** *** *** ******** Revolution but also with the ********* ** *** *** ********** revolution **** **** ** wealth ******** ** * larger ***** **** had **** **** *********** before As *** ******** Revolution began Smith **** ******* *** *** ******** revolution *** ******** ******* ** this **** ********* *** ************ kind ** economic system **** Europeans nation’s **** *** ** ***** the ****** ** ******* to its ******** *** other nations while ******** ******* **** **** **** accumulating **** *** ****** *** mercantilist ******* ******** **** *** more **** *** ****** **** accumulated *** **** ****** **** ********* ******** ************ was ***** on * network ** subsidies **** ******* ******** privileges and ******************* ********** **** **** of * ****** benefited ******** ************* and merchants It also ******** ****** ******* ***** and ******** ******** growth *** **** a large ****** ** ********* impoverished Smith argued that * free-market system combined **** **** trade ***** ****** real ****** ********** *** ****** classes *** *** **** *** privileged few *** ********


implemented ******** **** ******** *** ********* ****** colonies) ** export ******* ***** *** ******** **** to ******* *** Americans **** also ******** ** ship ***** ******* ** ******* ships ***** *** ******** of ***** restrictions ********* ******* *********** in power Smith ********** that *** ******** ********* **** victims of Britain’s ********** ******** and **** ***** ** ****** *** ******* government ** *** *** American colonies ** ********** ** ***** *** *** *** ******** *** **** ** *** British **** ** ** maintaining ******** ** trade the American colonies *** **** **** much **** than they *** gained On *** American **** ***** declared **** denying *** American ****** *** ******* ** ****** their *** **** ********* and ******** ******* *** * ***** injustice ******** ** **** *** American ******** ******** *** authority ** the ******* Parliament ** tax **** *** to ****** laws ********* **** without ******** representatives ** the ********** The American ********** **** ***** ******* 1765 *** **** ****** ***** *** ******** colonies ******** *** British ******** *** aristocracy ********* *** ******* ********* and ******* United ****** ** America ************* ****** **


*** * **** ****** ***** the ******* number of ********* of ****** and *** ******** *********** ****** ****** ** ******* ** **** ********* ******* still ******** ********** ****** ***** ****** * ***** ** ************ ** *** ****** industrial *********** In *** **** **** the ** revolutionists *** ****** *** **** the ********* ************ Smith’s **** provided theoretical back up *** the ******* numbers ** ********* ** ********* ******* *** ********* *********** *** ********** ** **** **** * ************* ********* ** ***** ****** and fight *** ** ********* ********** ***** *** certain **** ***************** control **** ************** ******** *********** *** strangling ********** growth ** ****** **** *** ******** ** ********** *** *** **** *** ************** economy would **** ** *** ****** of industrial *********** **** ****** for *********** **** ***** ******** ** ******** ** *** markets *** ******** ** ***** *** inefficient ***** ****** ********* of production ***** *** **** *** demands of *** ****** New ******* ** ********** **** ********* ******** ** ****** **** up thereby enhancing ************ ***** *** bourgeoisie **** * ****** ***** ** individuals *** ***** ** *********** *** ********* ** ***** ******** them ** **** conducted ***** in their *** ********* ********** ***** A ******








of ****** ** nations ***** Books of the Western World *** ** *******

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